Chapter 174 Chapter 173

The screaming screams constantly sounded.

Under the flames, there was an explosion sounded constantly below, and at the same time there were a large number of surviving crows flying into the sky, staring at Mio with fierce resentment, and swept toward Mio like a black torrent.

The crow represents disaster and death.

At this moment, as Mio’s move blasted out, a large number of prompts continued to emerge on the panel, and that was one crow gene being included.

“The more you come, the better.” Looking at the swept crows, there was excitement on Mio’s face, without any fear. The number of these crows was not enough to pose a danger to him, and it was about ten times higher. After all, he His abilities allow him to stand in any place without being threatened with death.

“The roar of the fire dragon!”

Mio gave a low roar, and the figure appeared under the crowd of crows. The flames gushed again, engulfing a lot of crows, and the prompt appeared on the panel again.

A large number of genes, at least two to three thousand crow genes have been included in this moment alone.

This is the largest number of genes of the same kind included in Miao.

Far below.

Robin looked at the flashing figure, bombing the crow’s Mio, but suddenly he was surprised at the next moment, his eyes looked in one direction, showing a look of surprise.

Robin’s armed color is not very strong, after all, she is young, plus being a female, her physical strength can’t keep up, and she doesn’t exercise too much. But Observation Haki is not bad. At this time, under Observation Haki, Robin found a figure staggering towards the distance.

That is……

A crow, a little crow, it seems that it hasn’t been long since it was born, its feathers have not been fully grown, and its wings have not been fully expanded.

But it was just such a little crow. At the same time as one side went away, he looked back at Miao from time to time.

This is a pair of glances full of resentment, anger and flames of revenge.

The emotion was so intense that Robin couldn’t help but be surprised.

The IQ of the crow itself is not low, but the IQ of this little crow is significantly higher.

“What a heavy hatred, I can’t let you leave!” Robin muttered, looking at Miao on the horizon, and then hugged his hands in front of him, and his thoughts on the Flower-Flower Fruit ability suddenly moved.

Suddenly, the four arms of the little crow appeared around him, and there were even traces of Armament Haki on them.

The four arms directly grabbed the four different parts of the little crow, making it unable to move no matter how hard it struggled.

There was an extremely unpleasant scream of ‘Wow~Wow’ in his mouth.

One hour.

It took a full hour for Mio to end the battle. After slowly exhaling, his figure flickered and appeared beside Robin.

Looking at the number of crow genes on the panel, Mio couldn’t help smiling and her eyes flickered. “10,321 copies of the crow gene, not bad!”

More than 10,000 crow genes are all fused together, even if they are just crow genes, you can imagine how terrifying it is.

“Captain, here!”

Robin tugged at the corner of Chi Min’s clothes and pointed in a direction.

Mio had noticed this little crow just now, and said when he saw a smile on Robin’s face. “Good job, it’s three happy moments!”

“Sanxi?” Robin was stunned after hearing this, and asked strangely. “Captain, those crows may be a good thing for you, and this little crow is one thing, but what about the other?”

Miao squeezed Robin’s white face, and while feeling the fleshy feel, she pointed in one direction and said. “That’s the third good thing!”

It was discovered during Mio’s battle, and it can be said that it made him excited for a while.

There was a big tree next to the crow’s nest, and a pitch-black Devil Fruit was lying there quietly, covered with spiral patterns, and it seemed that there was a black luster flashing faintly.

“Devil Fruit?”

Robin exclaimed suddenly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

“And it’s not an ordinary Devil Fruit, it’s the monster species in Zoan, the soul-smashing bird!”

Mio has seen the Devil Fruit illustrated book given by Doflamingo before, so I remember that most of the Devil Fruit, to be precise, should be most of the pictures of the fruit that Mio seems to be powerful and useful, and the soul-scaring bird fruit is also among them.

As a kind of phantom beast, the fruit of the soul-wounding bird is naturally extraordinary. As its name suggests, it is related to the soul, and it can even hurt the soul. It is a very powerful ability.

Therefore, at the first sight of this Devil Fruit, Mio recognized it.

I have to say that not long after I came to Guy West Asia, I ran into a Devil Fruit of the Eudemons, which undoubtedly made Miao excited to see. I also look forward to the next time in Guy West Asia. Maybe there will be more. Harvest.

With a ‘swish’, Mio appeared next to Devil Fruit, took Devil Fruit in his hand and returned to Robin’s side.

“Captain, what will this little guy do? Killed?” Robin asked, pointing to the little crow.

“No, take it home!” Mio grinned. This little crow should be considered a different kind of crow, with a relatively high IQ, so you can bring it home. After all, the Black Crow Pirate Group, raising a crow is also quite appropriate. .

“Okay!” Although the representative of the crow is unknown, since joining the black crow pirate group, she doesn’t dislike this animal.

Mio handed Devil Fruit to Robin to hold it, and he grabbed the little crow and held it in his hand. The two of them moved toward the direction of the Black Honor, while Mio’s heart was thinking about it.

It’s the soul-wounding bird fruit, I currently have three Devil Fruits in my hand, but I can consider a lottery, but the abilities of the three Devil Fruits are good, and the other two are not as good as the soul-wounding bird, but they are okay. Which one to use It is worth considering the question of going to the lottery.

When returning to the position of the Black Honor, Mio had already made a decision.

At the same time, you can see a large number of ants on the shore, along a road, constantly transporting some seriously injured beasts out of the forest and put them on the shore.

“Not bad, but the efficiency is okay.”

There are already nearly ten severely wounded beasts on the shore. At this efficiency, at least dozens or even hundreds of genes can be collected in a day.

“grown ups!”

Seeing Mio’s return, the drought appeared on the surface of the sea, stirring the sea, and a huge body appeared in front of Mio’s eyes.

“Dry Yan, grab a few sea beasts when you have the opportunity, it’s useful to me.” Miao said to the Dry Yan. In one year, everyone’s strength has been more or less improved, and the Dry Yan is no exception.

It’s just that there is currently no opportunity for Drought to use his abilities, but once there is a chance, Drought will undoubtedly shock people.

“Good host!”

Han Yan nodded his head and immediately sank to the bottom of the sea. Since the adult had ordered, he acted immediately.

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