Chapter 165 Chapter 164: Essence

“Mr. Black Crow came to The fish men island for a purpose, right?” Princess Otohime said suddenly.

She can hear the voice of the’heart’, facing Mio, she can also hear the voice of Mio’s heart.

Her Observation Haki can even convey her own consciousness to others, thereby affecting their minds and thoughts, so that they can resonate with themselves. This is an extremely advanced and special Observation Haki that cannot be obtained through practice.

It’s just that she didn’t dare to do this in the face of Mio.

Afraid to backfire.

But through her Observation Haki, she’heared’ the thoughts from Mio’s heart about The fish men island.

Mio knew what Otohime had seen and heard, so he didn’t hide it, nodded and said. “Yes, The fish men island is a good place. Whether it is the characteristics of the fish men or the historical text in the Sea Forest, it is my purpose here.”

“I’m afraid it’s more than that?” Otohime looked at Min, his eyes solemn. “Although I don’t know the specific thoughts of Mr. Black Crow, I can feel Mr. Black Crow’s ambition and desire for The fish men island.”

Hearing this, Mio smiled, and did not answer.

The ship moves forward.

Soon, under the leadership of Otohime, he entered The fish men island and parked the boat in one place. All members of the Black Crow Pirate Group boarded the royal ponytail and headed to Dragon Palace. .

And in the end, came to the banquet hall.

As the palace of The fish men island, it is undoubtedly an extremely luxurious and beautiful place.


In the banquet hall, you can see the King Neptune of The fish men island waiting here at this time, and the ministers of The fish men island including two rows of maids and so on.

There is no doubt that this is a welcome banquet specially prepared for Mio.

With the arrival of Mio, Neptune, the king of The fish men island, laughed at this moment. “Mr. Black Crow, The fish men island welcomes you.”

“Trouble you, King Neptune.” Miao smiled politely. Since the other party treats each other with courtesy, he will naturally not lose his identity.

“Start the banquet.” Hearing this, Neptune smiled, and after speaking, the banquet began immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a famous fish man carrying The fish men island’s specialty desserts, drinks, and barbecue specially prepared for the Black Crow Pirates, and placed them in front of a few people.

Although it was a banquet, Mio still knew the purpose of Neptune and Otohime very well. Not surprisingly, he wanted to take the opportunity of this banquet to let the Black Crow Pirates leave quickly, right? After all, The fish men island is to be honest, although beautiful, it does not have strong strength. It is okay to deal with ordinary pirates, but for powerful pirates, it is very weak. Coupled with the current situation of The fish men island, the black crow pirates staying for a long time may cause unnecessary trouble.

“To be honest, even as a human, I still admire what Princess Otohime did.” At this time, Mio took a sip of the wine produced by The fish men island and faced Otohime and Ni. Putton’s gaze, the corners of his mouth slowly rose, and he smiled. “It’s just that Princess Otohime’s actions are impossible to achieve in my opinion.”

“Why did Mr. Black Crow say this?” Hearing this, Otohime asked curiously.

Her goal has always been to improve the status of The fish men island, so that the murlocs and mermaids on The fish men island can live in peace with humans.

“Obviously, isn’t it?” Mio shrugged and said lightly. “The seeds of hatred and discrimination have been deeply buried in the heart. At the same time, whether it is a murloc or a mermaid, it is an existence of great value and interest for the human slavery group. Let alone hatred and racial discrimination. One day the slave hunting group exists, the goal that Princess Otohime strives for will be impossible to accomplish.”

“Even if there is, it is only temporary.”

As he said, Mio took up the wine glass and said with deep meaning. “And the slave hunting group is impossible to disappear.”

Some words.

Otohime and Neptune couldn’t help frowning.

However, they did not refute Mio’s words.

Because what Miao said is the truth. As the king of this island, they know the hatred in The fish men island better than others, and at the same time know how much trouble the slave hunting group has brought to The fish men island.

“Why can’t the slave hunting group disappear?” Otohime asked, frowning.

“Very simple.” Mio grinned. “Because of interest, for human nobles, murlocs and mermaids are rare and rare, and they are also beautiful and powerful. They are very good slaves. They are willing to spend big prices and buy, to bid. At the same time because these nobles are willing to spend money. , The slave hunting group will catch fishermen and mermaids frantically for profit.”

“Of course, the main customer of the slave hunting group is Celestial Dragons.”

Celestial Dragons.

The three words silenced Neptune and Otohime for an instant.

It was like a big mountain pressing on them.

Up to now, Mariejois has still held many of their kind in custody.

They know this very well.

I also know the power of Celestial Dragons, and know more clearly what the mermaid is in the eyes of Celestial Dragons, that is a plaything, yes, it is a plaything.

But it is an indispensable plaything. Perhaps today they would be bored with a murloc, but they would not mind changing to a murloc.

As long as Celestial Dragons treats the murlocs as an advanced plaything, then the slave hunting group will not disappear.

The slave hunting group will not disappear, and the hatred of The fish men island will not disappear.

Otohime stared at Mio, her eyes filled with puzzlement. “Why does Mr. Black Crow say this?”

“I just plan to make a deal with King Neptune and Princess Otohime.” Mio said calmly.

“What deal?” Neptune said solemnly.

“A mutually beneficial transaction.” Miao grinned and smiled. “I need to classify The fish men island as my territory, and at the same time, I am very interested in Poseidon.”


Hearing that, neither Neptune nor Otohime couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, Otohime frowned directly. “Let’s not mention that our The fish men island refuses to be your site, what Poseidon, we don’t have such a thing on The fish men island.”

One of the three Ancient Weapons is unknown to anyone, but because he knew it, he would deny it directly. The fish men island cannot withstand the oppression of the World government, regardless of whether there is Poseidon on The fish men island, whether it is known or not. Knowing that rejection is the most correct for The fish men island.

Mio didn’t care about this, but said slowly. “Princess Otohime, you are a smart person and a person who strives for goals. I have to say that you have paid a lot for The fish men island, but unfortunately, you have gone in the wrong direction.”

Mio pulled out Raikiri and inserted it into the ground, the blade shone cold.

Immediately afterwards, Mio looked up at Otohime and Neptune. “Have Princess Otohime not seen the essence of this world?”

“Ben…Quality?” Neptune was taken aback for a while.

“That’s right.” Mio put her hand on the handle of Raikiri’s knife, and said calmly. “The essence of this world is strength.”

“The strength is not strong enough, what can The fish men island do to live in peace with humans? It’s just a delusion.”

“Only with strong strength can the slave group be deterred, the world government can pay attention to it, and the pirates can be feared.”

Mio grinned. “The fish men island doesn’t even have a decent strong, so how can it talk about peaceful coexistence with mankind? Only by becoming a member of the World government? Only by signing a friendly relationship with the world’s nobles? Don’t be naive.”

“Neither the World government nor the so-called world aristocracy can deter the greedy pirates.”

“The only thing that can deter them is strength.”

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