Chapter 208 Chapter 207: Parken’s injury, eye-catching ability

Hear the words.

Mio frowned slightly and shouted directly. “Hee!!”

The voice fell.

Araki and the others were suddenly puzzled. They didn’t know who Mio was calling. They hadn’t seen the name Hee from the reward order of the Black Crow Pirates. Is it possible that they are a newcomer? But soon, they knew who Hee was.

I saw it fell with Mio’s voice.

Accompanied by it was an extremely harsh screaming sound.

The sound is extremely ugly.

But there was an inexplicable throbbing that touched the soul.

I saw the coast in the distance.

A black figure rushed directly to the sky and appeared in the sight of everyone.

“That’s… the crow?” Araki opened his eyes wide, showing a look of consternation.

“Isn’t the guy Black Crow shouting the crow?” Shengyou Wu Liu’s face also showed a look of astonishment.

After seeing the guy who looked like an ordinary crow flew up into the sky, he looked at Borken, who was escaping to the coast, with deep eyes.

“Go away!”

Parken roared, punched out, and a shock wave burst out immediately, blasting directly at Heier, causing the air to blast, even if it was a random blow, its destructive power was very terrifying.

Hehe dodges the shock wave with a random twist.

Then, as if angry, he opened his mouth and screamed again.

Different from the previous one, this time it seemed like an invisible force came out of Heier’s mouth and swept away. With the scream, for a while, Borken and the men behind him could not help but suddenly widened. Eye.

There was a touch of incredible color.


The screams suddenly sounded.

You can see behind Parken, some ordinary hands covering their ears and bursting out screams. There is blood flowing out of the pupils and nasal cavity, as if they have suffered great pain, but the time for the rest is falling to the ground and lost. vitality.

With just a scream, dozens of pirates died.

Although these pirates are just members of the Pirate Group who are some of the right assistants under Parken’s hands, their strength is not so powerful, but this scene is enough to make me feel terrible.

Even extremely jealous.

Because I can’t understand what’s going on at all, this ability is like Conqueror’s Haki, but Conqueror’s Haki will pass out of a coma at best, and it won’t cause death.


Borken didn’t hesitate, frowning and shouting. The scream just now made him feel uncomfortable, but luckily he seemed to be able to resist it, but if he came a few more times, he felt it would be difficult for him to persist. .

With an order, the men behind Parken ran directly towards the ship.

Parken himself bombarded Hee with a punch.

“Death to Laozi, you beast!” Parken roared, and the air shook with a punch.

There was a flash of scarlet in Heier’s eyes, and then the power of the demon surged over his body. The next moment, with the wave of Heier’s wings, the power of the demon condensed into a huge scarlet crow in front of Heier, spreading its wings. Fly, meet and go.

Meet with Parken’s punch.

A terrifying shock wave broke out, sweeping in all directions, dispersing the clouds.


Parken’s pupils shrank slightly, surprised. “This power… is the same as that of the black crow!!”

He will not admit it, and he is 100% sure that this power is exactly the same as the power used by the skeleton giant that the fellow Black Crow condensed just now, which makes him feel unbelievable. There is absolutely no way to have the same two Devil Fruits in this world. ability.

But what is going on now?

“Is it a subordinate fruit?” Parken murmured in his heart. It is understandable to burn and magma subordinate fruit, but the fruit ability of the subordinate and subordinate is too the same, right?

But no matter what, this crow…

It seems very strong in Borken’s view!

The strong ones are too much.

Obviously he was just a beast, but he was even able to compete with him, which made him unable to believe it.

But what makes Parken even more unbelievable is…

Hee suddenly opened his mouth, and a scream broke out again.

The terrifying scream touched the soul, causing Parken to fall into a loss of consciousness for a short time. Even though Hee was a crow, his IQ was extremely high. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the power of the demon surged in his body, and he condensed it again. A scarlet crow flew away.

‘Puff chuff’.

A bloody hole appeared on Parken’s chest, and a lot of blood was gushing out.

Can clearly see the dense bones and flesh and blood inside.

“Damn it.” A sense of pain came from his chest, and Parken’s face suddenly became paler, and his eyes looked at Hee even more jealous.

At that moment, he almost lost his consciousness. Although it was only a few seconds, but even so, it let this beast take advantage of the loopholes, and it also made him aware of the horror of the beast’s difficulty and ability. .

“Extreme explosion!”

Parken let out a low growl again, but he could see that the big bloody hole in his chest fell with Parken’s voice and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, only when the wound healed.

Parken’s face became paler.

With a ‘boom’, Parken exploded with all his strength, punched out, and then turned and ran towards the coast without looking back.

If he was still a little unwilling when he was about to leave before, then now he is completely determined to leave here.

Regarding the power displayed by the Black Crow Pirates group, even this beast is terrifying, making him extremely jealous, and at the same time he feels horrified.

This kind of power is not a newcomer at all, and it is even more terrifying than some of the powerful New World players.

“Come back, Hehe.” Mio stared at the back of Borcan who was leaving, and did not choose to pursue it. In fact, he also saw that it could be pursued by the pursuit, but it was difficult to kill the opponent.

Because of the opponent’s ability…

To be honest, Mio was a little envious of the opponent’s ability.

Because he probably guessed what Parken’s ability is.


The ultimate explosive strength, speed, resilience, beyond the limit of strength, speed, resilience.

and many more.

All aspects of attributes can burst to the limit, and even exceed the limit.

This kind of power is terrifying and weird, and it makes him very eye-catching.

But it was precisely because of this power that Mio knew that for now, he couldn’t keep the opponent, and if he pursued it, he would be able to kill some of the opponent’s men.

Unless Mio asked Bullet to take a shot together, but this time Bullet’s mobile phone meeting, he doesn’t want to waste it here.

Therefore, he can only let the other party leave.

“But it doesn’t matter, I have already done what I want to do anyway.” Miao murmured, eyes flickering.

At the same time, Hee Fei was in the sky, and finally landed on Mio’s shoulder, his head tilted slightly and glanced at the surrounding pirates.

Being watched by He’er’s deep gaze, many pirates around showed fearful expressions on their faces, and they couldn’t help but back away again and again…

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