"Purpose? Of course, it is to return you, a misguided youth, to the right path! Pirates have no future, Moriah! Faced with Moriah's doubts, Dawn said as a matter of course.

"You give me more seriousness! Talk well! Bastard! Moriah was angry and wanted to bring Dawn in front of him so that he could see where he could see on his face that he had gone astray!

"I'm serious! Moria, why go to sea as a pirate? Dawn asked.

"Of course it's because of freedom! I want to be a powerful pirate and live freely on this sea! Faced with Dawn's question, Moriah's eyes lit up and said loudly.

"Freedom? What is freedom? Dawn asked rhetorically.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want! No one can control me! Otherwise, why make a big fuss in this disgusting world! Moriah blurted out!

"Well, it seems that there is a problem with your ideological consciousness, Moria, hey~ In the future, your ideological education will be increased!" Dawn said with emotion.

"Less verbose, who wants to listen to your education!" Moriah shark-faced again.

"In my opinion, freedom without restraint is not called freedom at all, it can only be called chaos! Do whatever you want? Wrong, that's not freedom, freedom should be what you don't want to do and no one forces you to do it.

Do whatever you want? What is the difference between that man and animal? Man is human because he can restrain his desires and because he has self-control.

The so-called freedom is not to do whatever you want, but to dominate yourself! Do you get it? Moria! Dawn looked at Moriah and said solemnly!

Listening to Dawn's words, Moriah fell silent!

"As for the pirates, they are just a bunch of garbage who only know how to burn and loot, do nothing, and create killing and terror everywhere! You don't think there's anything commendable about this kind of garbage! Dawn saw that Moriah was not speaking, so he continued.

"Hey... Don't compare me with those garbage, what kind of pirates only dare to shoot at civilians! Listening to Dawn belittle the pirates, Moriah stopped doing it and retorted loudly.

"But this is a pirate! Since you are named a thief, can you still expect any good evaluation? Personally, I don't hate adventurers who want to venture out to sea.

But when these people were named pirates for one reason or another, especially after they had a certain reputation, when the people who worshiped them went to sea and did something to burn, kill and loot! Whose head should that be counted? Dawn asked.

"Of course, count on the heads of these scum!" Moriah said of course.

"Yes, in our opinion, those adventurers should not be blamed for this kind of thing, but the most common people in this world are ordinary people, and ordinary people only know that this group of scum went to sea because they worshiped them, and they will only think that all the misfortunes they suffered are due to these adventurers.

Therefore, the so-called freedom must be freedom within the bounds, only in this way can these adventurers really go to sea to adventure! Dawn said.

"It's just your own thoughts, besides, who cares what ordinary people think?" If you want resentment, let them go! Moriah was still arguing.

"Huh~ So what if you are a member of this group of ordinary people? What if these misfortunes happen to you or someone you care about? Dawn scoffed at Moriah's statement and asked.

At this moment, Moria finally couldn't refute it justifiably! Because he thought that if this happened to him, he would definitely kill that group of scum, and he would also be angry with those adventurers!

"So, Moria, still mess with me, there is no future in being a pirate!" Finally, Dawn said again.


"What about you? And what are your goals? After a long silence, Moriah asked. Dawn's words had a great impact on him, but he couldn't find the mistake in Dawn's words, so he asked very unpleasantly!

"Huh~ my goal? Want to know? I'm afraid you'll be scared! Dawn deliberately provoked Moria. In Dawn's opinion, Moria, who has not yet experienced Mr. Kai's beating, is still a dream, ambitious, and somewhat naïve ignorant teenager! Although the strength is good, it does not have the mentality to match the strength.

"What a joke!! Are you underestimating me? Moriah was really anxious.

"My goal is to add a constraint to the world, of course, the first enemy I have to face to achieve this goal is the world government!

The current world government seems to me more like an organized pirate group! But because they have the strongest strength on this sea, they can claim to be righteous!

In my opinion, they are the root cause of such chaos in this world. What do you think? Aren't you trying to turn the world upside down! Want to join me? Dawn formally extended an invitation to Moria.

Moriah was silent again.

And this time, Dawn did not continue to say anything, but silently waited for Moriah's answer.

"Hehee, what a big ambition, what a big goal!! Telfil Dawn, on what basis do you think you can do it? After a long time, Moriah laughed loudly, staring into Dawn's eyes and asking.

"Hahahaha, I never thought I could do it on my own! Moriah. So I've been looking for like-minded people, I've been accumulating strength, and even if I fail in the end, so what, at least I have left a spark of resistance for people in this world who are suffering from misfortune and oppression! Isn't that enough!! Looking into Moriah's eyes, Dawn laughed as well, and then said in a loud voice.

“...... Heheehee, if you just said that you will succeed, I will leave without hesitation! But now! Then I'll join you guys and let me see how far you can go!! Staring at Dawn in front of him, after a moment, Moriah spoke.

"Hahaha... Fortunately, if you don't agree, I'll have to worry about how to kill you!" Hearing Moriah promise to join him, Dawn joked.

"Nani... Are you bastard serious!! Give my admiration back! Moriah doubled his shark face again.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing this, Dawn, Rosinandi, and Kulikai all laughed heartily!

"Well, just kidding, then, welcome to the board, Comrade Moriah! My name is Telfil Dawn! Dawn stretched out his right hand and looked at Moriah and said solemnly.

"Welcome to the board, Comrade Moriah! My name is Don Quixote Rosinandi! Rosinandi also came to Moria and extended his right hand.

"Welcome to the board, Comrade Moriah! My name is Wembran Kulikai! "The same goes for Kulikai.

"Hey, hee-hee, comrade? I like this title, my name is Moonlight Moria, then, we will be comrades from now on! Moriah said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Moriah stretched out his big hand and held the right hand stretched out by the three people in front of him at the same time.

In this regard, Dawn's partner on the road is +1.

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