Chapter 238 Chapter 237: Monkey D. Dragon

This night.




Convergence of bumps and convexities.

This is how Miao feels after coming down all night.

When the early morning arrived, Mio had a faint smile on his face when he walked out of the room, which showed that Mio was in a good mood.

But that’s all.

Leaving the castle, Mio came to the shore of Crow Island, looking at the black Glory in front of her, the corner of Mio’s mouth rose. “It’s time to go.”

“Captain, are you finally going to start sailing?” Robin’s voice sounded, walking slowly from behind, and a smile appeared on his face when he heard Mio’s words.

But right after that, Robin looked at the strawberry print on Mio’s neck with a weird face, as if thinking of something, a blush appeared on his cheek, but then disappeared.

Mio noticed Robin’s gaze, but didn’t explain anything, just nodded and smiled. “Yes, it’s time to continue sailing, there are still many things waiting for me to do.”

“Then I will call Marcy and the others.” Robin said with a happily expression. As a little girl, she is not used to staying on an island all the time, and she is also not interested in drinking and eating meat.

Sailing is more in line with her wishes.

Seeing Robin trotting away, Mio gave a chuckle, then jumped onto the deck of the black Glory and beckoned.

Hear suddenly fell on Mio’s shoulders.

Stroking Hee’s head, Mio spoke softly. “You will stay on Raven Island for a while, and guard this place, you know?”

Hee let out a scream, signaled to understand, and at the same time rubbed his cheeks, then spread his wings and flew to the sky above Crow Island, screaming again, and a large number of screams sounded from all over Crow Island.

That was the crows of the crows, as if they were responding to Heier.

In other words, the king is responding to them.

A quarter of an hour later.

On the deck of the Black Glory.

The crew is here.

Warwick, Erica, Lilith, Marcy, White Wind, Robin, plus the Droughts on the bottom of the sea.

Mio sat cross-legged on the bow, looking at Araki and Olive and the others on the shore, calmly instructed. “I may leave New World in the next period of time. If you have any important things, just go to Heier, and he will help you solve them.”

“and also…”

Mio took out a phone bug and threw it to Olive, and said calmly. “This is a phone worm who contacted Qiongqi. Don’t contact him if you don’t have to. Of course, if some powerful guys arrive, you can let Qiongqi take the action.”

“Yes.” Olive and the others respectfully took their orders.

Whether it is Hee or Qiongqi, they all know how powerful it is.

Belongs to the top of New World.

With these two powerhouses, even if Mio leaves, they are confident to ensure the stability of the Black Crow Sea.

And the stability of the black crow site.

When the time comes, even if the existence of Kaido comes, they will not be afraid.

“Well, don’t contact me except for important things.” Min nodded, and after a reminder, she looked at Baifeng. “Set sail.”


Bai Feng replied, then set sail and set sail.

Droughty dived into the bottom of the sea, dragged the black Glory, and started to move quickly in the direction that the white wind said.

The Black Glory, which is now considered a famous ship in New World, also began to move, heading in one direction, and gradually away from Raven Island.

Today is a sunny day, and the warm sunshine on the body makes people feel happy.

Robin looked at Miao with a bottle of juice in his hand and asked curiously. “Captain, where is our next destination?”

“An island that few people know about.” Mio said with his hands on the back of his head, lying on the recliner, with a pair of sunglasses on his face. “Sando Island, you probably don’t know this island.”

“I really don’t know.” Robin nodded after thinking about it.

There is no such island in her memory, and it should be an uninhabited island without accident.

Crow Island is not too far from Sundo Island, of course it is not too close. It takes at least two days to pass from Crow Island.

Because most of what Mio has to do is to leave New World to complete, before leaving New World, he wants to get the permanent pointer Roger left on Sundo Island.

After all, your own arrival may cause a butterfly effect, so it’s better to get it first.

This is a good thing after all.

But not everyone like Luffy doesn’t need this stuff.

If known by the New World pirates, the existence of a permanent pointer to Radruf would be enough to cause a riot by the New World pirates.

“But compared to before, it’s much better now.” Mio murmured in his heart. Now he really has time to develop himself. Although he had time to develop before, he still needs to have a certain position in New World after all. Just work.

Because in New World, status represents strength.

Only when you have a status, others will be jealous and will not provoke you at will.

Just like now, after the Black Crow’s position in the New World is firmly established, the next thing is to wait for the time to ascend the throne. Before that, basically except for the few other guys who want to become the emperor.

No one will disturb Black Crow.

Even Marine and World government are the same.

Unless they have enough confidence and find a time to deal with the black crow.

In addition, Mio is able to develop his own power recklessly.

The Black Glory was driving on the sea and had already left the Black Crow Sea.

One day passed slowly.

On the deck, those who should read books, those who should drink, and those who should practice cultivation.

In the distance, a pirate ship came oncoming, but when the captain of the pirate ship saw the flag planted on the Black Glory, his face suddenly showed horror and roared. “Quick, quick, turn sailing immediately, that’s the Black Crow Pirates, run away!!”

This is the current black crow’s deterrence in New World.

The Pirate Ship turned and drove in the opposite direction without any hesitation, turning on the maximum speed.

Miao sat boringly on the bow, drinking wine and fishing.

Use this to pass the time.

But suddenly.

Miao frowned slightly, and said calmly. “It’s very impolite to come to someone else’s boat without saying hello, what do you think?”

The voice fell, and Mio turned his head to look in one direction, and the killing intent broke out.

“What you said makes sense, and I am very sorry about that, but because my identity is more sensitive now, in order to avoid being discovered by the World government, I can only do so.” In a corner of the ship, a man was dressed The figure in the green cloak stood there, bowing slightly to Mio at this time to apologize.

The tone is also full of sincerity.

“Really a rare visitor, Monkey.d…Dragon!!” Mio’s expression was calm, and he said the identity of the other party.

This man who has now created the revolutionary army is more because of the revolutionary army’s philosophy. After the establishment, he has been regarded as a thorny existence by the world government. At this time, he came to the ship of Miao for some reason.

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