Chapter 251 250: Cultivation, with the Nine Snakes?

On the sea.

The screams kept ringing.

When the screams fell, Aska returned to Mio’s front.

It can be seen that there is still the color of madness in Aska’s eyes, which has not yet completely dissipated.

“How?” Miao asked curiously.

Aska thought for a while, Kaidō. “Absorbed some combat experience, and all aspects of attributes have increased a little, not too much.”

“It’s not bad, take it slow.” Mio said with a smile. After all, there is still time. Just some of the plans that Mio currently thinks about, including some of the layouts of the overthrow of the World government. If you want to complete them all, the final completion is also the most appropriate. The time is not now, nor is it a few years later, but the time when the plot begins.

If you want to say why…

The corners of Miao’s mouth rose, and his eyes flickered.

The ship continued to sail.

Mio shook his head and didn’t think about it anymore.

Sitting cross-legged on the bow, holding whiskey in his hand, while drinking, he is also exercising his abilities.

Replacement capacity.

Although Mio has many abilities, there are not many Grandmasters. Replacement counts one, but he is not in a hurry. It is enough to add these abilities to give him a strong enough combat power. The rest he has time to use. One by one Grandmaster.

As Mio began to practice.

Naturally, others will not slack off.

Including Robin, it is rare to put down the book in his hand, and ask Lilith for advice.

Askar, on the other hand, took the Haki practice method and began to practice.

at this time.

Miao’s eyes were concentrating, staring at his left hand.

Open the palm of your left hand and flip it gently.

A light circle appeared in the hand, and then spread, directly enshrouding the ship.

Immediately afterwards, Mio closed his eyes and urged by the replacement ability, not the replacement position, but the replacement ability to constantly lock those things that can be replaced, and even enlarge some extremely small things, so that they can better treat them. Lock and replace.

It’s like dust.

How small a particle of dust is.

Even Observation Haki, there is no dust at all.

But the ability to replace fruits is fine.

Be able to sense it, and then simulate the shape in your mind to enlarge it.

However, this is a process that takes a long time to be proficient and requires constant exercise until you can lock any dust in the Observation Haki range anytime and anywhere.

This is what Mio has been exercising.

He didn’t stop his proficiency in replacing fruits, but sometimes he didn’t make much progress after practicing, so he didn’t mention it.


After half a day, Mio exhaled and opened his eyes. This kind of exercise was a bit energy-consuming to be honest, but fortunately it was rewarding, at least being more proficient in dust.

And because of this reason, let him expand other aspects.

At least for now, within the scope of Observation Haki, he can replace anything except dust. Except for living things, it is an extremely difficult method to replace living things.

Because living things are completely different from dead things.

Living creatures have uniqueness, which is true for any living creature.

The dead are different.

It is okay to want to replace with living things, but not now.

But Mio felt that she was not far from that level, and it could even be said that she would be able to reach that level soon.

But at that point, perhaps replacing the fruit is equivalent to awakening, right?

The color of thinking flashed in Mio’s eyes, and immediately shook his head, no longer guessing.

But at this moment.

Mi suddenly narrowed her eyes, looking in a direction, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Observation Haki almost didn’t hesitate, and broke out in an all-round way, sweeping across the square, and almost covering this area.

The pirate ship in Mio’s sight also kept zooming in in Mio’s eyes.

Soon, Mio finally made sure that he had not misread the flag on the pirate ship.

On the banner, there is a skull, and the skull is surrounded by nine snakes to form a circle.

This is the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

The Nine Snakes and Pirates were not created by Hancock. It can be said that the Nine Snakes and Pirates itself is one of the heritage of Hydra Island. The materials and other aspects on the Nine Snakes and Pirates are all plundered by the Nine Snakes and Pirates. of.

Basically, every king of Hydra Island is the captain of the Hydra Pirates.

Mio did not expect that he would meet the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

After all, the Nine Snakes and Pirates do not often go to sea, but occasionally leave the Calm Belt when they are about to lack supplies.

At the same time.

In the distance, on the deck of the Nine Snakes and Pirates.

The three little girls are running around, look here and there, they are full of liveliness and activity.

“Sister, don’t run anymore, mother-in-law will be angry.” Marie Root persuaded her as she ran after her sister.

As the second child, Sandersonia said indifferently. “My sister doesn’t care about Granny Za’s thoughts.”

“It’s just a look on the deck, what’s all the fuss about, that old woman is not that stingy.” Hancock said nonchalantly.

This is the first time for the three sisters to go to sea. Perhaps because of the arrival of Mio, the three sisters have a chance to go to sea, instead of going out to sea secretly in the future. At this time, the three sisters are lying on a fence and looking at the blue sky in front of them. The sea is full of novelty.

For them, everything outside of Nine Snake Island makes them full of curiosity.

But at this moment.

“Sister, look, there is a boat there.” Sandersonia suddenly pointed in a direction and said.

“Really, is it the Pirate Ship?” Hancock raised his head to look up in surprise, and then stopped hesitating to look at Granny Za. “Old lady, there seems to be a pirate ship over there.”

Granny Za didn’t care what Hancock called herself, she just looked in the direction Hancock was pointing, and at the same time picked up the binoculars and placed it in front of her.

Although he is very old, Hydra Island is a fighting nation after all. Granny Za was once the queen of Hydra Island. Her strength is not weak. In addition, although the previous generation of the King of Hydra Island has died, the Nine Snakes Pirates cannot. Therefore, she will not go to sea to plunder, so this time she will lead the team.

But when Granny Za looked at the pirate ship through the binoculars, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Without any hesitation, he shouted directly. “Stop the ship immediately, neither forward nor backward, everyone stopped and waited.”

The serious tone almost stunned everyone on the boat, and it was the first time for them to see this kind of expression.

“Mother-in-law, what’s the matter?” a crew member asked strangely.

Granny Za’s face was heavy, her eyes were fixed in that direction, and she said solemnly. “An important person has appeared in front, and he stopped his actions. Don’t act arbitrarily. Let’s see what the adult wants to do. If one is not careful, it may bring disaster to Nine Snake Island.”

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