"Captain, you are awesome!"

"You are worthy of being the strongest Captain Buggy in the East China Sea!"

"Normative shells can compare to the Captain's Buggy shells!"

Around Buggy, a group of pirates dressed in clown costumes and also wearing camouflage were constantly boasting about Captain Buggy's great achievements.

"Hahaha!!! That's great, guys! We really had a great harvest today! Eat! Eat it all for me! Eat more! Today, I, Lord Buggy, am very happy. I didn't expect this small island to be so rich! Hahahaha!!!"

Bucky was a little flattered by his younger brothers' boasting.

Orange Town is indeed rich. After such a looting, they have gained an income that is comparable to the usual half-year robbery.

This also made Buggy feel particularly happy at this time.

"This is the life that pirates should live!"

Buckgy couldn't help but sigh.

Coupled with the Grand Line chart stolen from the naval base earlier, Buggy felt that the future days would be incredibly smooth.

Happy Buggy looked around, and suddenly, he found a few guys he had never seen before standing quietly outside the banquet, with gloomy faces. They didn't come in to cheer and drink, and they didn't even put on camouflage, which seemed out of place at the banquet.

Damn, is this a new brother? Why are they so stupid? Forget it, Uncle Buggy is in a good mood today, and I won't bother with these losers!

Thinking of this, Buggy shouted at the four people in the distance.

"Hey! You new idiots! What are you doing with your face as gloomy as a winter melon! Such a grand banquet, smile for Uncle Buggy, idiots!!! And your camouflage makeup! Hurry up and put it on and come to the show! That woman, come over and have fun! Hey... woman... woman? Wait..."

Baki, who was still laughing wildly, calmed down instantly when he saw Nami. He remembered...

It seems that he never hired women on his ship!

But...if there is no woman, then what is this woman like?

So, has he ever hired a woman? Or no? Or yes? Or no?

By the way, there are three people who are a bit strange. As my uncle Buggy's younger brother, he doesn't wear camouflage makeup, and he holds three knives. Why do I feel like I have heard of them somewhere? They look quite famous. Why do people feel a little scared? Then the straw hat seems to have been seen somewhere, and I don't know why I just find it annoying! Finally, I don't have much impression of the guy with purple hair, but...how come these three people look better than Uncle Buggy?

Isn't being uglier than me the minimum standard for us to recruit people? !

It was not until this moment that Buggy realized that something was wrong.

But at this moment, a fist shadow that could not be captured by the naked eye took advantage of Buggy's distraction and instantly made close contact with his ugly face.

"Rubber rubber... pistol!"

As Luffy shouted out his moves, his fist, which was faster than a bullet, blasted Buggy's deformed head away.

There were bursts of explosions, and when Buggy's head stopped flying, it was embedded in the ruined building, raising a strong cloud of dust.

With a "pop" sound, Luffy retracted his fist and looked over. Buggy's face was covered with Luffy's punch marks. He had already fainted with his eyes rolled back. Tears, snot and saliva flowed out like they were free, and he looked extremely disgusting.

Buggy, can't fight.

This is normal. Although he hasn't mastered Haki yet, the results of just a few days of training are not to be underestimated. Luffy himself is an existence that crushes Buggy. Now it is inevitable that he can kill Buggy with just one punch.

The sudden situation caught everyone in the Buggy Pirates off guard. The banquet had already stopped because the captain was beaten away. They seemed to be immobilized or time was suspended. They stood there for a few seconds before they all exclaimed.

"Captain Buggy!!!"

Of course, it was not just them who found it incredible, but also the Straw Hat Pirates, although to be precise, it was Zoro and Nami.

"Actually... there will be no bleeding even if the head and body are separated?"

"This is the so-called immortal body..."

Even if I had heard Ji Shengling say it before, I still felt incredible when I saw it with my own eyes.

After all, this kind of thing sounds too incredible. Luffy's rubber body and Ji Shengling's ability to transform are understandable, but cutting and combining his own body at will will indeed give people a strong sense of shock.

Even Luffy revealed a sense ofInterested eyes, Buggy is the third devil fruit user he has met since he went to sea, and he is also the first enemy.

Of course, not to mention Luffy, even Ji Shengling is the same. After all, the visual impact of the fruit of the splitting fruit may only be compared with Law's operation fruit.

However, at this time, the miscellaneous pirates of Buggy's pirate group also reacted quickly, and they began to panic.

"Why...why was Captain Buggy attacked?!"

"Damn it! It's an enemy attack! There are invaders!"

"Damn it! How dare they mess with our Buggy Pirates! Brothers, show them some color!"

"Okay! Four guys over there, look! What color is this!"

"Red, you idiot! And don't pull out the bitter tea seeds and let others guess the color!"

"Hey? Didn't you say you should show them some color? What's wrong with the bitter tea seeds? Do you look down on bitter tea?!"

"Show them some color means to beat them to death, you idiot! And! If you want bitter tea, can't you use your own? Pull mine, you want to die, bastard!"

Just like that, in the eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates who looked at them like idiots, three people finally walked out of the Buggy Pirates...

Well, or two people plus a lion, and strictly speaking, only one person walked, and another came on a unicycle. As for the lion...it should be considered as crawling over, right?

Never mind, these trivial matters are not important at all.

But these three people are indeed abstract.

The one who looks relatively normal is the somewhat abstract vice-captain of the Buggy Pirates, [Beast Tamer] Mochi, who is wearing a white fur animal coat and holding a whip in his hand.

Following closely behind is [Funny Art] Kabaji, who is riding a unicycle. He is the chief of staff of the Buggy Pirates and has an exaggerated side bangs that covers the side of his eyes. He has a style of those non-mainstream Zangai families in the world before Ji Shengling. He is good at juggling and integrates sword skills into juggling.

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