Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 90: The first of fire dragon

"Lord Tezzolo?"

Baccara stood respectfully behind Tezzolo, looking at Tezzolo with a somewhat happy expression, with some doubts in his heart. Tezzolo has always been unremarkable, and such a happy expression is rare. .


Tezzolo gently picked up a book and suppressed the wanted notice, turned around, and chuckled, "What do you think about Vlad?"


Baccara was a little unclear, so why did she suddenly mention this person? She didn't have a good impression of Vlad. She didn't forget the fire that raged in Guran Tesolo that night. That man was in this ship. She still remembered the destruction of the ship. Although she didn't know what shady deals he had with Lord Tezolo, it didn't change his bad impression of Vlad.

"It's amazing!"

Baccarat tried his best to organize the language, "In terms of strength, he is indeed a very powerful guy. Although I didn't see it before, there is no doubt that Vlad is indeed a very powerful guy."

"A man who can fight that level with Lord Tezzolo is rare in the sea!"

Baccarat had a feeling of lingering fear in his heart. That night, the feeling of powerlessness in the face of that man resurfaced in his heart. He was really a very strong man.

"Yeah, in terms of strength alone, that guy Vlad is amazing enough!"

Tezzolo walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the bustling lights in the distance, and sighed: "Really a very strong guy, Vlad."

Baccarat did not speak.

"Really a very powerful guy, not just strength!"

Tezzolo smiled. He really thought Vlad was an amazing guy, not just now, but in the future. Now is just a small beginning, and the real great things have to wait for the future.

"Really, Vlad, you are strengthening my confidence in you step by step!"

Tezzolo thought silently in his heart, "Don't make me wait too long, Vlad, I can't wait, I can't wait to make the future you describe come true!"

"How long do I have to wait! You kid!"


"Fire Dragon Vlad?"

"Is it the dragon fruit of the animal-type phantom beast?"

"Boss, great fruit!"

The thick and arrogant man held a wanted notice in his hand that was extremely narrow relative to his hand, and said excitedly.

"Illusory beast? It's really rare!"

A man as tall as a hill, with big muscle pimples all over his body, Kaido the beast poured alcohol into his mouth and said, "This kid really has got great power!"


Kaido suddenly burst out laughing: "What a pity, hahaha, why, why is such a great fruit not here, I originally wanted to build an army of animals, isn't it a pity not to have the ability of this fruit? "

"Hahahahaha! What a pity!"

The vigorous laughter and slightly dejected words do not match at all, and it does seem to be a very happy thing.

"Boss, don't worry, I'll go get this kid back right away!"

The tall man patted his chest and said.


The huge mace appeared in Kaido's hands at some point, and it directly swept away the man who stood up and pledged to take Vlad back.


It was like a howitzer was fired, and the man who was blown away directly slammed into a mountain in the distance, only to hear the constant roar, that mountain actually collapsed, the beast Kaido, worthy of being an immortal body And a man known for his terrifying arm strength.

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Kaido roared: "This kid, this fire dragon kid, is my prey!"

"Master Jin!!"

The pirates under him ran to the collapsed hill in horror, and shouted in worry.


The tall man scratched his head and walked out of the ruins. There was slight blood on his head, but his expression was still a little puzzled, "Did I not get beaten just now?"

The man said so.

"It's all right!"

The men screamed in unison.

"Oh, it turned out to be really beaten!"

The man scratched his head and confirmed.


"It's amazing!"

The man with white hair was sitting in front of the bar with a glass of wine in his hand, with a surprised expression on his face. In front of him were a few bounty orders, placed on the top one, and that one was smiling wildly. The man looked all too familiar.

"Have you made a name for yourself in the sea so soon?"

Pluto Rayleigh took a sip of wine into his mouth and said with a smile: "The young people today are really scary, and we old seniors are really ashamed."

"Fire Dragon Vlad,"

With a cigarette in her mouth, Xia Qi picked up Vlad's reward order, with a little surprise in her tone: "Is this really the first reward? What did this kid do?"

"Rayleigh, I understand why you are so optimistic about this little brother!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Rayleigh laughed: "No, Xia Qi, what you said is wrong, I am not optimistic about this little guy, what I am optimistic about is this era!"


Xia Qi looked at the red-faced man without speaking.

"Hahahaha, Xia Qi, I have now really confirmed that the era that Roger was looking forward to has finally arrived!"

The man known as Hades said, "The times are changing!!"


"Wow ha ha ha ha, that's awesome,"

Vlad looked at the reward order and laughed, "Awesome, even if it is famous!"

"Captain, this is, is this a wanted order?"

The chef walked out of the cabin with a stack of desserts and said curiously when he saw the wanted notice in Vlad's hand~www.readwn.com~.

"That's right, wanted order!"

Vlad took out one and handed it to the chef: "Come and see, you are also wanted!"


The chef doesn't care. As a pirate, it is unavoidable to be rewarded if you want to make a name for yourself. In many cases, for pirates, the level of the reward amount is the capital of the pirates boasting.

"Oh, the bounty is really amazing!"

The chef was a little surprised when he saw the bounty amount under his photo.

"How is it? What do you think? Chef? Now you are also a big pirate with a bounty of 390 million Bailey!"

Vlad laughed.

"What? The cook's bounty is 390 million? Why am I only 180 million Bailey?"

When the maid heard Vlad's words, she leaned over with a very unhappy expression on her face.

"Uh hahaha!"

Vlad laughed: "Maid, this shows that you are not strong enough, the navy thinks that your threat is not enough!"


The maid glanced at the chef angrily and looked very dissatisfied. For her, it was a shame that the bounty was only half of the chef's.

"By the way, Captain, since we have all been rewarded, you must be the same, right?"

The chef handed the dessert to Vlad who couldn't wait and asked.

Vlad, who was busy delivering dessert to his mouth, casually handed over a piece of paper without paying much attention.

"Well, Vlad the Fire Dragon,"

The chef found Vlad's wanted notice, and his tone gradually became higher: "Ferdinando Vlad, whether you live or die, the bounty, the bounty is—"

"750 million Bailey!!"

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