Chapter 137 Chapter 136: Between Mariejois and Flowers

“This is the intelligence of all members of the Black Crow Pirates. Although this pirates has only been in the sea for a year, its threat is huge and must be eliminated immediately.” Sora placed the information obtained from Sengoku in front of him. On the table, Hu Mu stared at the Five Elders in front of him.

The bald-headed kendo old man picked up a piece of information, took a serious look, and said slowly. “Indeed, the threat was huge, and it was immediately killed in the bud.”

“But now I can’t draw much military power.” Another Five Elders frowned slightly, said. “The son of Garp, the one who defected to Marine wants to form a revolutionary army, and you all know that the revolutionary army’s concept will shake the foundation of the world government. Now most of the troops are put on Chalong.”

“Dragon’s ability, how can it be so easy to find and catch him?” Kong frowned. He also felt a headache for this son of Garp. If the general Marine Vice Admiral had such a son, he would have been caught Impel down long ago.

But Garp…

Really can’t catch it.

Once caught, it is estimated that Marine’s military spirit will be dissipated.

Of course, Sora will not catch it either.

“Even if you can’t catch it, you still have to catch it.” A Five Elders said solemnly. “Is it just because of his ability to ignore it? You will be responsible when the revolutionary army is really developed?”

“But the Black Crow Pirates has such a huge potential, and it has only been around for one year, so it can’t be left alone.”

“Yes, it really needs to be taken seriously, and the crew configuration of the Black Crow Pirates is a huge threat. There is no need for another Rock to appear on the sea.”

Five Elders discussed with Sora.

And at this moment.

On the desktop, a silver telephone worm slowly rang.

Blue blue.

Blue blue.

As the voice of the phone bug rang, the whole hall fell silent for a moment.

Even Rukong opened his eyes wide, and said no more.

After becoming the commander-in-chief of the entire army, he knew how deep the world government was, how complicated the situation in the world government was, and knew the phone bug, who would call it.

Five Elders, who was slightly fat, picked up the phone worm with a respectful look and connected.

Then speak directly. “Please tell me.”

In the phone worm, a voice came, very small, but he heard it.

A shocking color appeared in his eyes, but after that, he said in a deep voice without hesitation. “I see, I’m honoring your orders.”


After another answer, the phone worm hung up.

Five Elders who answered the phone stopped moving towards Kong and said lightly. “We know about the Black Crow Pirates, and we will discuss it. You still have a lot of things to go back.”

“Okay.” Kong nodded, turned and left without any hesitation.

With Kong’s figure disappeared into the hall.

The other four Five Elders members all looked at the one who answered the phone.

The Five Elders still had surprise and doubt in his eyes at this time, but he still said. “My lord has spoken, don’t make any arrangements for the Black Crow Pirates for now.”


“How can this be?”

“How could Lord Yim pay attention to a pirate group?”

“Are you kidding?”

The voice fell, and the faces of the other four Five Elders showed shocked expressions.

“I don’t know, but this is the order of Lord Yim. The Lord seems to want to observe this pirate group in order to understand some things.”

In the hall, it was very silent for a while.

The five elders all showed contemplation.

As if thinking about what the adult wants to understand.

After a while.

Five Elders sighed.

“Since the adult has ordered, then pay attention to it first, and don’t make any targeting for the time being.”




at the same time.

Between flowers.

A figure sits in the flowers with its legs bent, and allows butterflies to surround it. Beside the figure, there are reward orders scattered around. The top one is Miao’s reward order.

At this moment, the figure picked up the reward order, and the hand holding the reward order was a little slender.

Staring at the face of the Bounty Ling Shangmi, the figure’s murmur sounded slowly, extremely subtle.

“Like… the feeling of not belonging to this world…”


“How long have you not had this feeling?”

Shake his head gently.

The reward is then scattered among the flowers…


The first half of the Grand Line.

At this time, Mio didn’t know what happened to Mariejois.

The ship is still sailing.

Mio is now practicing swordsmanship and is fighting against Erica. Swordsmanship is a very good combat method and a general direction for improving combat power.

In particular, Mio owns kendo himself and is still a swordsman, so naturally he will not give up kendo. Although he has not touched a sword for a year before, he has become familiar with it during the battle with Erica.

And also began to ask Erica for some understanding of Kendo.

For example, how to integrate Conqueror’s Haki into the slash.

On the deck, two figures are holding swords and fighting, sparks splashing from time to time.


The Black Glory shook.

On the surface of the sea, Han Yan’s huge arm suddenly popped out, and his palm stubbornly held a sea beast that was nearly fifty meters long.

“My lord, do you want food?” Han Yan asked with a smile.

“Yes, of course, sea beasts are good barbecue ingredients.” Mio and Erica separated, nodding without hesitation.

The drought threw the sea beast directly over the ship.

A sharp color appeared in Mio’s eyes, and Raikiri slashed out suddenly, with phantoms emerging, slashing towards the sky one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the sea beasts in the sky turned into neatly cut pieces of meat and landed on the deck.

“Robin, do me a favor and send it to the restaurant.” Mio shouted to Robin.

Robin, who was reading a book, reluctantly put down the book and flipped through Byakugan. “Mr. Captain, I am not a porter.”

“I know, I know.” Kaidō said indifferently.

Robin was helpless, but still wrapped his hands in front of him, with a thought, one arm after another appeared on the deck, moving the piece of meat.


Mio took a sip of whiskey and called to Erica.

The two continued to fight.

Mio’s physical energy was consumed in the battle, but he recovered quickly.

Almost able to fight Erica for five days and five nights.

As the ship sailed, another few days passed like this.

And on this day, an island also appeared in front of the ship.

That is the destination of this trip to Mio.

Sinnaya Island.

On the island, in a Joker tavern.

At this time, in a dark room in the tavern, Brother Ming in the dim room was lying on the sofa very inelegantly, holding a hot girl in his arms and holding a goblet in his other hand. Contains scarlet wine.

I have to say, Doflamingo will enjoy it.


The corners of Ming Ge’s mouth raised. “Humhhhhhhhhh, Diamanti, get ready to meet our friends.”

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