Chapter 191 Chapter 190: World Expo

Put away the phone worm.

Mio sat down cross-legged, his eyes flashing with thought.

Golden Lion…

To be honest, the location of Golden Lion is not easy to find. ‘STRONGWORLD’, which is Golden Lion’s Sky Island base, has been floating around in the sky. It is not realistic to find it purely by luck.

“Maybe you need to ask Whitebeard.” Mio murmured.

But Whitebeard is not so easy to go there. As the first existence of the emperor, Moby Dick is not able to board as long as he wants to. Without sufficient strength, there is no way to face Whitebeard.

Maybe even Whitebeard will get rid of him.

Otherwise, Whitebeard will say “be my son” or something like that.

And at this moment.


A seagull flew over, and the seagull was carrying a package, which seemed to contain newspapers.

The seagulls circled the Pirate Flag on the flagpole for a moment in the sky, as if confirming something, and then they flew down and landed on the bow of the ship, tilting their heads to look at Miao.

“News? Here is a copy.”

Min shook his head, no longer thinking, came to Seagull and handed over a coin.

Seagull took out a newspaper from the package, handed it to Mio, and then spread its wings and flew away.

Mio opened the newspaper and something fell out. After Mio hurriedly caught it, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. “pointer?”

What falls out of the newspaper is a permanent indicator.

“When will a permanent pointer be included in the news paper?” Robin walked over and asked curiously.

Mio was also puzzled, but when he saw the content in the newspaper, he immediately understood.

“So that’s the case, the World Expo…” The corner of Miao’s mouth lifted up, showing a smile, and the color of expectation in his eyes also emerged.

“Expo?” Robin was surprised and curiously took the newspaper and read it.

The content described in the newspaper is that there is a grand World Expo, which will be held in half a month. It will be located on New World’s Osher Island, which is a huge island, which is good for hosting the World Expo.

“It seems that the World Expo this time will be very grand. It is estimated that you can buy a lot of special things in it? Captain, are we going to go?” Robin asked, looking at Miao.

“Go, of course.” Mio nodded without hesitation. To be honest, he has not participated in the Expo, and this Expo will be very grand as described in the newspaper, so he will naturally not miss it.

And this time at the Expo, you might be able to buy something you want.

The World Expo is exclusive to the pirates. You can burn, kill, loot and looting anything. As long as you don’t inform the Marine World Expo where it will be held, it is within the rules to do anything there. At that time, there might be a large number of pirates with Demon fruit power. How could Mio not go to this kind of grand occasion?

“But we can buy newspapers. Doesn’t Marine mean we can also buy them?” Robin asked strangely.

Hearing this, Mio shook his head and pointed to Pirate Banner to explain. “When the seagull flew down just now, it was obvious that the Pirate Flag flew down after a long time, indicating that this thing will only be sold to the pirates.”

“The only pity is that the time is too tight. It only takes half a month. There is a distance from here to there and we need to go at full speed. After all, we will have other things to do in the middle of the journey.”

Fortunately, the island where the World Expo will be held is on the route of Mio, so there is no need to turn around, otherwise he might not be able to get the two Devil Fruits from Charlotte.

After all, if the route is different and he goes to the World Expo, he will definitely not be able to go to Cake Island, so naturally he won’t be able to get those two Devil Fruits.

Miao looked at the sea and shouted towards the Drought under the sea. After allowing Drought to speed up, he gave the permanent pointer to Baifeng and let Baifeng hold it, and he thought about one thing.

Speaking of the World Expo, he couldn’t help but think of the island where Roger left a permanent pointer to ‘Ladruf’.

That thing is definitely a good thing. If it is spread out, it will definitely cause a bloody storm. Miao is thinking about whether to get the thing.

The reason for thinking about it is also because that thing is a bit hot. If you don’t have enough strength, if you get the thing and pass it out accidentally, the whole New World pirates will come to him.

Everyone wants to kill him and get a permanent pointer.

But Mio also wants to use this thing to get some benefits.

Thinking time.

Mio’s eyes flickered, as if thinking of something in general, the corners of her mouth rose slightly. “Hey, I thought of another good idea to pit BIGMOM.”

But the idea is there, but it’s not time to implement it. Let’s first use up the two opportunities to pit BIGMOM that have been set up now.

Mio grinned, but stopped thinking about it and continued to practice.

Five days have passed.

For the past five days, the Black Glory has been moving forward on the sea.

Occasionally I encounter some pirates. These pirates have little strength. After all, they are in New World. However, after seeing the Black Crow Pirates, they all have only one idea, that is, to kill the Black Crow Pirates and step on it. It became famous with the reputation of the Black Crow Pirates.

It’s a pity that they were all greeted by death in the end.

at this time.

On a sea area.

Two pirate ships approached each other.

One of them is the Black Honor.

The other ship is the Cross Pirate Group. Captain Noah is offering a reward of 110 million. He is strong in physical skills and has no fruit ability.

At this moment, Noah stood on the bow of his ship, looking at Mio on the Black Glory, clenching his fists and shouting. “Black Crow, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Do you want to step on me to make a name?” Miao asked with a flat expression.

“Of course.” Noah grinned with an excited smile and licked his lips. “Your reputation is very big. If you beat you, Laozi can be famous in New World.”

“Ambitious.” Mio also grinned and showed a smile, but there was more disdain in this smile. “But it’s a pity, your strength does not have the slightest possibility of defeating me.”


Mio lifted her right hand and waved, Erica took a step forward, and then pulled out the two knives, staring directly at Noah, and said lightly. “Those who want to defeat Mr. do not have a hundred or dozens. Before that, there were several, but in the end they all died. The same goes for you.”

The voice fell.


The double knives were pulled out in an instant, and then slashed abruptly.

“Double knife flow!”


A sword light suddenly appeared.

Accompanied by it is the ultimate terrifying coercion contained in the sword light.

Let the waves on the sea calm down in an instant, and make the turbulent sea in this area instantly calm.

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