Chapter 188 Chapter 187: Quick Fruit

“But I have to say that these New World big pirates really have a lot of good things. These two are already five Devil Fruits.” Miao muttered, touching his chin, these big pirates are real. rich.

There are also many Devil Fruits.

In the future, it seems that I have to consider seizing more opportunities to snatch some Devil Fruit from those big pirates.

This can be collected much faster than Ming Ge alone.

Especially the guy BIGMOM took out five Devil Fruits and didn’t blink his eyelids. Obviously, he didn’t put this amount in his eyes. Obviously there were more survivors.

“Tsk, I have to figure out how to get more Devil Fruit from the girl like BIGMOM.” Mio touched his chin and thought.

Up to now, he still has five Devil Fruits in his hand, two of which are useful, and the remaining three, the three previously obtained from Cracker, are useless, because they are all ordinary Zoan, so Miao intends to Used to draw a lottery.

But I’m not in a hurry. It’s not too late to start the lottery after I get the other two from BIGMOM. For the lottery, the more you draw at one time, the better, and the chances of getting good things are higher.

In thinking.

The ship supports to continue to move forward.

The sea is calm at this time.

Mio also stopped thinking, and began to practice.

Cultivation is about influencing ability.

With a ‘hum’, a circle of light appeared on Mio’s body, covering the surrounding area. This was the area of ​​influence. At this moment, Mio’s right hand slowly raised, and within the aperture, a drop of sea water rose into the sky and floated in mid-air.

The ability to affect the fruit is too strong, and it has been developed to the point where it is strong enough. Miao feels that an idea of ​​her own is enough to affect natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

Moreover, Mio said before that this ability is very compatible with the replacement fruit. Mio can use the influence fruit to create countless items that can be replaced, and then use the replacement fruit.

The two match up to match Haki and his terrifying physical abilities.


Think about it and feel powerful.

“If you get the ability of Golden Lion again in the future, you will really not be afraid of everything.” Miao squinted his eyes and thought in his heart that he could build an air base at that time.

And at this moment.

Bai Feng looked in one direction at this time, and there was a pirate ship approaching quickly, and the ship’s pirate flag was moving with the wind.

“My lord, there are pirates.” Bai Feng immediately shouted toward Mio.

Mio looked back, somewhat puzzled. “Come for us? Robin, do you know that Pirate Banner belongs to the Pirate Group?”

“Let me see.” Robin picked up the binoculars and glanced at the Pirate Banner, then scratched his head to think. “Some impressions, I think about it.”

After a while, Robin patted his little hand and said quickly. “I remember, Captain, that is Saya’s, one of Saya’s most powerful pirates, Amy, is offering a reward of 320 million.”

Mio nodded his head. “In this case, it looks like it is indeed for us.”

Turning his head, Mio looked at Robin and asked. “Is this Amy Demon fruit power?”

“Yes.” Robin said immediately. “Paramecia, quick fruit ability!”

“Susu Fruit?” Miao rubbed his head. He had some impression of this fruit. It was a fairly good fruit ability. Susu Fruit could increase his speed. As long as his physical fitness was strong enough, his speed could be increased to more than a thousand times. There is no problem. But if it is not strong enough, Demon fruit power will cause the body to collapse during high-speed movement.

This Devil Fruit is somewhat similar to Momo Fruit, but it is not clear who is the superior and who is the inferior.

“Unfortunately, it was not the person with the ability I wanted.” Mio murmured in his heart. There was a person with the ability that Mio wanted to kill very much under Saya’s hands, but it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come now. I didn’t come this time. Next time. Is it coming soon? It’s a big deal to kill it when the time comes.

Amy’s Pirate Ship was very fast, and within half an hour, it caught up and approached the Black Honor.

On the pirate ship, Amy slowly pulled out the two sharp daggers from her waist at this time, looked at Min with bloodthirsty eyes, and grinned with a grin. “The Black Crow Pirates have finally found you.”

Miao leaned his hands on the enclosure, supported his chin, and smiled lightly. “Why? Want to kill us?”

“Hey, that’s right.” Amy licked his lips, as if he liked killing people very much, and said with a hint of excitement in his eyes. “Don’t you deserve to die if you refuse the invitation of Lord Sayah?”

The voice fell.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Amy’s figure disappeared directly.

Min squinted slightly, it was difficult to see Amy’s figure with naked eyes, or could not keep up with Amy’s speed.

However, Mio didn’t have any fear, on the contrary, he sneered and said. “The speed is indeed very fast, but unfortunately, your own speed is not fast, even if you double it, where can your speed go faster?”

The voice fell.

Almost without using Mio’s hands, Erica slammed a big sword out of her waist and stabbed Mio’s right side suddenly.

A figure also appeared on Mio’s right side. It was Amy. At this time, he was about to stab Mio’s head with a dagger in his hand, but suddenly stopped, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

I saw that Erica’s knife stopped steadily at his neck, only one centimeter away from his neck. If he got closer to Mio, the knife would cut his neck directly.

“You can’t kill anyone on this ship.” Mio turned her head and stared at Amy indifferently.

His speed is indeed very fast, but everyone on this ship, except Robin and Warwick, can easily avoid his attacks. Their insights and super reflexes are no joke.

“Don’t be arrogant, newcomer.” Amy’s expression was gloomy, and after taking a step back, her speed surged again, holding the dagger tightly in both hands, a breathing room appeared on the other side of Min.

At the same time, the dagger in his hand pierced Mio’s head without hesitation.

A coldness appeared in Bai Feng’s eyes, and with a move with his right hand, a wind blade the size of a compressed plate appeared directly in his hand, and it was spinning continuously, before being directly thrown out by Bai Feng.

next moment.


The screams suddenly sounded.

Emina’s hand that used to stab Mina with the dagger was already broken and fell on the deck, blood constantly gushing out.

“I understand why there are no such Saia and Borken in the original book.” Miao muttered in his heart. With this kind of strength, his subordinates are already one of the most powerful pirates under his hands. How could it be possible to compete with Kaido and the others. .

Whether Whitebeard, Kaido, or BIGMOM, and even Shanks’s members have a strong presence.

Looking at Kaido, the three plagues under his hands are not weak. Although there is no Kozuki Oden under Whitebeard’s hands, there are people like Marko, and they have good fruit abilities.

Not to mention B0IGMOM and red hair. Although the children of BIGMOM are not strong at this point in time, they have a large number of children. Shanks, the boat is taking the elite route, and the younger brother who is collected under his hand is also the elite route.

There is no comparison at all.

“But if you can send me a genetic ability, you can be regarded as your own role.”

Mio spoke slowly, pinched Amy in his hand and pinched his neck. With a thought, a flame appeared directly in his palm, instantly wrapping Amy’s body.

In the flames, the screams were endless.

When it was almost time, Mio directly threw the fellow engulfed by flames into the sea.

On the panel, prompts also appeared.

“Congratulations on your inclusion of the Pirate (Susu) gene!”

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