Chapter 133 Chapter 132: News Flies to the World

On another warship.

“kill him.”

Looking at Heiken who used Moonwalk in the sky, the cp member said directly.

Immediately afterwards, there were a series of Tempest Kick heading towards the sky, densely packed.

However, Heiyan’s expression remained unchanged. He even pushed down the black eye-eye glasses on his nose. Eight Linhe quickly stretched out behind him. Armament Haki instantly covered Linhe, and Linhe waved, cutting everything like cutting melons and vegetables. The Tempest Kick hitting himself smashed.

With a ‘bang’, Hei Yan landed on the warship.

He didn’t rush to shoot, but took out a pen and a small notebook.

After that, Hei Yan looked up at the surrounding CP members and said lightly. “bring it on.”


The voice just fell.

A scale he waved, and suddenly penetrated the heart of a cp member at a speed that was not as fast as the ears and eyes, and blood spattered.


Seeing that the CP members who were accustomed to the killing did not change their faces, but with a low growl, they rushed towards Hei Yan.

“Finger Pistol, shoot indiscriminately!”

Bang bang bang.

The index finger of a CP member stabs Heiyan’s forehead frantically, like a bullet, fast and powerful.

Qiang Qiang.

Hei Yan waved Lin Hei behind him, and the four Lin He turned into a shield to block him, blocking all Finger Pistol attacks.

The other Lin He pierced out quickly, pierced through the abdomen of the CP member, and threw it on the deck abruptly, knowing his life or death.

Then the other Linhe waved again, drawing a cp member from behind, and tied it with Linhe halfway through the flight, and then used another Linhe to pierce his neck abruptly.

ten minutes later.

There was already blood on the deck.

The smell of blood permeated the air.

He looked around and saw that there was no one alive. Hei Yan searched on a corpse at his feet, found a pile of scattered Pele, put it in his pocket, and started writing with a pen.

“Ten thousand and four hundred Baileys.”

After writing, Hei Yan searched again.

“Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Baileys.”

“Thirty-two thousand and seven hundred Bailey.”

It took a few minutes for Hei Yan to leave the warship.

But before leaving, Heiyan used Moonwalk to step into the air, and the eight scales behind him stretched out, and immediately gathered together, covered with Armament Haki, and slammed into the warship suddenly.

A powerful force burst out in an instant.

The warship broke in the middle.

When he returned to the deck, Hei Yan came to Mio, took out a large pile of banknotes and coins from the pockets of her clothes, and placed them in front of Mio. “Master, a total of 438,300 Baileys.”


Looking at the pile of scattered things in front of him, Mio scratched his head, twitched the corners of his mouth, and then nodded. “Good job.”

Hei Yan nodded, left in front of Mio, put away the pen and notebook, and stood in the corner with his hands on his shoulders.

Several warships were all destroyed in a short time.

There was no change on Mio’s face. For Mio and them, it didn’t matter how many warships there were. The important thing was whether there was a strong enough presence on it.

Slightly shook his head, Mio looked at the sea and shouted. “Drought, go forward at seven o’clock.”

The next destination is an island and a place to trade with Vegapunk.

A deserted island, an uninhabited island.

The distance from here is not too far, because both Mio and Vegapunk know that once Mio himself escapes from Impel down, he will definitely come out of Enies Lobby.

“The drought knows it.”

In the sea, the sound of the drought sounded, and immediately, the Black Glory speeded up and moved quickly in that direction.

Time passed without knowing it.

Early the next morning.

For some areas of the Grand Line, this is a good weather.

For people all over the world, today is undoubtedly a day that shakes people’s hearts.

A newspaper, under the leadership of Seagull, flew all over the world.

“Just kidding? Another criminal escaped from Impel down, and there is more than one?”

“Damn it, is Marine eating shit? I contribute so much Bailey every year, why does this happen?”

“The flying pirate Golden Lion escaped from Impel down last time. This time, several guys named Golden Lion escaped. Bullet, the descendant of the devil, this guy is a monster in the Roger Pirate group. ”

“And Red Earl, this guy is the real monster, that is the strong man who defeated Marshal Kong.”

All over the world, because of this news, there is a lot of discussion.

Over a certain sea area in the first half of the Grand Line.


Where the Golden Lion is today.

In a castle, Golden Lion bit a cigar in his mouth, and stepped on two famous knives, Sakura Ten and Deadwood.

At this moment, Golden Lion was holding the newspaper in his hand, looking at the contents of the newspaper, and suddenly laughed presumptuously. “Jie ha ha ha ha, have some old guys escaped from that place too? There is also the fellow Red Earl. It seems that the sea is interesting again, but it’s a pity that Laozi won’t play with you this time.”

Golden Lion flew out of the castle, looking at his air base, his eyes gleaming with spirits. “When Laozi’s plan is completed, I will see you again.”

With a murmur, Golden Lion looked at a picture in the center of the newspaper.

Above, is a picture of Mio in Impel down. In the picture, Mio is wearing a prison uniform. The people on the left and right are the old monsters on the sixth floor, and Mio is in the middle.

With long black hair, a slender figure, and a faint smile on his face, Miao in the picture looks a bit awkward.

Below the picture, there is a line of text.

[This time the main criminal of Impel down escape, the captain of the Black Crow Pirates, Mio Kurokawa! 】

“An interesting newcomer finally appeared on the sea…”

Grinning wildly, Golden Lion waved his hand and the newspaper drifted away.

East Blue, Logue town.

A green-headed boy was holding a newspaper in his hand, looking at the content on it, his face was full of excitement and excitement. “It’s too good, I can escape when caught in Impel down, and I’m still the main culprit, as expected to be Lord Mio, that’s so cool!! No, I want to cut this picture and save it for a lifetime!”

Grand Line, first half.

On a pirate ship.

Bellamy looked at the contents of the newspaper, with a look of ‘as expected’ on his face.

“How could the guy who can beat Bellamy be locked in Impel down for a lifetime.”

Bellamy threw the newspaper and looked at the sea, whispering in his heart. “When I find you again, I will defeat you.”


In the Kingdom Castle, Cobra in the study was also looking at the contents of the newspaper at this time, with a solemn expression. “This guy feels more and more terrifying. He can actually escape in Impel down, and he is the principal offender. It feels scarier than Golden Lion.”

“Hey… I hope it won’t cause us any trouble for Alabasta…”

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