Chapter 240 Chapter 239: Arriving at the destination, get out

World government…

Miao whispered in his heart.

So far, he still doesn’t know how deep the foundation of World government is.

And before he had enough certainty, he didn’t want to explore the background of World government.

“Wait, when it’s almost time, World government…huh.” A chill flashed in Mio’s eyes.

He wouldn’t let a knife hang on his head all the time to threaten him. This knife himself has the opportunity to absolutely destroy it, but he doesn’t have enough strength now.

New World waters.

On a pirate ship that looked ordinary in appearance.

The figure of the dragon appeared in the cabin, and at this time, there were several people in the cabin waiting for the arrival of the dragon. They were members of the revolutionaries, and one of them was the future ladyboy king, Ivankov.

Now there is no relief legend left, let alone the queen of the kingdom of Kamabaka.

Seeing the dragon’s arrival, Ivankov asked hurriedly. “How’s it going?”

Long shook his head and said in a deep voice. “He refused.”

“Sure enough.” Hearing that, Ivankov sat down disappointed. Although expected, he was still a little disappointed. If he could get the help of Nico Robin, it would be much better for their revolutionary army.

The dragon’s expression was calm and there was no change, but he said solemnly. “Keep on developing. Today’s revolutionary army is still too immature. As long as it develops to a certain level, the guy won’t refuse it by then.”

“That’s what I said.” Ivankov nodded, but frowned. “But the World government side…”

The CP organization of the World government has been looking for traces of the revolutionary army, and several temporary strongholds have been destroyed by members of the CP organization.

“Let everyone be more vigilant, now we can only silently develop and wait for the opportunity, then let’s go to the Tangy Kingdom first to see if there is a chance there.” Long commanded.

It is a kingdom where wars occur from time to time.

If possible, maybe there will be a faster development of revolutionaries there.

The Black Honor is still moving.

No one knew about the brief contact between Mio and the dragon, and it was as if they had forgotten the arrival of the dragon. Robin and the others were still doing what they had to do on board.

Unknowingly, another day passed.

The next day.

An island began to appear in sight.

That was their destination this time, which was the place where Roger left the permanent pointer to Radruf, St. Du Island.

“Drought, lean over quickly.” Miao shouted from the bow of the boat.

There was a roar from the bottom of the sea.

The speed of the Black Glory increased again, and it quickly approached St. Du Island.

at this time.

There was a pirate boat docked on the shore of the island for a short rest.

“Boss, there is a boat coming, it’s a pirate.” On the beach, a pirate held a binoculars while looking at the black Glory that came quickly while shouting to his captain.

The captain is a burly man. As a pirate, most of his body types are basically burly and sturdy.

After hearing the words of his subordinates, the captain looked up and saw a ship coming towards this side, very fast.

But within a few minutes, the ship had already reached the shore.

When seeing the flag on this ship, both the captain of the Pirate Ship and the crew opened their eyes wide, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and their eyes filled with horror.


A pirate swallowed his saliva, showing his inner fear.

“Yes, it’s a black crow!!” a pirate whispered, looking at his captain and asked nervously. “Boss, me, what are we going to do now? Escape?”

“Get off.” The captain yelled, and his eyes were also horrified. “What if I irritate the adult? Calm down and wait for the adult to order.”

After speaking, the captain set his gaze on the Black Glory again, without saying a word, waiting quietly for the command of the newly-appearing adult on the ship, who was famous for the New World and went to fight Whitebeard.

If you look closely, you can even see that the captain’s body is trembling slightly, which is caused by fear.

Mio stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the pirates on the coast below, with a calm expression, slowly speaking. “roll.”

The voice fell.

The pirates below shivered one after another, and the captain nodded hurriedly. “Yes, yes, I, let’s get out of here.”

After speaking, he immediately looked at his subordinates and roared. “Quickly get on the boat and leave here quickly not to hinder Master Black Crow.”

The pirates boarded the ship almost quickly, immediately drove the ship up, left the coast, and headed away. The captain was relieved when only a small black spot could be seen in the line of sight.

Can’t help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead and murmured. “It’s horrible, this kind of aura is almost suffocating like a mountain… As expected, a guy who can fight Whitebeard, too strong.”

Miao naturally didn’t know the sigh of these pirates.

After driving the Black Glory and entering the center of the island through a river in the island, Mio’s gaze was always looking.

“There doesn’t seem to be much on this island, what are you looking for, Captain?” Robin couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course I found something good.” The corner of Miao’s mouth raised and explained. “Roger left on this island, a permanent pointer to Radruf.”

“What?” Upon hearing this, Robin’s mouth suddenly grew, revealing a look of shock.

It took a long time for the reaction to come back to God’s way. “There is such a thing here, if it spreads out, it will cause turmoil in the whole world, right?”

“Radruf… Legend has it that where Roger the Pirate King’s treasure was left, ninety-nine percent of the pirates would be tempted.” Erica said indifferently, but among these pirates, there is nothing like that. That’s it for the existence of the black crow.

But everyone who is strong in that era basically knows that although the Roger Pirates is not short of money, it can leave behind as many treasures as expected.

The so-called treasure is to deceive ordinary pirates and leave legends to inspire some so-called ‘d’ people to go to sea in the future.

“Finally found it.” During the conversation, Miao couldn’t help but shine, and finally found his destination.

The original book contains the area where the rising ocean currents are located.

The center of this island, together with a lake in the sea, has a rising current.

Of course, the rising ocean current is second, mainly below this lake, there is a small island surrounded by bubbles deep in the seabed, and what Roger left behind is on that island.

Whenever the rising current comes, the island will be washed into the air by the rising current.

It’s just that there are not many people who know this.

And now Mio is the first step here…

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