"There's nothing strange about this."

Ji Shengling spread his hands and said as if it was a matter of course.

"Devil fruit users will tell their opponents about their abilities before fighting... Isn't this common sense?"

"Common sense! How could anyone be so stupid! Wouldn't others know everything about you?!"

Nami was obviously incredulous about this kind of thing and directly pointed out how brain-hemorrhage this behavior was.

But Ji Shengling still explained with a nonchalant look.

"But only by reporting the fruit will the opponent know how powerful you are!"

"That makes sense!"

Luffy heard this and immediately showed an expression of awakening. He raised his right hand and clenched his fist, and smashed it directly on the palm of his left hand.


Nami's eyes began to twitch when she heard this.

Ji Shengling continued.

"This is just like when you use a skill, you have to say the name of the skill loudly, otherwise how can the opponent be afraid of you."

"That makes sense."

Zoro, who was standing by, also had his eyes brightened when he heard it, and he touched his chin with one hand and agreed. He originally remembered that it was a very simple thing for the devil fruit ability user to automatically reveal his ability, but when it came to the name of the skill, he suddenly felt that Ji Shengling was right.

But Nami was completely stunned, she turned into a shark mouth again and roared at the three people.

"That makes sense!!! What are you stuffed in your heads?! In this way, the enemy will know all the information!!!"

She found that she had misjudged Ji Shengling a little bit, and this guy might not be a serious person.

"Forget it, let's skip this topic..."

Ji Shengling saw that Nami's situation was a little bit wrong, and thought it would be better to skip this topic first, but Luffy insisted on jumping out to seek a sense of existence.

"That's right, Nami, you can't understand such an important thing, you are such a child..."

Before Luffy finished speaking, Ji Shengling and Zoro heard a loud "bang". Looking over, Luffy's head had been hit by Nami's fist and a huge red envelope had appeared...

Zoro's eyes began to twitch subconsciously. Even Ji Shengling felt incredible. Just at that moment, he really felt a strong armed color domineering aura on Nami.

This kind of thing... is really too terrifying.

"S... Private Marseille..."

Luffy didn't know why, and he apologized naturally. Then when he reacted, he couldn't help but feel surprised.

"Strange, I'm obviously rubber, why do I feel pain? Damn it, why is Nami's fist the same as grandpa's..."

Ahem, this article was over, and Ji Shengling quickly popularized the news about Buggy the Clown to everyone who had adjusted their state.

"Bughi the Clown, that guy ate the [Fragmentation Fruit], which can split any part of his body to achieve an effect similar to that of a long-range attack. At the same time, it also makes slashing damage have no effect on him. In addition, splitting can help him avoid attacks, so he is said to be immortal."

"The restriction method is also very simple. Although he can avoid attacks by splitting, this splitting is also limited. High-frequency large-scale attacks are a way to deal with it. Moreover, once the split body reaches a certain distance, it cannot be controlled by the main body. An easy-to-understand method is to take away a piece of his body and run away, and then output to that piece of body. The pain and damage will still be transmitted to his main body."

"So slashing is useless, right?"

After hearing this, Zoro showed a very interested expression.

He obviously didn't believe this evil, and probably wanted to try whether this Bughi was really immortal.

Luffy didn't care about these things, and Ji Shengling was not sure whether he understood it, but Luffy knew one thing clearly, that is, the sea chart was stolen by this so-called clown Bughi.

In this case, the next goal is clear.

"Since the sea chart is in the hands of that guy named Buggy, then our next target is this guy!"

In this way, the captain made a decision.

However, before setting off for the next stop, they still have a lot of things to prepare.

The group first came to the restaurant opened by Lijia's family for a full meal, and the newly appointed temporary head of the naval base also found everyone. They did not cause trouble for everyone, but thanked everyone for solving Monka and returning peace to the town of Shields.

After communicating with the temporary head of the navy, Ji Shengling also handed Alrita to the navy in exchange for a full 50010,000 Baileys bounty.

To be honest, in the pirate world, if you have some strength to capture the wanted pirates, then basic life will not be a problem. These 5 million Baileys are enough for a person to travel for several years.

Afterwards, Ji Shengling sold some of the remaining useless items to the local people in need, and those worthless things and Alrita's ship were directly sold to the navy at a discount.

This point opened Nami's eyes. As pirates, this group of people first broke into the naval base blatantly, and after solving the boss of the naval base, they not only did not rob all the valuable things in the base, but also swaggered and traded with the navy.

This kind of scene in this world is really rare.

This also made Nami feel that this group of people is indeed different from ordinary pirates.

After all the calculations, after deducting the cost of purchasing a new ship and storing food, Ji Shengling also gained nearly 12 million Baileys. If this money is used to maintain their lives, at least they can ensure that they will not starve to death within a year. Oh, this also includes Nami's share.

And Coby decided to stay in this naval base and start his new life.

The new boat is definitely much smaller than the regular pirate ship, but it is small but complete, and it is no problem to support the daily life of five or six people.

The pirate world originally has relatively cheap boats, and the cost is not very high. Moreover, there are no larger ships in Shields Town, and they can't really show off to rob the navy's ship.

In this way, the four people who were ready set foot on the brand new boat again, and under the salute of the navy, they set sail towards a new goal.

The navy salutes the pirates... It's still very weird no matter how you look at it, but it is indeed a unique landscape.

Nami and Zoro both noticed the smile on Ji Shengling's lips. At first, they didn't understand what Ji Shengling was saying, but soon, they also smiled kindly.

The idiot captain didn't understand anything, but seeing that everyone was laughing, this guy laughed even happier.

At this moment, everyone can be regarded as a true partner, even Nami.

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