Chapter 228 Chapter 227: The Arrival of Whitebeard

“Is this Emission?” Robin was always there, looking at Haki in Mio’s hands at this time, a little curious.

“That’s right.” Mio nodded and waved his right hand. Armament Haki exploded and swept across the square. It was no longer a entanglement, but could be released at will. Like Conqueror’s Haki, it could even penetrate into the enemy’s body to attack.

“Come on again, Qiongqi.” Miao grinned with an exhilarating smile, and after shouting, he stepped out, bursting into a shot, and fighting broke out again.

Qiongqi didn’t hesitate, blasted out a punch, and greeted the past.

Although he was just attacked by Emission, it was not a big deal for him.

Fighting again for half an hour, when Mio was completely familiar with Emission, the battle was over.

He took the towel that Erica handed over to wipe off the sweat, then picked up a bottle of whiskey and drank it. After drinking a bottle of whiskey, Mio exhaled comfortably.

Learning Emission today is a good gain for him.

But at this moment.

A pirate hurriedly ran over, and after saying a word beside Shengyou Wuliu, Shengyou Wuliu frowned and went to Miao’s front report. “Master Black Crow, just now Araki sent a message that a big guy has come to the Black Crow Sea.”

“Big guy?” Mio frowned slightly and said in a deep voice. “Who?”



A flash of surprise flashed in Mio’s eyes and asked. “Do you know what to do here?”

“It seems to have come for us.” Shengyou Wu Liu said. “According to the news from Araki, the other party wants to see you.”

“Then let Araki bring the other person over.” Mio grinned and ordered. Whitebeard? Come, come, now Mio’s strength, coupled with the strength of the Black Crow, he really doesn’t fear Whitebeard.

After all, you must know that this is the base camp of the Black Crow.

Regarding the strength of the crew under his hand, the captains under Whitebeard’s hands are not necessarily Baifeng’s opponents.

And the large number of crows on the island is enough to destroy the ordinary pirates on the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Even if the number of pirates is large, more than a thousand.

But compared to the tens of thousands of crows covering the power of the devil, hehe, there is only a dead end.

“Yes.” Seeing that his boss didn’t have the slightest fear, but he was a little excited, Shengyou Wu Liu couldn’t help but responded with excitement and turned away.

This is the base camp of the Black Crows, so what about Whitebeard?

Master Black Crow is here again, even if Whitebeard is here, he is not afraid.

Katsuta Wu Liu quickly picked up the phone worm and dialed towards Araki, conveying the command of Lord Black Crow.

Black crow sea area.

At the bow of the pirate ship, Araki put down the phone bug, looked at the Whitebeard pirate team leader Marco, and said lightly. “Master Black Crow has ordered, you can take you there, please come with me.”

“Okay.” Marco grinned and leaped slightly, his figure suddenly turned into a bird emitting blue flames, flying in the sky, and finally landed on the huge Moby Dick not far away. superior.

“Father, the other party promised to let us pass.” Marco said when he came to Whitebeard.

“Follow each other, then.” Whitebeard nodded, put down the large bowl of wine, and a surprised look flashed in the direction of Raven Island.

His great strength and his intuition over the years told him that the people on this island are extraordinary.

This time, I can really witness the strength of this newcomer who can be called a monster.

Soon, the Moby Dick followed the Araki Pirates and approached Raven Island.

Not long after, it was docked.

You can see the center of the island, with a huge castle, and there are many pirates on the shore of the island.

Joz frowned slightly. “These are the pirate groups that have joined the Black Crows. They seem to be some good guys. There is no newcomer who has just entered the New World. They are all the guys who have been in the New World for some years.”

“I heard that the Black Crow Pirates are taking the elite route, and it seems that the followers under their hands are also taking the elite route.” Marco said, frowning slightly.

From this point of view alone, we can also see the ambition of the black crow.

This is a guy who pursues strength, and what he pursues for strength is self-evident.

On the island.

Bai Feng followed Hei Yan and others to the shore.

“Master Baifeng.” Araki shouted towards Baifeng.

Bai Feng nodded slightly, then looked at the Moby Dick, and said with a faint smile on his face. “My lord welcomes the arrival of Whitebeard. Now that I have prepared good wine and meat on the island, let me take you there. Please disembark and follow me.”

“Hey, good wine and good meat? That old man is looking forward to it.” Whitebeard stood up, holding Cong Yun, one of the supreme knives, and step by step walked down from his position to the shore.

With each step, the momentum on his body became more and more turbulent, as if he was disarming.

With every step taken, a majestic aura burst out on his body.

Araki and others on the shore couldn’t help feeling a shock in their hearts and a great sense of oppression.

But at this moment.

A figure slowly came to the shore, and the aura exploded, hitting the aura emanating from Whitebeard’s body, colliding with each other, and finally canceling the aura completely.

At this time, Araki and other talents couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but there was already cold sweat on their foreheads.

Whitebeard, just by his aura, made people like him feel terrified, which shows how terrifying Whitebeard is.

“The visitor is a guest, provided that there is no hostile person.” Qiongqi looked at Whitebeard indifferently, his expression calm, and his heart recognized Whitebeard’s strength, but he didn’t have much fear.

Strictly speaking, Whitebeard’s strength is not much stronger than him.

It’s just that the fruit’s ability is terrifying, which makes people feel jealous.

If you really want to fight, Whitebeard can’t kill him either.

Of course, he couldn’t kill Whitebeard.

“So powerful.” Marco stood beside Whitebeard, looking at Qiongqi with solemn eyes.

This turbulent momentum made him feel frightened, but he had seen the latest reward order of Black Crow. From the reward order, he hadn’t seen each other, but the other party looked obviously from Black Crow.

“The old man just came to the black crow to beg for a drink, don’t worry.” Whitebeard’s hands fell to the ground with a tremor. Seeing Qiongqi’s eyes flashed with shock, but even if the rotation disappeared, he slowly spoke. Scream.

“Then please come with me, the adults are already waiting for you, and the drinks are already ready.” Qiongqi nodded slightly.


With a smile on his face, Whitebeard stepped out and landed on the shore.

Behind him, the squad captain under his hand, followed behind Qiongqi, and walked towards the center of the island step by step.

Marko and others who followed Whitebeard kept their eyes on Qiongqi. In addition, the breath of Baifeng and others made them feel shocked…

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