170 Chapter 169: Publish it

New World.

On an island, this is the headquarters of a newspaper.

Today, the newspaper received a video contribution. At this time, the members of the newspaper in the office were watching this video contribution, and their faces were all shocked.

You can see that the video is replaying on the big screen in the middle of the office.

At the beginning of the video, it was on the deck of a luxury ship, and soon, a figure appeared in the video, causing the staff in the newspaper office to hold their breath, showing a look of consternation.

It was a Celestial Dragons in brocade clothes, with transparent bubbles on his head, and two female slaves with exposed clothes but a good figure. The slaves had no brilliance in their eyes, as if they were desperate. The eyes were dull.

They knelt beside Celestial Dragons, letting Celestial Dragons play with them.

But at this moment.

On the deck, a black figure suddenly rose.


A man in a black suit who was clearly a member of the cp suddenly appeared in front of Celestial Dragons with a cold tone.

The black shadow warrior didn’t answer anything, just handed it over with a newspaper in his hand.

“Damn untouchables, can my ship come up casually by untouchables? Catch me, and I want him to be my slave.” Celestial Dragons’ voice rang out, instructing the CP members and giving their orders.

When the cp members heard the master’s order, they were ready to shoot without any hesitation.

Then the next moment.


One after another black figures emerged from the deck.

Almost in an instant there were hundreds of people standing on the entire deck.

The cp members suddenly became nervous, staring at the surroundings with fear, and protected Celestial Dragons behind them. This weird way of playing made him dare not take any action without authorization.

“Damn, what are you still hesitating? Kill them for me! Kill them all!” Celestial Dragons roared, these dark shadow warriors are just like ordinary people, in his eyes they are untouchables, and now these untouchables dare to be free. His appearance on his boat is simply an insult to himself, a huge insult!

With that said, Celestial Dragons even took out a small exquisite revolver, aimed at a shadow warrior, and fired directly with a bang.

A bullet flew out and hit a dark shadow warrior.

Seeing this, the cp members suddenly shrank their pupils and secretly said “No”, fearing that these people would be irritated by this action, their muscles were tight and they were extremely vigilant.

This time Celestial Dragons is traveling. Although there are bodyguards, he is the only real cp member.

Originally he was not the only one, but because of the transfer of Five Elders, all the powerful cp members went to protect the adult and chose a suitable island, so he was the only one to protect Celestial Dragons.

The others are slaves of Celestial Dragons, and those people don’t have much fighting ability.

So he is the only one who can protect Celestial Dragons.

However, even if his strength is not bad, facing so many shadow warriors, coupled with that strange way of playing, he dare not have 100% confidence to protect the safety of Celestial Dragons.

What’s even more bizarre is that after the shot Celestial Dragons fired and hit a Sombra warrior, that Sombra warrior turned into black smoke and disappeared, but only after a breath, he recovered.

This ability almost made the cp member’s scalp numb.

“You have to be clear that if you hurt Celestial Dragons, no matter who or where you are, you will be tracked down and killed by the World government and Naval Headquarters, and Admiral of Naval Headquarters will not let you go.” The cp member said in a deep voice. Warned.

The voice just fell.

A dark shadow warrior rushed out towards Celestial Dragons.

The cp members shot almost instantaneously, but at the same time, all the other shadow warriors rushed towards Celestial Dragons without any hesitation.

The face of the cp member suddenly changed.

And when one of the shadow warriors approached Celestial Dragons, the cp members’ pupils tightened.

The number of these black shadow warriors is too much, and he can’t handle it alone, he can only protect as much as possible. At this moment, he didn’t hesitate to rush to protect Celestial Dragons.

But the next moment.

The shadow warrior stretched out his hand and grabbed it, as if he had caught something.

Immediately afterwards, all the shadow warriors disappeared at this moment.

Only left on the deck, with a look of astonishment on the CP member and the newspaper that fell on the deck.

“What, what’s going on?” The cp members were shocked and didn’t understand what these shadow warriors were planning to do. Aren’t they going to hurt Celestial Dragons? Obviously it was about to succeed, why did it disappear again?

He didn’t understand, but he hurried to Celestial Dragons and asked nervously. “My lord, are you okay?”

Celestial Dragons touched his belt, roared with anger on his face. “Damn it, those untouchables took my jade pendant, which is my favorite treasure, immediately found them for me, and then grabbed them for me. I want them all to be my slaves.”

“Jade, jade pendant?”

The cp member was stunned, and then looked at the newspaper on the deck with a stunned expression. “Those guys…couldn’t they be here to sell newspapers?”

“Yes, maybe not?”

Is there such a powerful newspaper in the world? Selling newspapers and buying Celestial Dragons on the ship, don’t you say that you still grab something?

“After you go back, you have to check it carefully.” The cp member thought in his heart at this time.

As for the inner thoughts of cp members, these staff members in the newspaper office are naturally unclear.

But they know the situation in this video, as cp members guessed, just to sell newspapers.

And they also know the origin of these shadow warriors.

A member of the staff was surprised. “Editor-in-chief, these dark shadows seem to be members of a newspaper called Linglong in the first half of the Grand Line. This is the way they deliver newspapers. What you mean by this video is…”

“What else can it be? I want to borrow our hand to open New World’s reputation, fortunately, New World has a firm foothold.” The editor-in-chief is a middle-aged man, and the answer was suddenly said at this time.

The staff members frowned suddenly. “Then shall we not publish it?”

“No, publish it.” The editor shook his head and rejected the proposal. “Even if we don’t publish, they will vote for other newspapers. There are always newspapers who choose to publish. It’s just a matter of time. So we refuse to refuse. This time we publish first, but we can get more attention. , It can be regarded as mutually beneficial to this Linglong newspaper.”

“It’s just I didn’t expect them to be brave enough to sell to Celestial Dragons.”

This point surprised the editor in chief, but then he said. “But that’s okay, maybe in the future you can see the results of this newspaper angering Celestial Dragons. Does it still exist or… is it destroyed?”


The newspaper office became operational.

Under the impetus of the editor-in-chief, the news began to be published in the newspaper.

The next day, newspapers were taken by seagulls and flew to all parts of New World.

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