The flame has gradually approached this side, and the sea of ​​fire has spread from a distance soon. Most of the buildings in Wano Kingdom are mainly made of wood, which is an excellent accelerant for flames. The speed of flame spread is extremely amazing. It is estimated that Before long, the entire flower capital will turn into a sea of ​​fire.

A group of people are still rushing out of the sea of ​​​​fire, and if you don't hurry up, isn't it too helpless to be wiped out by the flames without seeing the enemy's face? It's kind of miserable.

It wasn't just the flames that held them back, there were other things, like—

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

Above the sky, countless dense warheads bombarded this side.


Jin's forehead was full of blue veins, "It's really endless!"

It's really helpless. The opponent's attack can harass them across half the city, but they can't do anything about the other party. They can only be beaten helplessly. The shelling is really a very painful thing. In fact, in such a short period of time, the entire legion has already had a huge reduction in personnel.

How can the Beast Pirates, who are already very belligerent, bear it? They have always been the only ones who bullied others. How can they be ridden on the neck like now?

Kim was gnashing his teeth.

"I'll come!"

The black charcoal snake beside him chuckled, and his hand was already on the hilt of the sword at his waist, "I'm better at this kind of thing."


Jin squinted at him, you are good at it, so where have you been in the previous rounds?


With a low shout, the long knife suddenly came out of its sheath, and the black charcoal snake held the knife in both hands, as if lightning was radiating from it, exuding amazing power.


The pitch-black slash rushed into the sky!

Your Excellency General is like holding a huge black knife, and the terrifying slash that runs through the sky has even overwhelmed the light of the flame! The sky was darkened by this blow.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The black giant blade swept past, and in the sky, the dense warheads exploded instantly, and were swept away by the black charcoal snake's slash, and nothing was missed.


Slowly heaving a sigh of relief, the black charcoal snake gently put the sword back into the sheath, with a brisk smile on his face, "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life."

"Now that it's settled, don't stand still!"

Jin didn't appreciate it at all, he didn't have a good opinion of this guy, "Hurry up! The Fire Dragon Pirates are over there!"

"I'm afraid this won't work!"

His Excellency the general of the country of Wano opened his mouth and said, "It seems that I can't pass it!"


Jin Yi was stunned, "You said- um?"

He turned his head instantly and looked forward, "Who is it? Come out for me!"

Although he is not particularly good at seeing and seeing, but in fact, at the level of gold, there are no obvious shortcomings. Of course, the domineering cultivation of seeing and hearing is also very amazing.


In front, the dense houses were split open in an instant, and before anyone appeared, the violent slashes had already come to attack the front station, and the roaring slashes came rushing like a flood.


The black charcoal snake chuckled and put his hand on the saber at his waist.


The pitch-black slashes were bombarded by the whistling slashes!


The azure blue slash and the pitch-black slash collided in an instant, entwined, swirled, and charged directly into the sky, like a spiral tower.

"The sharp sword energy that can be smelled from far away,"

The black charcoal snake smiled, "It's been a long time,"


It's like saying hello to old friends.

Not far away, in the center of the cracked house, a man with two swords walked out,

"Kill you!"

He said so.



Looking at the guys who suddenly appeared in front, Sand Crocodile frowned and said, "Why do government hyenas appear in such a place?"

"Oh! Crocodile, Eustace Kidd, Skulachman Apo, and,"

The two parties faced each other, and there was a deep laughter from under the mask of one person headed by CP0, "Straw hat boy, Monkey? D? Luffy, I'm not surprised at all why you guys are here!"

"What kind of guy!"

The straw hat tilted his head, "Is Kaido's subordinate?"

"Didn't you already tell me, bastard,"

Kidd looked very annoyed, "Don't you even listen to others? These guys are CP0s!"


Straw Hat's eyes turned solemn, "Is that CP of CP9?"

Of course, it is unforgettable. Wasn't it the CP9 stationed in Judicial Island who sent their entire regiment to the advance city two years ago? The straw hat is still impressed by the man named Rob Luigi! The feeling of powerlessness at that time definitely did not want to experience it a second time.

"An enemy?"

Jumping down from the giant dog in the back and landing next to the straw hat, the green-haired swordsman and the curly-browed chef had rather serious expressions.

"That sword is not bad!"

Zoro's eyes lit up, staring at the long sword on the waist of the guy on the opposite side with anticipation.

"Sword? That sword—"

After being reminded by the three swordsmen, Crocodile immediately noticed the long knife on the waist of the guy on the opposite side, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You guy, it's Shiliu!"

The characteristics are quite obvious. Although Shiliu quickly turned against the water in the top war, he was still a partnership after fighting side by side for a period of time. Sand Crocodile was quite familiar with each other's saber.


He threw the mask on his face to the side, and the exposed face was the former head of the prison, Shiliu of the Rain, whose big chin was as conspicuous as a white beard.

"Looks like a good time! Shiryu,"

Sand Crocodile laughed, his tone was a bit mocking, "Following the government's buttocks, I must have eaten a lot of bones, right?"

"This guy really can't speak!"

Behind Another person directly lifted the mask, revealing the face of a middle-aged woman, the crescent moon hunter, Katerina Dai Peng.

"Kill them? Shiliu,"

Another person unmasked, with a huge rosacea, a big barrel, Basque Choate.

"Hey hey hey,"

Another person showed his face, the king of evil, Abalo Pizarro, "The straw hat boy is also there. If you kill them, it will be a great achievement, right? The government will reward us greatly!"

"Cut! Do you have to fight these guys before the fire dragon?"

Kidd looked a little unhappy, "That's enough!"

"No, don't get me wrong,"

Shiliu said, "I don't mean to go to war! Our goals are the same! The fire dragon is our goal, I think—"

"We can work together!"


Some lazy business came from one side, "Really, I heard it from far away, even if I wanted to ignore it, I couldn't do it! There are so many bugs looking for death!"


"This guy-"

"When did it appear?"

Everyone turned their heads, and I didn't know when, a man was already standing on the house next to him, looking lazy, with four golden drums on his back.

"Lightning Thunder—"

Kidd's face was heavy.


Shiliu gripped the handle of the knife tightly.

"Really, do you all want to trouble us?"

Anilu tilted her head, "Then—"

"Come on together!"

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