Having said that, there was no apology on Aaron's face.

Colonel Mouse was used to this, and he dealt with Aaron with a stiff smile.

"Squeak! It's okay, I don't care about it."

The mouse's words were also exaggerated, but his hidden eyes revealed his true thoughts.

Not only Aaron and his gang of fishmen looked down on humans, but Colonel Mouse also looked down on fishmen from the bottom of his heart.

But there was no way, he gave too much!

Looking at Colonel Mouse's flattering appearance, Aaron was even happier, and his disdain for humans was revealed from the inside out.

"Although I hate humans, a guy like you who is so sensible is an exception."

The mouse didn't say anything more, and stood up to signal the navy behind him to take the money and leave.

"Well, I'll leave first."

"Don't be so anxious, have a couple of drinks before you go, just relax."

Along pretended to keep him, although it was just a false politeness.

Mouse wanted to refuse, but at this moment, the door of Arlong Paradise was opened, and a girl with short orange hair walked in expressionlessly.


Nami spoke to attract the attention of the fishmen and the navy, but her words were unusually cold.

Along was completely unaware of Nami's changes, and his eyes were locked on the treasure chest that Nami brought with him at first sight.

Colonel Mouse also looked at Nami with curiosity.

"What a coincidence, Colonel Mouse, let me introduce you, this is Nami from our pirate group, I'm not lying to you, we have really accepted humans."

Although he said so, Arlong's tone was full of teasing.

Seeing this, the surrounding fishmen also greeted Nami one after another, but they all regarded Nami as a jumping clown.

Obviously, these fishmen have never regarded this human as a partner, not even for a second.

She is just a large human mine that is more valuable than ordinary villagers.

The large amount of Bailey and the talent for drawing sea charts are what they like about Nami.

"Hey, Nami!"

Aaron lay on the beach chair, staring at Nami who walked in front of him with a look of amusement on his face, and sighed.

"It's really rare. Is there a gift for me in it? I'm very happy. Nami will miss me even if she is away from home."


Nami interrupted Aaron's delusion without hesitation.

"These are our promises since eight years ago."

She looked at Aaron calmly, who was stagnant.

"Promise? Could it be!"

Aaron seemed to have remembered something, and looked at the treasure chest in Nami's hand with more greed, and exclaimed.

"Is there 100 million Baileys in it?!"

Suddenly, the whole place was silent.

Colonel Mouse on the side also widened his eyes when he heard it, and looked at Nami in disbelief.

Nami ignored Colonel Mouse and looked at Aron with neither servility nor arrogance.

"Now, I can redeem my village, right!"

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then laughed recklessly.

"Of course! I told you, our agreement is valid forever."

But then, Aron showed a malicious smile.

"Then, come up and give me 100 million Baileys, Nami. As long as you hand over 100 million Baileys to me, you and your village will be free from now on."

While saying this, Aaron also reminded Colonel Mouse with a different look, and Mouse immediately understood.

Nami took a deep breath and said nothing more. She picked up the box and prepared to go forward, but before she took two steps, she was surrounded by the navy.

"Aaron?! What do you mean?!"

Nami looked at the scene in front of her and naturally made a judgment.

Even though she had learned the truth about the so-called 100 million Baileys in exchange for the village, in fact, facing this scene, Nami still couldn't help but get angry.

"Don't talk nonsense, Nami, I didn't do anything! This was ordered by Colonel Mouse. Colonel Mouse, what's wrong with you? You dare to bully my people in my territory, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

That's what he said, but the eye contact between Aaron and Mouse meant something else.

"Squeak, squeak, I'm so sorry, Brother Aaron, but a thief stole 100 million Baileys from my warship before. Since it was stolen, I haven't been able to sleep well. I didn't expect that it was my own family who accidentally hit my own family."

Colonel Mouse opened his mouth with a false accusation, looking at Nami's box with a look of desire.

"But since it's my stuff, can your crew return the 100 million Baileys to me? After all, brothers have to settle accounts clearly, squeak, squeak."

Nami didn't feel bad about itUnexpectedly, she ignored Colonel Mouse's words and continued to stare at A Long calmly.

A Long laughed.

"Hahaha, Nami is really amazing. She actually stole Colonel Mouse's 100 million Baileys directly."

It was just that pretentious look, not caring about Nami's emotions at all.

It's better to say that he was expressing a statement of "Yes, I'm just playing with you, what can you do to me?"

"But Nami, Colonel Mouse is my good friend, how can you steal his money? Listen, return the money to Colonel Mouse quickly, don't worry, as long as you give him the money, I'm here, Colonel Mouse won't put you in jail."

"Brother A Long is right!"

Colonel Mouse also agreed.

"As long as you return the money to me honestly, I can show mercy and let you go for Brother A Long's sake."

The two people's clumsy lies made the surrounding fish people laugh, and they booed Nami.

"Really Nami, how could you steal Colonel Mouse's money?"

"Nami, you don't want to go to jail, do you?"

"Hurry up and return it to Colonel Mouse, don't worry, Brother Along will protect you, hahahahaha!"

These fishmen didn't care about Nami's gradually cold eyes, and began to make a fuss.

"Nami, why don't you return the money to Colonel Mouse."

Along scolded with a pretentious attitude.

He could already imagine Nami's desperate look.

But unfortunately, Nami didn't do as he wished.

"Is this interesting?"


Looking at the question raised by the calm Nami, Along felt a little incredible.

"I'm asking you, Along, is it interesting to do this?"

"What are you talking about, Nami, I didn't do anything, it's all your own fault, who asked you to steal Colonel Mouse's money?"

At this time, Along was still pretending.

Nami didn't care about Along's attitude at all.

At this moment, she felt extremely fortunate.

She was glad that she didn't foolishly give away 100 million, and she was glad that she met those real companions.

"Huh... You are really good at guessing, Aaron. Well, in that case..."

Aaron noticed that something was wrong with Nami at this time, but before he could react, the accident had already occurred.


The gate of Aaron's Paradise was blasted open by a blazing flame, and the flames poured into it to produce subsequent strong explosions, blasting a large number of fishmen into roasted pieces.

Aaron's eyes were bloodshot, but then a charred black hit him, knocking him several meters away, and finally Aaron's entire fish was embedded in the wall.

Aaron endured the pain and pulled away the charred black on his body, but found that it was Klo Obi who had been thoroughly roasted.

There is no doubt that it is no longer save.

Well, it is even a little burnt.

At the same time, a voice came from the blasted gate.

“So I said just rush into it and be done with it.”

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