Chapter 244 Chapter 243: Get the answer, Celestial Dragons?

“How did you know this name?” Rayleigh couldn’t help but ask in surprise.

This name, Rayleigh can be said to have a deep memory, just thinking of this name can’t help but be full of jealousy.

Mio shook his head slightly, did not answer, just asked. “Do you know this person?”

Rayleigh was silent for a moment, then he nodded slowly and said in a deep voice. “Yes, I used to meet this man with Roger… in Radruf.”

Like a memory, Rayleigh said slowly. “That person is very strong, very, very strong. Even if Roger and I join forces, he may not be her opponent, but that person did not seem to be hostile to us at the beginning. I am also puzzled about this, because according to Roger, Eam, It is the real controller of the World government, and it should be the enemy to us.”

With that, Rayleigh looked at Mio with a solemn expression. “All in all, this is a very dangerous existence. Even if she can live forever, she has been living from eight hundred years ago to the present. No one knows how terrifying the opponent’s strength is and how deep it is.”

Regarding Rayleigh’s statement that Eim is very dangerous, Miao agrees very much.

But Mio asked. “Then do you know this Eim… is it a man or a woman?”

Hearing this, Rayleigh glanced at Miao weirdly, and said in surprise. “You ask this question, it looks like you should have met her?”

“Emm… is a woman.” Rayleigh smiled lightly. “Speaking of it, I was surprised when I saw it. A man who has ruled the World government for hundreds of years is actually a woman.”

Hear Rayleigh’s words.

Mio nodded gently.

It seems that the person I saw before may really be Yim.

It’s just Im…

This is the only person in Mio who doesn’t understand, and the only person who feels very dangerous.

All in all, it is very unfamiliar, and it is difficult to guess what the other person is thinking.

This is nothing to do. I have experienced the existence of immortality and have lived for hundreds of years. Let alone the strength of the opponent in such a long time, it is difficult to speculate just by the opponent’s thoughts.

Unless he has lived for that long.

The longer you live, the more the thoughts you have will be incomprehensible to ordinary people.

This is the reason for all aspects such as vision.

“All in all, the horror of World government is not what you can imagine. I don’t know what plan you have, but if you have an idea about World government, it is best not to take it lightly.” Rayleigh reminded.

He is definitely one of the deepest people in the world government.

“I know.” Min nodded.

“That’s right.” Mio suddenly raised his head to look at Rayleigh and asked. “I want to ask you one more question, but it doesn’t matter if you answer it or not.”

“Oh? Let’s take a look.” Rayleigh took a sip and said with a smile.

“It’s about Uranus. Uranus should be in the hands of the World government?” Miao asked.

Rayleigh nodded. “Yes, Uranus has always been in the hands of the World government.”

“Then I want to know, where is Uranus? What is it?” Miao asked his own question, which was the existence he had always been curious about.

It’s just that Rayleigh didn’t answer Mino’s question, just shook his head and smiled lightly. “For this question, you should look for the answer yourself. Some answers are more meaningful than others tell you.”

“But then, I hope you won’t be surprised.” Rayleigh said deeply.

Mio touched his chin, and nodded slightly while thinking.

This time it didn’t come in vain. Although Rayleigh did not answer Uranus’s question, he at least confirmed the identity of Yim.

But thinking about it, he still inevitably feels a little weird, the one who rules this world is actually a woman?

This is really incredible.

Miao is also very clear about the profound background of World government, but Miao is even more aware that he will never collide with World government in a short time.

Mio’s eyes flickered for a moment, and a series of thoughts emerged in his heart, but in the end, it was hidden again.

“Nagging.” Mio stood up, arched her hands towards Rayleigh as a thank you, and then spoke. “After asking the question, I won’t stay here anymore.”

“Are you going to leave?” Shakky asked.

“Yes, there are still some things to be done.” Min nodded.

“Go.” Rayleigh smiled and gave up, and didn’t hold back.

Mio didn’t talk nonsense, turned around and took Lilith to leave.

Area 30.

This is a shopping area. There is a shopping street selling all kinds of goods, including clothes and fashion. At a glance, you can see many aristocratic women shopping and buying, and some ordinary people.

But at this moment.

Lilith suddenly looked in a direction ahead and spoke. “It’s Marcy and the others, it seems that something has happened and they are being pursued.”

Mio did not speak, but looked over there, and saw Marcy and Robin running continuously, followed by Bai Feng.

In addition, there are some Marines who are constantly pursuing them.

This scene seemed a little weird.

After all, they are the black crows. Marine dare to chase the black crows recklessly? This is obviously impossible. Unless the opponent is led by Admiral, but even if there is Admiral, two are needed. Otherwise, where is the courage to chase the black crow?

The combat power displayed by the Black Crow is definitely not something Admiral can fight against.

“I see…”

Under the coverage of Observation Haki, Mio immediately understood what was going on, and a look of sorrow flashed in her eyes.

At exactly this time, Marcy and others came to Mio’s body.

After seeing Mio, Marcy’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she threw herself into Mio’s body, arching Qiong’s nose and said. “Brother, we ran into Celestial Dragons. That Celestial Dragons still wanted to catch us. If it wasn’t for fear of getting into trouble, Marcy would punch him to death.”

Just finished.

Those Marines have already arrived in front of Mio.

Quite a few ordinary people around took refuge for fear of being affected.

However, when the Marine soldiers saw the indifferent look, there was a look of fear on their faces. Some Marines even couldn’t help backing up a few steps, terrified.


“Yes, it’s the black crow, what the hell are you going to do now?”

“Catch it?”

The Marines whispered, hesitating.

The leader of a Marine general, cold sweat was also dripping on his forehead at this time.

Just when he hesitated, a roar came from behind.

“Damn, you trash Marine, haven’t you caught those two little girls? Trash, it’s all trash.”

It was a man with bubbles on his head, dressed in brocade clothes, holding a pirate slave in his hand, and came roaring and cursing, but when he saw Marcy and Mio standing next to Mio in Mio’s arms. After Robin, Celestial Dragons suddenly shined.

“Quickly, you trash, catch them immediately for me!!”

Celestial Dragons hurriedly ordered these Marines.

Just before the Marines acted, Mio’s figure had disappeared and appeared in front of Celestial Dragons in an instant.

Mio stared at the Celestial Dragons in front of him indifferently, and said slowly. “Celestial Dragons? When did you dare to catch my crew with this kind of trash?”

The voice fell, and Mio slowly raised his right hand.

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