Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 85: People you know

Malin Fando, the headquarters of the navy, may be the most heavily defended and terrifying place in the world. There is no doubt that this is the forbidden place for pirates, the holy land of the navy, and the center of justice.

At this moment, the navy headquarters was not calm. A news that came not long ago completely broke the tranquility of Marin Vando, and the generals of the navy quickly began to assemble in the office.


The door of the office was pushed open, and a tall curly-haired man walked in, with a lazy expression on his face, looking a little surprised when the admirals in the office were full.


"Is this what happened?"

The visitor found a place to sit down on his own, leaned leisurely on the back of the chair, and asked lightly, "I was really startled, I haven't seen such a big battle in a long time."

"Kuzan, you're back!"

The man sitting at the top, the Admiral of the Navy, the Warring States of Buddha said: "How is the mission accomplished?"

"Mission? It's a shame, it failed!"

The person here is none other than the man Vlad met in the new world before, the highest combat power in the world government, and one of the three major generals of the Navy headquarters, Qingzhi Kuzan, this man scratched his curly head, but his face was full of surprises. There is no embarrassment of mission failure.

"The whereabouts of that man is really not easy to find!"

Kuzan said with some embarrassment, "Really, I finally managed to go all the way to the new world."

"It's a pity to return without success!"


Warring States put his chin on his hands, and said with some understanding: "That's right, if it was so easy to catch that man's whereabouts, it would be so easy to find him, and he wouldn't be a big problem for the government."


"Clap clap clap!"

The tall, white-haired old man walked to Aokiji's side, and slapped Aokiji's shoulder with a huge slap. The sound of slaps echoed in the small office.

"Kuzan, you kid, isn't this a free trip to the new world?"

The old man's name is Karp, Monkey-D-Carp, a man known as a naval hero, at this moment really looks unreliable, "I'm so envious, when people get old, their health is not good, and the old man also wants to go Have a good time."

"Hey, Warring States, the old man also wants to take a vacation!"

The old man was like an old child, and the admirals in the office couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

"Mr. Karp—" Aokiji was a little helpless, this old man was really worrying.


The veins on Zhan Guo's forehead were violent, and the anger was completely uncontrollable. Even his old partner who had been with him for decades could not bear this old man's heartlessness.

"Asshole, who do you think Kuzan is chasing? Whose son do you think that **** boy in Dorag is! Do you know that your **** bastard son has become the government's confidant!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Karp stretched out his right hand and picked his nostrils, not paying any attention to Sengoku's roar, he laughed loudly: "That boy Dorag is really amazing, as expected of my son!"


The Warring States broke out completely: "You bastard!"

"Okay, Warring States, this is not what we are discussing now!"

The thin old woman sitting on the side said in a low tone, "There are more important things now."

This old woman is none other than the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the Chief Admiral of the Navy, Vice Admiral Crane, an old senior who joined the Navy in the same session as Kapu Zefa of the Warring States Period, "Kap, you also need to be quiet!"

"Hahaha, Warring States, look, Xiaohe is not as irritable as you!"

Mr. Karp is still laughing and laughing as always.

"You... forget it..."

Warring States slumped back to his position, and he was helpless to his old friend.

"Now let's talk about this guy who came out of nowhere!"

The Warring States tone was solemn, and he said solemnly.

"Just a guy who has offended justice and must not be tolerated!"

The man sitting next to Aokiji with his arms crossed his chest, Akainu Sakaski's tone was heavy with murderous intent.

"Only by thoroughly suppressing these righteous guys who dare to offend the navy, can the sea be truly peaceful."

General Akainu is still as ruthless as ever.

"Alara, this is true,"

Aokiji's distressed right hand propped up his chin on the table, and asked lazily, "Isn't anyone telling me what happened?"

Aokiji is a little distressed, feeling abandoned by the world, and it feels very sad that everyone knows the only thing that he doesn't know.

"Al, Kuzan, you don't know!"

The wretched middle-aged man in a righteous cloak and a yellow-striped suit asked in surprise, this man, without a doubt, is a man who is listed among the three major generals of the Navy Headquarters with the Aokiji Akainu, known as Boer of the Kizaru. Salino.

"It's a big event!"

Kizaru's tone is very strange, and there is a three-point strange tone in the slowness. How should I put it, it is really annoying, and with his wretched old face, he is really a man who feels very bad just by looking at his face. .

"Big event?"

Aokiji was a little surprised, "How big is the event?"

"It just happened yesterday. When the news came back, it scared a lot of people."

Kizaru explained with a smile: "The pirate guerrilla team formed by Mr. Zefa~www.readwn.com~ that black-armed Mr. Zefa was defeated by a group of pirates yesterday, mercilessly defeated. what."


Qingzhi is really shocked now, Zefa is his teacher and one of his most respected elders. He can't trust Zefa's strength. He is a man who once served as a naval admiral, even if It was the loss of a hand and the torment of disease, but it is definitely not something that ordinary pirates can defeat. Could it be that the Four Emperors have arrived in Paradise?

"Oh, it's really unimaginable, that's a group of new pirates going to sea, there are only three pirates in total, and they have completely defeated Teacher Zefa's fleet, Teacher Zefa. I’m still lying on the hospital bed, I heard that it was the pirates who saved Teacher Zefa’s life, this is really…”

There is something strange in Kizaru's tone. He and Zefa are not on good terms. He has been a little bit incompatible since a long time ago in the boot camp, but he still recognizes Zefa's strength very much. The pirates were defeated by the pirates, and they were also let go by the pirates. Kizaru felt very strange.


Aokiji sat up straight: "This is really a big event!"

"Do the new pirates have such strength now?"

What a joke, a rookie pirate who has just gone to sea has the strength to defeat the former general of the navy, is the navy still messed up?

"Look, Kuzan, what those pirates look like!"

Kizaru handed over a few pieces of paper, his tone erratic.

"Hey hey hey, no? This is really a big surprise!"

Qingzhi took it over, glanced at it, and a shocked expression hung on his face instantly. There is no doubt that he knew the arrogant guy above.

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