Chapter 217 Chapter 217

The size of the Drought Haki itself is huge, and at this time a huge arm is completely covered by Armament Haki, it is even more terrifying and terrifying to see the Drought Haki, which means that the Armament Haki of the Drought Haki has cultivated to the point of being very powerful.

Even if it does not reach Emission, it is extraordinary.


With another blow, a ship shattered again and turned into wreckage floating on the sea. At the same time, it was possible to see a large number of pirate bodies floating on the sea, and the sea area was stained red with blood.

“grown ups.”

Heiyan landed on the deck at this time, and with a casual throw, he threw Kaxi Ling in front of Mio and handed it to Mio for disposal.

Looking at the dying guy in front of him, Miao waved his hand calmly, the power of the devil surging beside him, and a spear burst out suddenly, with a sound of ‘huh,’ directly piercing through Ge Xiling’s forehead.

A reminder suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Congratulations on your inclusion of the Pirate (Maned Wolf) Gene!”

“Reluctantly.” Seeing the prompt, Mio secretly said in her heart, and her eyes flickered, and she no longer cared about it. It was just an ordinary Zoan fruit ability, optional. The only genes he cared about now were those powerful.

Afterwards, Mio continued to look forward.

Seeing a roar of Hanyan, his hands raised above his head, the thick Armament Haki almost completely covered the two arms, making the two arms exude a faint luster, like steel arms.


Photographed by the arm.

The sea and the waves rushed into the sky.

The ship exploded and was destroyed and turned into wreckage.

The screams sounded continuously.

In the sky, a seagull has been hovering nearby. There is a phone worm hanging on the seagull’s body, and the phone worm has been staring at the situation of Crow Island.

It was also because of this phone bug that caused a group of reporters at the headquarters of a newspaper in the New World waters to look at the live content on the screen in front of them with excitement.

“Quickly, arrange the headlines immediately. The Black Raven Pirates seem to be occupying Raven Island as their headquarters, and they actually overwhelmed the Jackal fleet. This is another big news.”

“Edit the content immediately, remember to be authentic.”

“After the preparation is completed, the newspaper will be copied immediately and sold to various places as soon as possible.”

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper immediately ordered.

Most of these reporters are not strong, so more often they are looking for news by using seagulls to find news. It is enough to place a phone bug on the seagulls, so that the safety of these reporters can also be guaranteed.

With that said, the editor in chief commanded again. “Also tell the seagulls not to leave in a hurry, and continue to pay attention to the situation on Raven Island. If the Black Raven Pirates wants to use Raven Island as their headquarters, they will definitely clean up some of the unstable factors in the nearby waters. Maybe there will be other news at that time. Woolen cloth.”


This side of Crow Island.

Naturally, I discovered the seagulls in the sky a long time ago, and even noticed the phone bug on it, but I didn’t care about it.

With the violent bombardment of the Drought, the pirate ships of the Jackal Fleet on the Crow Island were wiped out almost one by one, and under the attack of a large number of crows covered by the power of the devil, the pirates continued to die.

The smell of blood is strong and permeates this area.

Hawkeye frowned slightly, stretched out immediately, and said. “Now, I’m afraid no one will come to provoke you in a short time.”

The scene before me will definitely be reported.

The arrival of the Jackal Fleet can be regarded as the Black Crow Pirates group killing chickens and monkeys. In the future, even if someone comes to trouble the Black Crow Pirates group, they will belong to the top-level existence of New World, not the so-called garbage.

“Hope.” Mio shrugged. Even so, the pirates are pirates after all. There are always some brave and greedy guys who don’t know the so-called, but after a while, Mio has enough staff under his hands. .

It doesn’t matter how many pirates who don’t know the so-called come, anyway, they don’t need to take action when the time comes.

Of course, it’s best not to come.

After all, there is still not enough manpower under Miao’s hands, and it is troublesome to come too many.

“Hee, don’t let one go!” Miao raised her head and looked at the sky in front of her, slowly speaking to her.

Hear suddenly erupted with a scream to signal clearly, and at the same time, the crow flock became more turbulent, and the attack became more fierce. There were even more crows flying from the Crow Island, covered by the power of the devil, and then rushed downwards. past.

The killing lasted for half an hour.

The sea on the shore of Crow Island has completely turned into a blood red, with a large number of corpses floating on the sea.

At this time, Hee had slowly reached the sky above the Black Glory, landed on Mio’s shoulder, turned his head slightly and rubbed Mio’s cheek.

Being able to return to Mio’s side also shows that Hee has killed all the pirates on the coast and has not let go of alive.

“Good job.” Mio touched Heier’s head and smiled and praised.

Hee whispered softly, then returned to the flagpole and landed in his den.

Miao also opened his mouth and ordered. “Let’s go, dock.”

“Yes!” Bai Feng nodded, and immediately shouted back to Drought, and drove the Black Glory, approaching Crow Island.

The scene in this sea area at this moment is a bit disgusting and cruel. There are too many corpses and the smell of blood is very pungent. From time to time, sea beasts rush out from the bottom of the sea and swallow a floating corpse on the sea.

This can be regarded as a real scene in this world.

After all, it is a world of pirates, and killing is a very common situation.

Therefore, this scene left Mio and others without any changes in their complexions, and was even very calm.

As the Black Glory landed, Hawkeye glanced at the island in front of him. The crows had all returned to their nests on the island. The entire island looked black, and only the most central area had a green forest.

“Although the name of this island is very consistent with your pirate group, now I think I understand why you chose this island as your base camp.” Hawkeye said with a sigh.

In the scene just now, anyone who is not a fool knows why Mio would choose this island.

The number of terrifying crows, coupled with Hehe’s ability.

In combination, the base camp of the Black Crow Pirates is basically difficult to capture. Even if Marine arrives, it will definitely cost a heavy price.

Not high-end combat power, but the price to be paid for low-end combat power.

There are too many crows, and they continue to breed every year, and because they are animals that grow fast.

As long as the Black Crow Pirate Group develops steadily for a few more years, the number of crows on this island will double. Now the numbers are already terrifying, let alone after the number has increased several times.

At that time, it will be true darkness covering the sky.

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