Chapter 156 Chapter 155: The Deterrence of Linglong Newspaper

“Marshal Sengoku, today is my vacation. Is there anything important for me to come here in a hurry?” Kizaru, who is already thirty-six years old, walked into the marshal’s office calmly, one of the Admiral of Headquarters. Among them, he sat in front of Sengoku with his legs cocked.

Sengoku picked up a document and threw it in front of Kizaru. After Kizaru picked up the document, he spoke. “The Black Crow Pirates have arrived at Sabaody Archipelago, and it is no surprise that they will head to New World to avoid greater turmoil in New World. You need to go to Sabaody Archipelago for arrest.”

“Is it the main pirate who led the Impel down escape…” Kizaru grinned while looking at the file. “It’s terrible. The newcomer now doesn’t look like a newcomer at all, and it’s no worse than some big pirates.”

With that, Kizaru touched his head and muttered. “But after all, it’s from North Blue like me, but it’s normal.”

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth twitched, as if he hadn’t heard the words, he said solemnly. “Once the Black Crow Pirates enter the New World, it will become the eye of the storm. This will be extremely detrimental to our Marine’s next actions in the New World, so you need to go as soon as possible. And the Celestial Dragons are going to Sabaody Archipelago in the near future. Although we don’t know the character of the crow very well, we still want to be an ambitious and arrogant guy. Once we meet Celestial Dragons, it will be very troublesome.”

“Celestial Dragons?” Kizaru curled his lips after hearing the words. “It’s really troublesome, those guys.”

“Anyway, they are the important objects of protection of the World government.” Although Sengoku hates Celestial Dragons, as a Marine, there is no way. The protection still has to be protected.

“What about my vacation?” Kizaru curled his lips and said.

He finally had a vacation, but he didn’t want to waste it on catching the pirate, and the pirate didn’t seem to be so easy to catch.

After all, in terms of intelligence, there are two space-related abilities on the Black Crow Pirates.

Although I am a Sparkling fruit, the speed is very fast, but the space ability of others is not slower than my own Sparkling fruit.

It wouldn’t matter if ordinary pirates had this kind of fruit ability, and Kizaru didn’t care, but looking at the black crow pirate group, it was obviously not ordinary pirates.

Sengoku raised his eyes and said lightly. “Today’s holiday isn’t enough, right?”

“It’s pretty much the same.” Kizaru nodded. This was when he got up and left, putting his hands in his pants Kabuto, and stepping out of the office.

at the same time.

The first half of the Grand Line.

at this time.

Doflamingo looked at the shadow warrior in front of him, his eyes flickered, and a wicked smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he murmured. “Your hole cards are so many… my friend.”

The black shadow warrior in front of him had a newspaper in his hands, and the meaning was very clear.

It’s asking Doflamingo if he needs to buy a newspaper.

This familiar Sombra, how could Doflamingo forget that this is what I saw when I talked about cooperating with Mio, and now, these Sombra has started to sell newspapers.

Is the newspaper opened?

Or someone else?

If it were someone else, it would undoubtedly show that the strength of the Black Crow Pirate Group is not just as simple as it appears on the surface.

Moreover, it is not so easy to set up a newspaper. You must know that the largest newspapers are the newspapers owned by the World government and Marine, in addition to other small newspapers.

But those small newspapers will be attacked once the content of the report causes some people’s discomfort.

This is a very common thing.

It’s just that the opening of a newspaper has a very big benefit, and that is intelligence.

In this regard, Doflamingo is very clear, because he also thought about opening a newspaper, but in the end it was nothing. The reason is also because the World government does not allow it.

But from the newspaper, he can also feel that Miao’s ambitions are great.

I just don’t know what Miao is planning.

Taking out a coin, Doflamingo bought a newspaper.

After receiving the coin, the black shadow warrior dived directly into the ground, coming and going quickly.

This scene made Doflamingo squint his eyes and immediately looked at the content of the newspaper.

Linglong Newspaper.

This is the name of the newspaper in the upper right corner of the newspaper.

The content in the newspaper is also very simple. The headline is that the Black Crow Pirates arrive at Sabaody Archipelago, and it also indicates that Celestial Dragons will go to Sabaody Archipelago. The newspaper speculates that Celestial Dragons may meet the Black Crow Pirates. What will happen at that time and so on.

The contents of the newspapers all happened in the first half of the Grand Line.

There is no content about New World.

In addition, there was a content in the newspaper that a newcomer pirate named Talos destroyed a Marine branch base, plundered two warships, and transformed them into pirate ships, causing Marine to be angry.

“At present it has only developed to the first half of the Grand Line, hasn’t it reached the New World…”

After reading the contents of the newspaper, Doflamingo also understood the level of development of Linglong Newspaper.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Ming Ge put the newspaper aside, took a sip from his wine glass, and muttered. “New World… 咈咈咈咈咈, I will go soon too.”

Don’t mention Doflamingo’s side.

The sea.

On a pirate ship, a black shadow warrior appeared on the deck at this time, holding a newspaper for sale.

It’s just that the pirates on this pirate ship didn’t care about the appearance of the black shadow warrior, and even took the newspaper and didn’t even have the idea of ​​paying for it. Then more than ten black shadow warriors appeared on the ship.

All the people on board were slaughtered, leaving only one mouth alive.

This is the case.

In the first half of the Grand Line, there are a lot of four-sea areas.

Every slaughter leaves a living mouth.

It was also because of these livelihoods that in the next period of time, the Linglong Newspaper’s affairs quickly spread, and many people in the first half of the Grand Line, including the four-sea area, remembered the name of Linglong Newspaper.

East Blue.

The weakest sea.

At this time, the headquarters of Linglong Newspaper was located on one of the East Blue islands that had a name but was not well-known.

Among the newspaper headquarters, there are only Renee and Petunia.

All other tasks are done by the Sombra Samurai.

These tasks include copying, etc., as well as selling newspapers, calculating profits, writing information, and dividing them one by one.

Petunia smiled happily looking at the profit of the newspaper sold today. “Sister, we made a lot today. Selling newspapers is too profitable, right?”

“What are you thinking about?” Renee said, looking at her sister irritably. “In addition to the money that sells newspapers, there is also money that was raided from their ships by killing some disobedient guys.”

“Oh, what do we do next, sister?” Petunia asked.

“Don’t worry, we will go to New World again after the husband goes to New World. In the next period of time, what we have to do is to let the pirates of New World also know about Linglong Newspaper.”

Renee’s eyes flickered and her heart moved.

Two black shadow warriors appeared behind him, kneeling on one knee.

Renee said calmly. “Did not Celestial Dragons go to Sabaody Archipelago during this time? You two, sell me the newspaper on the Celestial Dragons ship. If Celestial Dragons doesn’t give the money, don’t kill it. Just grab the money and take it all. All of them were filmed for me and voted into the New World newspaper.”

Hear the words.

The two black shadow warriors nodded, and their figures suddenly disappeared.

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