"Intact body? Hahaha, then I have to thank you."

Kro's arrogant remarks made Ji Shengling laugh. In Kro's eyes, they were already dead, but in Ji Shengling's eyes, Kro was also a dead person?

How did that sentence go? When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

So, Ji Shengling decided to let Kro be a ghost who knows.

"It's nothing, it's just a coincidence that we sent Colonel Monka to Push City in Shields Town before. Yes, it's the Monka who [arrested] you. For this reason, I also learned a little about you."

"Besides, your face is not even disguised. Anyone who knows a little bit will know the truth directly, right?"

"I see, then I have to thank you very much."

Kro suddenly realized.

Not to mention, this guy is also quite polite...polite.

"Then, I just need to get rid of all of you, and then I can continue my inheritance plan as usual. Don't worry, as I said before, I will leave you a whole body, as a thank you gift for reminding me how to hide my identity next time."

After saying that, ten blades suddenly appeared on Clo's black gloves.

This is the famous weapon of [Hundred Strategies] Clo, [Ten Blades].

Seeing that Clo was about to make a move, Kaya still had tears in her eyes and asked in disbelief.

"Why, Krabatel, why on earth..."

Hearing Kaya's words, Clo turned to look at her, shook his head and said.

"Rather than this name, you should call me Cloe now. Don't worry, although I am very unhappy with our relationship in the past three years, in order to thank you for your gift, I will also let you leave an intact body like this little brother."

"Well, just like your parents three years ago."


"Ni Ge fainted! Ni lock tongue wipe!!! (You bastard! What did you say!!!)"

Kaya's mind was completely broken at this moment, and the whole person was stunned in place, and even her eyes lost their luster.

This is simply killing people and destroying their hearts.

What a joke, the murderer who killed his parents has been following him for three years as if nothing had happened, and he actually...

This kind of thing is unacceptable to anyone.

Usopp also understood Cloe's meaning instantly. Even though he was not convenient to speak now, he still stopped Cloe behind him and stared at Cloe with wide eyes to prevent Cloe from being killed.

But Usopp's action directly ignited Kuro's killing intent. He spoke calmly, and the [Espada] in his hand reflected the cold blade light.

"Then I'll start with you. Anyway, I was going to send you to death after inheriting the inheritance, you pirate bastard!"

As Kuro's voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and only the flash of the [Espada] flashed in everyone's sight. Seeing that the blade was about to fall on Usopp, a gunshot rang out in an instant.


"What!!! Ugh!!! You fuck!!!"

Just a little bit, the [Espada] could cut Usopp's throat, but the severe pain from the gunshot immediately made Kuro's eyes widen. Feeling the moment when his buddy was broken, Kuro endured the pain and exuded a strong killing intent towards Ji Shengling.

At this moment, Ji Shengling still maintained the posture of raising his gun, but the slight smell of gunpowder coming out of Tezcatlipoca's muzzle clearly told everyone that it was Ji Shengling who just fired.

Regarding Ji Shengling's hit rate, not to mention Luffy, Zoro, and Nami, even Ji Shengling himself now maintains an attitude of being indifferent. Just now, he really just fired a shot casually, wanting to try whether the hit rate of this thing is a curse or something like that. To be honest, after firing the shot, he was going to rush over to replace Usopp's body to block the knife.

However, the facts proved that Tezcatlipoca hit the bull's eye again.

Meow, try to shoot into the sky next time.

Even if Crow just used his famous trick [Silent Step], which is commonly known as the youth version of [Shave], he could not stop Ji Shengling or Tezcatlipoca's outrageous hit rate.

However, although the Straw Hat Pirates had no reaction, Usopp was frightened by the shot. He immediately felt that Ji Shengling was a terrifying demon king, even more terrifying than Crow!

Ji Shengling ignored Usopp's exaggerated expression, but looked at Crow with a playful look.

"What a pity! It seems that we will not die today.You have no chance to leave me a so-called complete body. Oh, no, do you want to guess whether I will leave you a complete body? "

"As a person, self-confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is undoubtedly the behavior of a fool. Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot that you are just a birth, not worthy of being a human. Look at my brain, saying that you are a human is simply an insult to birth!"

Looking at Ji Shengling's arrogant appearance, Clo remembered the bullet that hit his brother just now, and he was immediately furious. He endured the pain and no longer cared whether to kill Usopp first. He had long forgotten about leaving a complete body.

The most urgent thing now is to kill the guy who fired the gun first!

"You bastard!!! "

Kroe roared, and endured the severe pain to perform the Silent Step again and attacked Ji Shengling.

But Ji Shengling didn't care at all. Looking at Kroe's movements, he touched his chin and commented.

"Whether it's speed or strength, you are considered a talent in this East China Sea. [Iron Rod] Alrita, [Axeman] Monka, [Clown] Buggy, these guys can't compare with you. This [Silent Step] is really powerful. If you are willing to practice more, you can probably reach the level of [Shave] among the six styles of the Navy. What a pity. "

Speaking of this, Ji Shengling shook his head to himself, and then disappeared directly in Kroe's horrified eyes.

What's terrifying is that although Ji Shengling's figure disappeared, his voice was transmitted to Kroe's ears intact.

"People often say that speed is power, so facing you who are good at speed, I will give you a famous saying of a certain admiral of the Navy. "

"Have you ever been kicked by light?"

Until this sentence came from Kuro's ears, Kuro looked back in horror, only to see that at this time, Ji Shengling had quietly appeared behind him, but before Kuro could make more reactions, Ji Shengling kicked Kuro directly.

Kuro's body flew out instantly, and the strong force made him directly embedded in the ground below the hillside, raising violent explosions and dust. It was not until the dust dispersed that Kuro's body, which had long lost its human form, was revealed in the huge pit.

Well, it was probably a powder fracture.

Thinking like this, Ji Shengling's right foot that had kicked out earlier was slowly recovering from the golden color to its original state.

Just now, he did use [Elements] to add a light enchantment to his right foot.


At this moment, Usopp was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

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