Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 887: Listen to Im telling a story

Lean under the tall walls and listen to Im telling stories from the past, which is what Vlad is all doing now.

"Everything started from that day."

Yimu raised his head and seemed to be looking at the huge island floating in the sky, as if he was looking at the king.

"No one would have thought that in the sky so far away from us, there is still the existence of intelligent life. It is actually such a powerful guy."

Im sounds like a self-deprecating look.

"If it's a little shameful to go out, almost all the technology on the sea now comes from the aliens. In the era we lived in, this sea was full of chaos, order, peace, tranquility, and grew in peace. Little devil, you can't understand the fear that chaos brings."

"So, then? And what happened?"

Of course Vlad knew that the aliens Im was talking about were the lunar men who lived on the moon 800 years ago, but had to move to Qinghai because of resource exhaustion. What he was more curious about was that these aliens What kind of chaos did your arrival in Qinghai cause? What was the result? What color have you brought to the world?

"Joey Boy and I have known each other since we were very young. We are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, right?"

Im's tone was very emotional, and he glanced at Vlad casually, "You have had shelter from the very beginning, and you who have power will not understand, in the constant killing, the constant killing, the constant The struggle is on the line of survival, and all we long for is a peaceful and peaceful life! But such a life is like this, it is impossible to achieve!"

"Until the arrival of heaven and man!"

The advent of the Moon Man brings peace to this Qinghai.

Im began to describe for Vlad the chaos above the sea 800 years ago. That was really the worst era. In fact, for the youngest children, being able to see the sun the next day was already something that moved them. How long do you live on the sea, the chaos and **** wars have been sweeping the sea.

Until that day, the huge island that fell from the sky made the whole world lose its voice.

The shock brought by the lunar man was so heart-pounding. When Imm said this, Vlad nodded frantically. He really understood this feeling very well. For example, this kind of feeling might be like In a previous life, it felt like an alien suddenly came in front of a spaceship, right?

Humans are always afraid of the unknown. Therefore, it is only natural that the lunar men, who have very different cultural languages ​​and even their appearances, have fallen from the sky and appeared in this blue sea. It is only natural that this happened, and the spearhead of the war began to turn on these foreigners. turn.

Although there is no shortage of all kinds of intrigues and tricks, it is certain that the war did happen, Im told Vlad.

Although the moon people did not hold any strong hostility towards the Qinghai people. However, as an advanced civilization, the sense of contempt for backward civilization is still engraved in their bones. The attitude of Qinghai people is more of a kind of sympathy, a mentality of respect, sympathy for their backwardness, and sympathy for their backwardness. their cruelty and savagery.

But this is not the reason why the Lunarians can forgive the Qinghai people for attacking them indiscriminately. On the contrary, although Lunarians are peace-loving, they are newcomers and want to survive in the Qinghai Sea. At the very least, they must have a strong deterrent to the surrounding countries. For a country and a nation, being weak is the original sin, so the moon people also began to show their strength.

The battle didn't take too long. Both sides found that the strength of the other was far beyond their imagination.

Naturally, the Qinghai people didn't need to say more, they were really taken aback by the technological prowess displayed by the moon people, just like what Im said. At that time, Qinghai did not have the skill of science and technology. The sea was a fist and sword, a paradise for domineering users.

Therefore, when the boat that the moon people took to Qinghai at that time, that is, the king of the sky, Urano, which is now controlled by Im, was running across the sea recklessly, the reality quickly taught them a lesson, suspended high in the sky, not at all. What they can reach, and the astronomical weapons that Uranos has, can easily manipulate the weather, so it is really a very simple thing to destroy the island and kill the country.

In that war, there were not a few countries destroyed by the King of Heaven, and the heroes on the sea were already frightened.

But at the same time, while the wars are advancing one after another, and the momentum is overwhelming, the moon people are also shocked by the terrifying power displayed by the Qinghai people. They never thought that the physical fitness of human beings can reach such a level. In the eyes of the powerhouses at sea, it is nothing but a pile of broken copper and iron.

Before the new sequence of robots is researched, the only one who can protect their lives is this heavenly king. But even the Heavenly King is a little weak when facing the guys in Qinghai who are called devil fruit ability. of.

The consequence of this is that ~www.readwn.com~ Qinghai people have been beaten by the moon people, but at the same time, the situation of the moon people is also very difficult. Even the most basic material supplies are very cautious. If you are not careful, you will be attacked by Qinghai powerhouses.

Fortunately, this war did not last long. When the Lunarians realized that demonstrations were enough, they began to actively seek negotiations.

After all, they just wanted to migrate, not really want to compete with the residents of this sea.

The war stopped like this, and the Moon people themselves had a huge advantage. If they continued to fight, the Qinghai people knew very well that their side might not have a chance of winning.

The lunar man's request was granted, and they found an island large enough in the sea. Amid the worries and curiosity from all the nations of the world, from the inhabitants outside the world, a brand new nation was established here, out of their hands.

Now, 800 years later, the island, known as Ralph Drew, is naturally where Vlad stands now.

Since that day, the Qinghai Sea has begun to change dramatically.

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