Chapter 161 160: Using Celestial Dragons as a Threat

“Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist!”

Mio let out a low growl, Armament Haki wrapped his fist, and at the same time a fiery flame emerged.

Under full urging, the flames on Mio’s fist were raging, and a frightful aura broke out. This punch was enough to give people a sense of fatal crisis.

“Let me see, how far is the gap with Admiral?” Miao murmured, her eyes gleaming, a punch blasted out, and she rushed away.


A loud noise suddenly broke out.

Almost spread in several surrounding areas.

“What a big movement, it came from over there.”

“Is anyone fighting?”

“It’s Kurokawa Mio and Admiral Kizaru, the captains of the Black Crow Pirates!”

“It’s worthy of being the man who escaped from Impel down. He was able to play against Admiral, but he wouldn’t be Admiral’s opponent if he thought of it?”

“Also discussing what to do, take advantage of that guy to hold Admiral, and run quickly.”

The pirates said one after another, although many people looked there with curious eyes and wanted to take a look, but thinking of Admiral’s strength, they finally shook their heads and ran towards the port.

at this time.

Mio here.


Mio clutched her chest, wiped the Bloodline at the corner of her mouth, looked at Kizaru in the sky in surprise and said. “It’s really Admiral, the strength gap is really big.”

With a full blow, although he was able to hold Admiral’s blow, to be honest, he was still a little reluctant. Now he was only slightly injured, and there was no major problem, and this slight injury could not affect much.

But it can be seen that if he really fights Admiral, he will soon fall into a disadvantage.

The gap in strength is still very large.

“Stay here.” Kizaru said calmly, he didn’t want to waste time anymore, because he noticed the existence of a Celestial Dragons nearby.

It may be a little troublesome to continue.

With a ‘swish’, Kizaru’s figure suddenly disappeared, appeared in front of Mio, kicked it with all his strength, and the golden light shone.

With a sound of ‘cang’, Mio greeted him with a sword with both hands without hesitation, but the next moment Mio was kicked into the air, and it took a long time for Mio to stabilize and stop on the way of flying backwards.

“You can’t keep me.” Mio grinned and looked at Kizaru. “Are you aware of it? The existence of Celestial Dragons.”

“Would you like to see, can you protect Celestial Dragons first, or can I catch him first?”

“If you dare to kill Celestial Dragons, you will be chased by me, even if you escape to New World.” Kizaru’s eyes flickered with cold.

Raikiri in Mio’s hand returned to her sheath, and said with a curled mouth. “Do you think I care about this? What’s more, can you Marine get an Admiral to hunt me down for a long time? As long as I enter the New World, the pressure on your Marine is not small.”

“It doesn’t take much time to kill you.” Kizaru’s voice became cold, and his figure flickered in front of Mio, kicking it out.

However, Mio’s body suddenly appeared in the distance, Kizaru’s foot fell on the ground, the ground suddenly cracked, dust rose up all over the sky, and the area vibrated slightly.

“You can’t kill me.” Mio looked calm and looked in a direction where a Celestial Dragons was located. At this time, even if the Celestial Dragons noticed the movement of the battle, they didn’t panic at all, and even felt this. Bian’s fighting movement disturbed him, and he planned to let the cp member come over and execute the two fighting here.

There was a ‘clang’.

Mio pulled out Raikiri, looked at Kizaru, and raised the corners of her mouth. “And now, you should save your creator.”

The voice fell.


Mio slashed out, and a terrifying sword aura suddenly exploded, hitting directly in the direction where the Celestial Dragons were.

The location of Celestial Dragons is not very far from here.

With Celestial Dragons’ fragile body, even the slightest touch of Celestial Dragons with this slash is enough to kill them.


Kizaru stared at Mio coldly, this guy really made him feel annoyed, but no matter what, Celestial Dragons couldn’t die.

Without any hesitation, Kizaru appeared directly in front of the slash, kicked it out, and abruptly kicked the slash away.

“See how much you can stop.” Mio sneered, and another slash broke out and swept away.

At the same time, my heart moved.

The displacement ability was spurred, and within the coverage of Observation Haki, Mio could perceive that there were bubbles floating above the Celestial Dragons’ head, which was the characteristic of Sabaody Archipelago itself.

But at this time, it will be the biggest obstacle to Kizaru’s arrest of Mio.

“Damn it, you guy.” Kizaru seemed to be aware of Mio’s thoughts, his face changed, and golden light exploded on his legs. He kicked the slash away again, and then moved towards Celestial Dragons without any hesitation.


Mio’s voice also sounded at this time.

The bubble above Celestial Dragons’ head disappeared instantly at this moment, and replaced by huge stones that could smash Celestial Dragons flat.

The number and coverage are so large that it almost covers an area above Celestial Dragons’ heads.

“not good!”

The CP members beside Celestial Dragons immediately noticed the danger overhead, without any hesitation, immediately protected Celestial Dragons, aimed at the overhead, and Tempest Kick burst out one after another.

Smash those boulders.

But there are too many boulders, and the only two cp members can’t stop them all.

“Can’t let Celestial Dragons die under my nose.” Kizaru’s voice was helpless. Although he also hated Celestial Dragons, and Celestial Dragons didn’t care about it, Celestial Dragons couldn’t die under his nose.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, after guessing Mio’s thoughts, Kizaru almost rushed to this side without any hesitation. Sparkling fruit broke out at full speed and quickly let him arrive.

At the same time, without any hesitation, he went straight to Celestial Dragons.

The figure appeared next to Celestial Dragons instantly, with both hands gesticulating. “Bachiqiong Gouyu!”

Whoosh whoosh.

Light bullets soared into the sky, smashing the falling boulders completely.

In the distance, Mio looked at the light flare that kept rushing into the sky, and the corners of her mouth rose. After retracting Raikiri, she turned and flew in the other direction.

“The next time I meet, it will be New World, Kizaru.”

As Mio’s voice sounded, Mio’s figure gradually faded away and quickly disappeared.

It took a full three minutes for Kizaru to completely smash the boulders, which shows how many megaliths were replaced by Mio.

Kizaru put his hands in Kabuto and stood in the middle of the gravel ground, letting Celestial Dragons scream and turn a deaf ear to his ears, just staring in the direction where Mio was leaving, and coldness in his eyes emerged. “What a terrible newcomer, am I… in the middle of it?”

And going to this is still a conspiracy.

Although there was only a few minutes, Yimin’s ability was enough to let Mino leave.

“It would shame me if I didn’t catch you, but time, just wait for you to go to New World.” Kizaru murmured, turned and left directly, and didn’t bother to pay attention to Celestial Dragons.

It just so happens that after a day off tomorrow, he will return to New World.

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