Delhi once again jumped towards Dawn at a very fast speed, Dawn at this time exerted his domineering power to the limit, facing Delhi's attack, Dawn was like walking a tightrope, countless times to block Delhi's attack at the last moment.

"Hmph hahaha, you can cultivate to the sword hao in the North Sea, you can see and smell and arm to such a level, even if you go to the new world, Lao Tzu is more and more optimistic about you, swordsman little ghost."

"Come on, get on my ship and join me in the world domination!" Delhi recognized Dawn's strength very much and opened his mouth again to recruit.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't join you."

"Well, then, I can only let you die here, and it is better to die if I can't use the genius for me!"

After that, Delhi rushed to Dawn again.


Dawn saw that he was in full swing, and this time, Dawn finally saw Delhi's attack in advance.


that Delhi was about to approach, Dawn swung his knife quickly, and around Dawn's body, the violent sword qi formed a python much larger than Delhi in the air, revealing its hideous giant teeth, biting towards Delhi, and came to Delhi in the blink of an eye.

In the face of the sudden appearance of the python, Delhi had no time to dodge at this time, and in a hurry, the armed color domineering still covered the whole body, and the huge python swallowed Delhi.

Until the python formed by the sword qi dissipated, revealing Delhi's figure, at this time, the blood marks on Delhi's body appeared, and Dawn's snake finally left scars on Delhi's body.

"It actually hurt me. Swordsman imp! At this time, Delhi's face was extremely gloomy, he did not expect that in this area of the North Sea, someone could hurt him.

Blue Dysprosy Town....

As more and more people fall into confusion, Roland's war comes to an end.

"Is what you said true, His Highness Roland." As Roland blocked the attack of a soldier, the soldier asked.

"I swear with my life, I will not say a word of falsehood!" Facing the soldier's questioning, Roland said with a serious face.

Seeing that Roland, as a prince, swore with his life so solemnly, the soldier believed Roland's words.

The soldier took a few steps back, threw down the weapon in his hand, and spoke: "Then, please defeat Delhi!" With

the soldier's surrender, more and more people laid down their weapons and allowed Roland's men and miners to bind themselves, and only a very small number of people still firmly believed in Delhi.

After a while, the last soldier who resisted collapsed in a pool of blood. The battle on this battlefield is finally over! Roland, on his side, lost nearly 1,000 people.

"I know that many of you are still skeptical, so I will not force you, but please stay here, under the care of all the miners, and when the war is over, I will give you a proof." Roland looked at the surrendered soldiers and said solemnly.

After that, Roland no longer stayed, and went straight to the town of Delhi with more than 8,000 people under his command who could still fight, while the miners spontaneously stayed by the prisoners. Embattled.

"Your Highness Roland, please defeat Delhi!!"

"Defeat Delhi!"

"Defeat Delhi!"


Behind Roland, the cheering sound of the miners came, and after Roland heard it, he just raised his right hand firmly and continued to rush towards Delhi Town.

The royal palace, the battlefield of Rosinandi, accompanied by endless screams, more and more people under Renault fell, and for a while, they could not take the advantage.


silently, Rosinandi maximizes the ability of the Fruit of Silence, and with this shaving and moon step, it is like a ghost walking on the battlefield.

With each time he disappears and reappears, the life of a pirate or soldier is taken.

Although Rosinandi is kind, he also understands that the people who appear here at this moment are Delhi's diehard loyalists, and if they are not solved, it will only bring more casualties to his side.

Although every time he took his life, Rosinandi depressed a point, the ideals in his heart always supported him.

"Brother Dawn said that revolution is bound to shed blood, and I can't continue to be weak!" Rosinandi thought to himself.

On the opposite side, Renault who stood at the back and did not join the battle found that something was wrong, obviously there was a 4-fold gap in numbers, but the casualties on his side were actually greater than those on the opposite side, but because Rosinandi's speed was too fast, the Devil Fruit ability eliminated all his own sounds, so Renault did not find Rosinandi.

"Damn, what's going on, who is it! Where did the top killers come from. Renault was secret.

He knew that he had to go to war, and if he didn't force this hidden man out to face him head-on, too many people would lower his position in Delhi's heart.

So, Renault pulled out the long knife at his waist and rushed into the battlefield area.

Renault is worthy of being the most trusted figure around Delhi except Simon, and his combat power is very high, and with Renault's participation in the battle, the casualties of the defenders gradually increase, and almost no one can block Renault's sword.

Seeing the increase in casualties, Rosinandi was anxious and was preparing to fight Renault.


Renaud's long knife was blocked for the first time, it was Jace, and Jace understood that if he did not block Renault here and let Rosinandi continue to attack secretly, this battle would inevitably be lost.

At this point, all Jess had to do was gamble his life to stop Renault.

"Oh, I didn't expect that among the swarming ants, there were still people who could stop me!" Renault was a little surprised.

"Ah, I want to block you desperately!"

"It seems that you also have a rather heavy mission." Reno looked at Jace's eyes and sighed.

"However, my mission is no worse than yours, for the sake of Lord Delhi's ambition, please die," After sighing, Reno spoke again.


On the other side, Hilo, who was fighting against Simon, saw Renault not far away in the battle, and Jace blocked Renault, feeling extremely nervous, both worried that no one could stop Renault, causing Rosinandi to have to face him directly, and worried that Jace died here.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in Hilo's shoulder, and at a glance, I don't know when, a crystal needle that was only the thickness of an embroidery needle shot through Hilo's shoulder and stuck to the floor behind Hilo.

"Hey, Hiro little ghost, maintain some respect for the seniors, look down on me and have a limit, do you still have the energy to pay attention to the battle over there now!!" Seeing that Hiro was distracted during the battle, Simon seized the opportunity and a crystal needle with armed colors pierced through Hilo's shoulder. At the same time, he said in a gloomy tone.

"Whew" Hiro pressed his shoulder and exhaled a turbid breath.

"Yes, it's useless to worry, now I should hurry up and defeat you!"

"Heh, then try it!" Simon said lightly.

The war reignited, the explosions continued endlessly, and Hiro attacked very violently, but Simon was stronger after all, with the help of domineering and fruit abilities, Hiro could not hurt Simon, but because of the impact of the explosion, it looked a little embarrassed.

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