Chapter 226 Chapter 225: New Training

“I hope you won’t let me down.”

Staring at the Gritty Bear, Mio spoke words that the Grizzly Bear could not understand.

Afterwards, Mio grinned and raised a smile, the light of the knife flashed, and the giant fine-toothed bear suddenly screamed, but then his figure disappeared and was taken into the cultivation tank.

Immediately afterwards, Mio started to select genes directly.

The first is some beast genes. After the beast genes are dealt with, Mio has chosen the powerful genes in his hands.

At present, there are four powerful genes in the hands of Miao, if you count the genes of Luo Xinwo.

However, Mrs. Neto’s gene is not intended to be used to train the guy in front of him. After all, by hearing her name, she knows that Mrs. Net is a female gene, and she has never seen a man in the “Midwife Net”. If it is used to train this bear again, in case This bear is a male. Wouldn’t it be time to cultivate a ladyboy?

Mio didn’t want to have a personal monster under her hand, which would affect her vision.

So forget it.

In addition to the network bride gene.

The other three genes under Mio’s hands, tusk, are actually the same as the current Marine III Admiral.

Ace Desi gene.

The golden gene of the lion.

And Four Tails Monkey King gene.

Among them, the Acedes gene is the power of ice which is the same as Aokiji, Four Tails Monkey King is the power of magma and the power is the same as Akainu, except that the lion’s gold is different from Kizaru, but the lion’s gold is thunder and lightning.

It adds up almost the same.

These three genes are all used to cultivate one, and coupled with the powerful physical body of the cultivated creature itself, Mio is already very much looking forward to it.

After pulling all these three genes into the gene cultivation tank, Mio pressed the cultivation button.

Afterwards, waited quietly.

Gene training begins.

Steam emerged and the interface vibrated.

Voices sounded one after another.

There is a roar.

There is a vibration.

There are also voices.

“Huh!” Miao, who has had many training experiences, is now able to stabilize her emotions very well. Although she still has expectations, she is not so urgent anymore.


The selection appears.

[Please choose the training direction: animal type? -Human type? 】

“Naturally is a human form.”

Mio made a choice.

The guy trained this time is also at the level of the captain under Mio’s plan. Choosing the animal form is not very good for leading his men.

After the selection is completed, the training continues.

And soon, the training is over.

In the cultivation tank, a brand new figure emerged.

This is a burly figure with tight muscles and natural tattoos on the body. There is a golden lion tattoo on the right arm, and a magma-like tattoo on the chest and abdomen.

He has red hair and ice blue eyes.

At the same time cruel, but fierce, with a little bit of jealousy.

Just looking at his height, he has a body shape of more than three meters. Just looking at it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Even if I haven’t seen the ability panel yet, Mio believes that the creature cultivated this time is definitely a strong one, not weaker than the strong one in Marine Admiral! !

[Successful training! 】

【unnamed! 】

[Abilities: Thunder (control thunder), ice (control extreme cold), magma (Master lava), wild beast (transformation ability, extremely high strength), divine power (strong power is terrible), hard skin (skin Hard, hard to break defenses), tough (defensive power is terrible), firm (strong willpower, not easy to fall), endless (strong physical ability can fight to the end and still have majestic physical strength), shock (born with its own Powerful power), ice resistance (not afraid of severe cold), heat resistance (not afraid of heat), breath (able to perceive the enemy’s goodness). 】

[Comprehensive combat power evaluation: Admiral of Headquarters (Ultimate combat power: Admiral peak!)][The potential has not yet been developed! 】

“Simple but powerful!!”

After reading the ability panel, Miao couldn’t help exclaiming.

Is really powerful.

The panel is brief, but every ability is very useful, especially this ability, which is completely Tenke Akainu and Aokiji, coupled with the speed of thunder and lightning, even Kizaru can’t pose too much threat to him.

With the ability to cooperate, even Kizaru is easy to suffer.

Coupled with strong physical stamina and defensive power, even if facing the same level of power, even facing two people alone may be able to fight.

This ability is really too powerful, thunder, ice, magma.

These three natural forces are placed on a person at this time, especially if the ice is developed, it can freeze time like Acedes. Even if it may have a great limit, it can also explode the power of terror. Come.

Thinking about it this way, the people trained this time are already at the top level in the world.

This is the benefit of having many powerful genes.

There are many powerful genes, all of which are used to cultivate one person, and the cultivated existence is the top level.

If there is enough Devil Fruit, maybe he can create more than ten Admiral-level powerhouses in a short time. How terrifying is this?

With a thought, Mio waved her hand.

The cultivated creature appeared in front of Mio.

The fierce breath immediately hit his face.

The man in front of him looked towards Mio and bowed his head respectfully. “Owner.”

“Call me your lord from now on.” Miao said.

The man nodded and shouted again. “grown ups.”

“Yeah.” Mio touched his chin, his eyes flashed with thought, and said immediately. “From now on, your name will be…Qingqi.”

Talking about the name, Miao couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth and her eyes flickered.

Qiongqi, one of the four evils.

In the future, perhaps there will be four evil spirits under his own hands, but now, let Qiongqi shock the world first.

As far as this world is concerned, Qiongqi’s strength in this world is also worthy of this name.

As for the implied meaning of Qiongqi itself, I won’t mention it for the time being, but Mio completely ignored those implied meanings to give him this name.


Chewing his name, Qiongqi nodded respectfully, and said with excitement flashing in his eyes. “Thank your lord for the name.”

“You are satisfied.” Mio said with a faint smile. With Qiongqi in the future, no matter which powerhouse in New World faces, he is basically fearless.

“Are you starting to extract capacity?”

At the same time, a prompt appeared on the panel.

Mio nodded immediately. “Draw it.”

“Starting to draw~ The draw is successful. Congratulations on drawing the ability [Divine Power] and one-tenth of the all-round attributes of the creatures you cultivated this time!”

“whispering sound!”

Seeing the abilities she had extracted, Mio suddenly curled her lips.

This ability is not what I want, but it’s okay.

The more powerful people under his hand who are loyal to him, the more he doesn’t worry about the ability to extract, because as long as he has more powerful people, he doesn’t have to worry about his own safety.

In the future, I will have time to cultivate more powerful people and extract other powerful abilities.

If you can’t draw it at once, just draw a few more times.

And supernatural…

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