Chapter 172 Chapter 171: The situation of the parties

Guy West Asia Islands.

This is the destination of this trip to Mio.

It is an archipelago where other birds of sight exist.

It has been a week since I came to New World. During this week, Mio has completely experienced the complexity of the weather in New World, and the speed of change is almost unpredictable.

At the same time, there is still some distance from Guy West Asia.

As the Black Glory was heading towards Guy’s West Asia Islands, at this time New World Curia Island, Saya’s base camp.

On the island, there is a town, and the whole town belongs to Saya’s territory.

At this time, in a castle in the center of the town, in the empty hall, there is a figure sitting on the seat above the deepest steps. This figure is slender, but there are two black horns on the forehead and also on the cheeks. The black lines look a little weird.

Beside this figure, there is also a beautiful girl showing her soft body.

Below the steps.

Tyco said angrily. “Saya-sama, the Black Crow Pirates group is different from other supernovas. It almost doesn’t put you in the eyes, and also specially asked me to tell you, I hope you don’t die too fast, and what do you say you are very impressed with? Interests and the like are simply unforgivable.”

The voice fell.

The figure on the seat on the steps gave a slight sneer at the corners of her mouth. Vaguely, the slender figure seemed to change suddenly. The head stretched out one pair of corners, and at the same time, the body expanded. The temperature in the castle rose in an instant. stand up.

“The task entrusted to you has not been completed, where did the face come back alive?” The voice of the figure was silent and without emotion.

In the words, the ground is faintly surging with strange patterns.

Looking at the pattern, Tyco’s face changed, and almost instantly he got up and retreated back, retreating and explaining crazily. “Master Sa, Saia, I have worked very hard to complete the task you ordered, but the strength of the Black Crow Pirates is too strong, I have no way, please forgive me, please!!!”

A look of fear appeared on Tyco’s face.

The pupils shrink.

It’s like seeing something terrifying.

But no matter how he begged for mercy, the strange black pattern that moved on the ground still didn’t stop, and even finally came under his feet, and rushed to his body along his feet.

At this time, he was barely able to see what the weird pattern was.

It was a cluster of flames, black flames, weird colors, but the temperature was abnormally terrifying.

After being entangled by the flame, Tyco’s body began to melt quickly, and his flesh and blood seemed to be burned abruptly.

Heart-piercing screams sounded in this hall.

But after a few seconds, the screams disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Tyco’s body disappeared completely, leaving only a piece of white bone, which was scattered on the ground.

“Waste things.” Looking at the white bones on the ground, Saya stood up on the steps. At this moment, he had a pair of black wings behind him, his skin was red and black, and strange lines appeared on his body.

A powerful aura radiated from Saya and swept all around.

“Amy!” Sayah shouted.

A figure walked into the castle. This was a brawny man, his eyes were very fierce, his body was full of blood, and there was a scar on his face.

“Boss.” Amy grinned and looked at Saia.

“Go and find me the location of the Black Crow Pirates, and then kill them!” Sayah said in a cold voice.

Hearing that, the pirate named Amy licked his lips, revealing a touch of excitement. “Hey, murder? Don’t worry, I will bring their heads back soon.”

After speaking, Amy turned around and left the castle.

Seeing Amy’s departure, Saya returned to his original form, sat down again, and sneered. “A guy who just entered the New World, I don’t know if the sky is high and the earth is thick, only death will end.”

A hot girl next to her posted it up, smiling sweetly. “Saya-sama don’t have to be angry with a newcomer. If Amy-sama takes action, they will be killed soon. Let’s continue to play~”

“Hey, that’s right, with Amy taking the shot, Laozi will see the head of the Black Crow Pirates in a few days.” Saia laughed in agreement.

Then hugged the girl and played happily.

at the same time.

A piece of news also began to appear all over New World.

The headline of the news is that the pirate named Talos killed Celestial Dragons and will be hunted down by Admiral. He is the number one supernova this year, offering a reward of more than 200 million.

At the same time, the Black Crow Pirates entered the New World.

“Interesting, hell la la la, it seems that New World will soon become lively.” On the Mobile, Whitebeard laughed and drank the wine to start today’s banquet with his sons.

On an island.

The redhead looked at the news in the newspaper, and smiled on his face. “This guy named Talos is a bit like Kaido, and he actually killed Celestial Dragons before entering New World. I wonder if he can escape Admiral’s hunt? There is also the Black Crow Pirates, which finally entered New World. World, I’m curious if this guy is so funny when Hawkeye said it.”

Red handed out the newspaper, shaking his arms. “Happy today, have a banquet!”


“Have a banquet hahahaha.”

“Drink and drink!”

The pirates around cheered.

The redhead has a smile on his face. “After the banquet, we will go to meet the Black Crow Pirates!”

at the same time.

It is also an island in New World.

Kaido hung the gourd with wine around his waist, looked at the contents of the newspaper, grinned immediately and laughed. “Laozi is very interested in this guy’s crew. Go and find them. Laozi wants them to be Laozi’s men!”

Beasts Pirates, set off directly to the location of the Black Crow Pirates.

New World began to surging in secret for a while.

However, most of the pirates are still calm.

Miao didn’t know about these things.

Guy West Asia Islands.

The Black Glory at this time has already reached this destination island.

At first glance, it is a huge archipelago. The islands are connected to each other, making the range of the archipelago very huge.

This island not only has birds from east to west, but also some other creatures. Although there are no ancient creatures, some beasts on the island are also very powerful because of the particularity of the island.

The pirates offering a reward of 30 to 40 million to come to this island will only end in death.

From this one can imagine how ferocious and powerful the beasts on the island are.

However, such an island is exactly what Miao needs.

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