After parting with Rosinandi, Dawn and the two did not delay too much, except for the need for supplies, food and water, and stopped at the passing islands, but walked all the way.

A month later, the Wright carried four men to the last island in the first half of the Great Voyage, near the Chambord Islands.

"It's soon ahead of the Chambord field! Dawn! On the Wright, Barrett spoke up.

"Hehee, the midpoint of the Great Voyage, the closest island to Draco, do you want to take a look?" Moriah asked with a smile.

"Will you meet Draco?" Anilu asked with a serious expression. He wanted to see what kind of divine this Draco who was in charge of the world government and forced the eldest sister's family to this point.

"You won't want to see you, Anilu!" Dawn rubbed Anilu's explosive head and said in a deep voice.

"Dawn is right, the Draco, who claim to be descendants of the Creator, live in Marijoa at the top of the Red Earth Continent, and although this island is the closest island to Marijoa, they rarely appear here who regard ordinary people as ants.

And there is generally only one reason why they will appear here, and that is slaves! Barrett said quietly.

"Slave..." Although he had suffered from Becca since he was a child, Anilu could not understand what kind of misfortune these two words represented.

"Anilu, you are still young, maybe you don't understand yet! But, remember, in the future, when you sail on the sea. As long as you encounter slave traders, don't hesitate! Kill them all! You can't go wrong!

Some pirates go to sea for dreams, and they haven't done too much evil themselves! Among the Draco, there are also alternatives like Rosinandi's father and mother, but slave traders have one to count one, and they will definitely not kill wrong! Dawn said to Anilu with great seriousness.

"I know!" Seeing that everyone was so serious, Anilu said equally solemnly.

"Are there enough supplies on board? Moriah? Dawn nodded to Anilu and asked Moriah.

"Well, the supplies purchased before are enough for us to sail for a while!" Moriah replied.

"In that case, go directly to the new world!" Dawn spoke.

Dawn thought that there were no important characters in the original book on the Chambord floor at this time, Renly had not yet retired, his old friend Xia Qi did not know whether he was there, and Tezzolo had not been arrested. Now go to Chambord Land, if you meet Draco, Dawn is afraid that he can't help but make a big fuss!

With that, Dawn walked over to a lever covered with a glass cover and put his hand through the glass cover.



holding the lever, Dawn surged with electricity, and saw four huge turbine engines sticking out of the Wright's hull.

The fan blades of the turbine engine are parallel to the sea surface, and with the flashing of electric light on Dawn, the fan blades of the turbine engine slowly begin to rotate, and with the transmission of current, the power becomes stronger and stronger, and the fan blades rotate faster and faster.

Gradually, the hull of the Wright gradually left the sea and slowly rose towards the sky.

"Wow oooooooooo That's cool! Seeing the Wright flying, Anilu grabbed the side of the ship, looked at the sea below, and roared excitedly.

"Fly directly over the Red Earth Continent? Interesting! Barrett's mouth curved in an arc and said.

"Hey, heehee, well... Or give Mary Joa an electromagnetic cannon from the sky! "Moriah is eager to try!

"No sense! There is Mary Joa, an electromagnetic cannon is useless, and it is almost the same as the ancient weapon Hades! Dawn said, thinking that it was really Hades, and he really wanted to try a shot.

"Hey, hee-hee, just kidding!" Moriah said.

"Let's go, go to the new world!" As the Wright rose higher and higher, gradually, everyone could hardly see the scenery below, and Dawn saw that the height was almost the same, so he said.

"Oh!" X3。


Meanwhile, over the course of a month, Rosinandi traveled on a merchant ship to where the G8 branch of the Navy was located, and after waiting for a few days, finally became a naval recruit.

Although tall, Rosinandi was always just a 13-year-old child, so he was only arranged to become a handyman when he first entered the G8 base.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of an office of the G8 branch.

"Come in!" Inside the office, a man wearing a lieutenant general's cloak of justice spoke.

"Lord Lieutenant General!" A sailor walked in and saluted the lieutenant general.

"What's going on?" The lieutenant general asked.

"It's about the list of recruits who joined the base this time and the background investigation report." The sailor handed over a file bag and said.

"Ah! What a thing! Good work on you! Go down and rest! The vice admiral took the file bag and said to the sailors.

"Yes!" The sailor saluted again and exited the office.

The lieutenant general opened the file bag and looked at it until he saw a name, and his eyes couldn't help but shrink.

"Don Quixote Rosinandi!? Hey, this last name won't be..." the lieutenant general muttered, and then opened the background check about Rosinandi.

"Don Quixote Rosinandi, a native of the North Sea, whose parents died early when he was a child, wandered alone at sea, and then followed a merchant ship to smuggle to the Great Route, and after entering the Great Route, the merchant ship was destroyed due to the bad weather of the Great Route. (Note: It is impossible to judge the authenticity)

Rosinandi, who survived by luck, drifted to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, where he met Shiluluk, a resident of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and was adopted by him. Later, because his ideal of becoming a navy was contrary to his adoptive father Shiruluk's ideal of wanting him to become a doctor, he secretly went to sea and came to the G8 branch! (The above survey was confirmed by the magnetic drum kingdom Shiruluk and the nationals.)

After investigation and evidence collection, Don Quixote Rosinandi had a clean background, and because he was too young, he was specially admitted as a miscellaneous soldier for follow-up. The

lieutenant general looked at Rosinandi's background, along with certificates from the magnetic drum kingdom Shiluluk and the nationals.

"Beihai, parents died early, Don Quixote! Well... It's a bit of a hassle! The lieutenant general thought of the news he had heard when he was still in the headquarters a few years ago, and he was suddenly a little nerve-wracking.

"Report it to the headquarters, it's best to send this hot potato to the headquarters!" After thinking for a moment, the lieutenant general dialed the number of the headquarters general, Sengoku.

"Moxi Moxi, I'm Sengoku!" After dialing the phone worm, the voice of the general Sengoku came from the opposite side.

"Warring States General, I am Fred, the commander of the G8 base!" The lieutenant general said.

"Fred? Did something happen? Hearing that it was the base commander of the G8 branch, Sengoku asked solemnly.

"I have a piece of information here that has been transmitted to you through the video phone worm, please take a look!" Fred said.

On the phone worm's side, Marin Fandor, in the office of the general, the general of the navy headquarters, Sengoku, took the information and looked at it, but for a moment, the Warring States also thought of something, and his pupils shrank.

"Who else knows about this information?" A moment later, Sengoku asked in a deep voice.

"It's just me besides the investigators!" Fred said.

"I know, I will immediately arrange for someone to come and bring him back to the headquarters, and everyone will keep the news about him confidential!" Sengoku said.

"Yes!" After Fred took the order, the Sengoku ended the call.

"Whew... Fortunately, the hot potato was thrown out! I really didn't expect that the Draco became a navy before yesterday! Interesting!

After hanging up the bug, Fred took a puff of his cigar and said to himself.

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