Chapter 204 Chapter 203: Confrontation with Parken

“That guy hasn’t seen him before, is he the new crew member of the Black Crow?”

“So strong! Can’t keep up with this guy’s speed at all!”

“Hey, selling Devil Fruit in this kind of place, without the strength, can only fall to this end.”

“Hahaha, isn’t this what it deserves? I met Black Crow and wanted 100 million Baileys, is it stupid?”

The surrounding pirates ridiculed the dead guy.

With Devil Fruit in his hand, Mio glanced at the pirate who had become a corpse, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, a pirate took a step forward and looked at Mio, shouting. “Master Black Crow, are you interested in being the same old fellow Whitebeard?”

The voice rang.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

There are not many pirates who can come here, and they are even more clear about the meaning of these words. These words are asking Miao if he is interested in fighting for the throne. If the previous Black Crow Pirates were only interested in the New World Pirates, and even some large pirates wanted to subdue the Black Crow Pirates, and some ambitious guys wanted to step on the Black Crow to become famous, then what if Mio answered’yes’.

It would mean that the black crow is interested in the throne.

It also officially represents that the Black Crow will choose to become one of the contenders for the throne, causing hostility from some people.

You know, hostility and interest are not the same thing.

Hostility means that some people no longer care about whether they provoke the Black Crow, but will actually take action and always look for opportunities to destroy the Black Crow Pirates.

But in the same way, answering ‘yes’ will also give some guys who are originally interested in the Black Raven Pirates the heart to follow the Black Crow Pirates.

The pirate who asked this question also made some guys notice.

Because asking this meant that he meant to follow the Black Crow Pirates, other people couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.

Some pirates also recognized this guy.

“That seems to have come to New World three years ago? And it’s an ancient Zoan carcharodon capable person.”

“Yes, it’s the supernova of the year, I remember this guy.”

“A reward of 250 million is offered, and the tearer wins and Wu Liu!!”

Mio also turned his head to look at the person who asked these words, a slender man, staring at him scorchingly at this time, waiting for his answer.

Miao grinned and showed a jealous smile, said. “Of course there is, but not everyone can follow the Black Crow Pirates.”

The voice fell.

Many people around looked at Miao in surprise.

Many people originally thought that the Black Crow Pirates, no matter how famous they were, would choose to follow a powerful existence when they came to New World, but now they didn’t expect the Black Crow Pirates to have the ambition to fight for the throne.

Shocked some pirates.

At the same time, some pirates have other thoughts in their hearts.

Shengyou Wuliu’s eyes became even hotter because of Mio’s words, and he asked. “Master Black Crow can talk about how to follow the Black Crow Pirates.”

Just finished asking.

Mio waved his hand directly, and the reward orders were thrown out by Mio, accompanied by Mio’s icy voice.

“Come and see me with their heads up, you can!”

Shengyou Wuliu grabbed a reward and glanced at it, and immediately raised a smile of excitement. “Then please wait for Master Black Crow.”


Shengyou Wu Liu unceremoniously turned and left, taking his little brothers, as if he was about to immediately start looking for the target of the reward order.

At the same time, some guys secretly grabbed a reward order, and after seeing the target on the reward order, they left secretly.

Mio’s Observation Haki covered this area, and after a faint smile, he was about to leave.

There are so many pirates here, and there are definitely a lot of Devil Fruit sellers. He doesn’t want to stay here and waste time. He intends to go deeper to see if there are other Devil Fruit sellers.

As far as Miao is concerned, selling Devil Fruit by the weak will only cost him one more life.

If it’s some powerful guy, he doesn’t mind spending some money.

But it’s just a small amount of money, it’s the other party’s business whether or not.

“Black Crow!”

Mio just raised his foot and didn’t take a few steps, when a voice came from not far away.

Min was startled slightly, then looked back, and suddenly narrowed his eyes. “Parken!”

“Are you interested in giving me the fruit in your hand?” Parken said in a flat tone, but there was no doubt about it.

“Not interested at all.” Mio said without hesitation.

Several people stood behind Parken, all his subordinates, staring at Min with enthusiasm at this time.

Including Borken.

“So, you want to be my enemy, don’t you?” Parken’s tone gradually became cold, his aura climbed, his words carried a killing intent, and even the killing intent in his eyes began to make no secret of it.

Slightly clenched his fist, Parken moved his fingers, staring at Mio coldly, waiting for Mio’s answer.

Perhaps ordinary pirates will succumb to Borken’s killing intent?

After all, it is obvious that the opponent is strong, and his influence in New World is not small.

But a pity.

The corners of Mio’s mouth rose slightly, staring at Parken without showing any weakness, and grinned. “Are you worthy?”


Parken opened his eyes wide, and a turbulent aura suddenly erupted from his body and pressed directly towards Mio. This is Conqueror’s Haki, which burst out with a powerful impact. The weak existence was at the moment when Conqueror’s Haki passed by. It is falling to the ground.

Erica took a step forward slightly, and an extremely majestic Conqueror’s Haki erupted directly, facing Conqueror’s Haki of Borken, not showing weakness.

“At this level, even my partner is not as good as my partner.” Miao chuckled lightly, with a hint of sarcasm and disdain in his tone.

“Huh, a newcomer still needs to know the rules of New World.” Parken said coldly, as the voice fell, his figure almost disappeared in place.

Suddenly, Miao’s pupils shrank, and he almost immediately noticed the abnormality. The speed of this guy… was terribly fast.

But Mio did not hesitate to make a fist, Armament Haki covered with the power of the demon, and threw a fist in the direction of the sound of the breaking air.


The fist bombarded the Borken fist that suddenly appeared, and a powerful explosive force collided, and a terrifying aura broke out, forming a wave of air sweeping around, making some pirates unable to open their eyes.


At the blow that Mio blocked him, Parken looked a little surprised, but then he let out a low growl, and a terrifying force from his fist suddenly burst out, making Mio’s face change involuntarily, retracting his fist and hurriedly jumped back. A few steps avoided the blow.

It’s just that Mio looked at Parken with some surprise, and frowned. “Is this your ability?”

The speed that burst out at that instant, and the terrifying power that burst out just now, seemed a bit weird, like the ability of a capable person, not a physical attribute.

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