Chapter 231 Chapter 230: Battle with Whitebeard

“I lost…”

Bista looked a little downhearted, thinking that he might lose, but he didn’t expect to lose so quickly, and he still lost to a female swordsman. But soon he recovered, raised his head to look at Erica, and asked in a deep voice. “Why was that sword just now?”

That sense of oppression.

It is still full of jealousy to remind him now.

Even if it was a duel of life and death, he was now dead.

Unfortunately, Erica did not answer, but she put away her weapon and returned to Mio, her bright eyes looked at Mio, as if expressing that she did not disappoint her husband.

Mio rubbed Erica’s head and said with a smile. “good.”

Erica’s face couldn’t help but a smile appeared, and she sat down.

“So strong.” Marco murmured, and sighed helplessly. Sure enough, the Black Crow Pirates really deserved to be called monsters.

Although it doesn’t feel weak from the breath, it’s a completely different feeling from the strength shown in front of you.

What is shown before my eyes is a strong visual and spiritual impact.

Just like now, he felt that Bista would lose, but he didn’t expect Bista to lose so quickly. This is a huge gap in strength and shocking.

“Very strong.” At this time, Whitebeard couldn’t help but nodded and exclaimed. After all, he had seen Erica’s slash before, and there was not much unexpected. The only surprise was that he and Bista and Marco were surprised. Same, I didn’t expect to lose so quickly.

Whitebeard looked at Mio and said slowly. “Boy, do you want to have a fight with the old man?”

The voice fell.

Marko couldn’t help but look at his father. He didn’t expect him to ask this sentence, but then he was looking forward to it.

They are blindly confident in the strength of Whitebeard, thinking that it is impossible for anyone to defeat Whitebeard. Therefore, at this time, Marco and the others can’t help but look forward to it. Bista loses, but perhaps their father will defeat the other side. Not impossible.

Mio shook his head and chuckled, did not refuse, just spoke. “Yes, but I would like to ask you one thing first.”

“Let’s talk about it.” Whitebeard was not in a hurry. Although he wanted to see the strength of the strongest existence since the new era, he was also curious about what he wanted to ask.

Speaking of it, among all the pirates since Roger went to sea after his death, Mio is definitely the strongest existence.

It can also be called the first person of the new era.

A new era after Roger’s death.

Like Whitebeard, even Hawkeye belong to the previous era.

After all, they are the existence that has gone to sea in the last era.

“A question.” Mio raised a finger, looked straight at Whitebeard, and asked in a deep voice. “The location of the Golden Lion.”

“He?” Whitebeard frowned upon hearing this. “Do you want to find him?”

“Yes, there is an important thing to find that guy. I think for now, you should be one of the few people who know his location, right?” Mio said.

“I do know the location of that guy.” Whitebeard slowly got up, and his crescent-like breath went up with the corners of his mouth grinning, exploding magnificently, sweeping across the Quartet. “But if you want to know, yes, if you defeat the old man, maybe the old man can tell you.”

The terrifying aura rippled, causing some of the pirates under the hands of Araki and the others to faint to the ground.

Mio also stood up. In terms of height, he was naturally inferior to Whitebeard, which can be called a giant-like figure, but in terms of aura, he was not weaker than Whitebeard.

Conqueror’s Haki exploded and swept all over the place.

The pirates under Whitebeard’s hands fell to the ground in large numbers.

Two strands of Conqueror’s Haki collide.

The clouds in the sky stirred up and rolled frantically.

“Conqueror’s Haki, Wang’s qualifications.”

Feeling this momentum, Marco couldn’t help sighing with his hands on his shoulders.

“No more Conqueror’s Haki, there are quite a few people in New World who have Conqueror’s Haki.” Joz shook his head, saying that it’s not a big deal.

Marco flipped through Byakugan, not having a good air. “Others who have Conqueror’s Haki, can they be compared with him? He is already a king, plus Conqueror’s Haki, it can only prove that his potential will be more terrifying.”

There are indeed many people who own Conqueror’s Haki in New World.

But those of Conqueror’s Haki did not develop.

And what about Mio?

Mio is already equivalent to a “king”, and also has the qualifications of Conqueror’s Haki, which is a symbol of the king.

This is different from ordinary people who own Conqueror’s Haki, which symbolizes that Mio’s potential and threat will only be more terrifying.

As Whitebeard and Mio looked at each other.

The people around involuntarily retreated to a distance, giving up a huge field.

Araki’s tone was excited and full of enthusiasm. “I didn’t expect to see Lord Black Crow fighting Whitebeard today. That is the strongest player in New World today. Can Lord Black Crow defeat him?”

“I believe Lord Black Crow will not lose.” Shengyou Wu Liu was also full of enthusiasm.

“Boy, let the old man come and see your strength.” Whitebeard grinned and stopped talking nonsense. He punched out, and the Shock Fruit ability burst out instantly, wrapping his fists, and the air burst suddenly.

Cracks appeared in the air.

“I hope you old fellow don’t let me down.” Mio grinned, facing Whitebeard’s punch without fear, Armament Haki suddenly covered it, and the punch slammed out, and the power of the demon surged.


Two punches collided.

The ground under his feet cracked suddenly.

The clouds in the sky dispersed instantly.

This is a terrifying aura generated after the collision.

Whitebeard’s eyes condensed, and he felt the terrifying power from Mio’s fist, which reminded him of Kaido, but immediately he burst into laughter. “Gul la la la, kid, good power, but this alone won’t be the old man’s opponent.”

What about Kaido?

It’s just that his men are defeated.


Whitebeard clenched his fist again, and then blasted out with another punch.

This time, with the mighty power, Mio could even hear the terrifying vibrations that kept hitting him.

“It’s terrifying power, but Whitebeard, how about a terrifying attack if you can’t hit me?” Mio said calmly, with a thought, the figure appeared behind Whitebeard, and easily avoided Whitebeard’s attack.

Immediately afterwards, from the fist wrapped in the armed color and the power of the devil, there was a fierce flame surging out, and the flame and the demon’s fire entangled with each other and blasted out with a punch.

Whitebeard reacted almost immediately.

Without any hesitation, he turned his head and blasted out a punch.

With Mio’s punch, they met together.

It’s just that this punch was a hasty act, so under the confrontation, a powerful force burst out, causing Whitebeard’s huge size to take two steps back.

And this scene is enough to shock the hearts of the people around.

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