Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 88: The first of fire dragon

The chef, who was relieved of his doubts and worries, went back to the kitchen to make dessert for Vlad with a relaxed face. Vlad, who was seriously injured, thought that he urgently needed a lot of desserts to supplement sugar, otherwise the recovery of the injury would definitely be affected. Yes, there is no doubt that sugar is the most important self-healing factor for the human body, Vlad has always thought so.

Life without sugar is not perfect. A day without sugar intake is very sad. Although Vlad doesn't like sweets, he believes in it very much. After all, it's a very simple truth. Eating dessert will make you feel tired. He believes that this kind of experience is not his own patent. There must be many people who will have this experience.

Vlad was basking in the sun lazily, and the mild sunlight falling on him was really comfortable. I have to say that it is really a very pleasant thing to relax and rest after a war. After the battle of life and death, people will feel the love and desire for life from the heart.

With the warm sunlight, Vlad gradually fell asleep. There was no way. The sailing life was boring enough. Now he was injured and tied into a zongzi. There were fewer things to do, and only Go to sleep to pass the time.

"Hey, why is the price going up again!"

In a daze, Vlad heard the slightly annoyed voice of the maid.

"What? Will it go up later?"

"A profiteer! All profiteers!"


"Do you still want to run?"

The maid's voice was a little angry, and Vlad opened his eyes in a daze. What he saw in his eyes was that the maid fired a shot in the sky, and a white thing fell.

"Hey, chef, take it to stew!"

Baby-5 picked up the news bird that had fallen on the ground, and his tone was still full of anger. He even dared to sell a newspaper for 500 baileys. It really was a money grab.

"This is a little bad, isn't it?"

Dino walked out of the cabin and saw the news bird held by the maid, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Although some pirates with insufficient food will use the news bird as reserve food, but they are not short of food, it is a bit bad to eat the news bird. ? The sea can rely on these birds to transmit information.

"You just say do it or not!"

The chef's indecisive attitude made the maid very upset. She has always been a resolute person: "Or, as a chef, do you want to waste ingredients?"


The chef was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright then!"

The chef didn't talk much. He took the news bird and walked into the cabin. He had already decided to make a roast bird tonight. Although it feels a little bad to eat the news bird, it's not good to waste food, right? As a chef on the sea, Dino deeply understands the value of food, and any waste is shameful.

"Maid, give me a newspaper!"

Now that he's awake, he doesn't want to sleep anymore, Vlad said loudly, reading the newspapers to pass the time is better than lying on the reclining chair for a few days with the clouds coming.

"My captain, don't look like you can't move, okay?"

The maid came over and handed over a newspaper very wisely, and her tone was not very good: "Aren't you a lot better? You were not slow to grab something to eat last night!"

Vlad took a piece of the newspaper and said earnestly: "Silly boy, he uses another body when he grabs something to eat, how can he treat it equally?"

"Where did the strange theory come from!"

The lady maid also obeyed her own captain's stinky shame.


Vlad unfolded the newspaper, and suddenly a few thin sheets of paper slipped out.

Vlad picked up one of them, and his pupils shrank instantly.

"Hey, Wu Hahaha, this is really interesting!"

Vlad laughed: "It's going to be fun now!"

On the thin piece of paper, Vlad's frantic smile was particularly conspicuous. There was no doubt that this was a wanted notice.

"This time, it can be regarded as famous in the sea, right?"

Vlad muttered to himself.


Newsbirds are flying all over the world, announcing the recent old news to all parts of the world. Given the limitations of transportation and communication, the title of Newsbirds is really unworthy of the name.

And on this day, the most eye-catching news, without a doubt, was news about a man. The man's name was Vlad, Ferdinando Vlad. This little-known man was instantly lost. Famous for the sea.

As a rookie pirate, this man has made the whole world remember him with his amazing initial reward in just one day. Everyone knows that another powerful pirate has appeared in the sea. An amazing guy has appeared.


"Vlad, Vlad!!"

The extremely bloated and tall woman looked like a mountain of meat. A terrifying roar came from her mouth. The amazing sound even made people a little unsteady. This woman is not someone else, or it is impossible for anyone else to have it. There is only one woman in the entire sea who possesses such power, her name is Charlotte Lingling, the biological mother of Ferdinando Vlad.

"You disobedient brat, isn't it dead yet?"

Charlotte Lingling was naturally extremely annoyed by Vlad's betrayal. Although she dreamed of building a great country where all races could coexist peacefully, only disobedient guys were not needed.

"Katakuri! Katakuri!"

The aunt shouted the name of her most trusted son.

"I'm here, Mom."

With the scarf covering the lower half of his face, Katakuri stepped forward and responded softly.

"Go to ~www.readwn.com~ kill him, kill him, go kill this **** Vlad!"

Charlotte Lingling's huge face approached Katakuri in an instant, with naked killing intent on her face, she hated guys who disobeyed her orders, very annoying.

"Mom, this can't be done, lick lick,"

Katakuri hadn't spoken yet, another man spoke, his name was Charlotte Perospero, Charlotte's oldest son, "We don't know where that kid Vlad is, **** him and lick him. ?"


There was a short silence, followed by an angry roar: "Go and find that bastard! Betrayer is not allowed to live in this world!"


All the ministers answered in unison.

"Vlad, why are you still showing up!"

Charlotte Katakuri thought to herself: "Isn't it bad to live? Why do you still appear in front of your mother, you kid, why are you not obedient!"


"Hey, Ace, look, I found something amazing!"

In the new world, a nameless island, a group of pirates were grooming, and a girl named Iska trotted to Ace with a wanted notice in her hand, "Look, an amazing guy has appeared. "


Ace received the wanted order, and then showed the expression as expected: "I knew this guy would definitely be famous! Fire dragon? No wonder I thought he was pleasing to the eye at the time!"


Iska's expression was a little hesitant: "Do you really have to do it?"

"Ah, it must be done!"

Ace's expression was extremely firm.

"Even if I die, I will try it!"

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