Chapter 258 Chapter 257: Contact Vegapunk


An island split open and began to fall into the sea below.

On the sea surface, many pirates were originally watching the movement in the sky, but at this time the sky was getting darker and darker. Soon, a pirate opened his eyes wide, showing a shocking color, and then, this touch The shock turned into fear.

The two islands, which were still huge after being divided, fell from above the clouds, like huge meteorites.

It’s almost desperate.

“Run, run, run quickly, fast, leave this sea at the maximum speed, hurry!!” A pirate captain roared loudly, and even Dang felt that he was late and jumped directly into the sea…

“Congratulations on your inclusion of the’pirate (piaopiao) gene’!”

At this moment, in front of Mio’s eyes, a reminder appeared.

He stared at the island that fell below, and faintly, he could still see the dead body of Golden Lion.

“As a pirate, being buried in the sea is not in the wrong place. I will sleep here in the future.” After a murmur, Miao looked around and saw the death of Golden Lion.

The islands that were originally floating in the sky began to shake one after another and were about to fall.

And at this moment.

A figure quickly flew towards Mio, it was Marcy.

“Brother, we found what you wanted. They are all on that island. There are iq in many plants on that island.” Maxi said, pointing to an island.

Hearing this, Min nodded and said. “I see. You can quickly get rid of some people on the island. Don’t leave troubles behind. I will stabilize the island.”

After speaking, Mio controlled the skeleton giant, and the wings condensed by the power of the devil fluttered behind him, and soon came to the bottom of the island. With his arms moved slightly, he lifted the island abruptly.

After the powerful power of the whole body burst out, the descending speed of this island rich in ‘iq’ began to become extremely slow.

However, other islands are still in rapid decline, and soon fall into the sea.

It provoked a tsunami that skyrocketed, and slapped it violently in all directions.

On the Black Honor.

Lilith’s figure appeared in the sky, with a wave of her wings, a terrifying storm formed immediately, and the huge waves that hit the Black Glory were swept away, and slapped in the other direction.


Mio headed the island, while descending, while transporting the island towards the vicinity.

After coming to a remote sea area, I put it on the sea, causing a lot of waves.

And after putting down the island, Mio was already sweating profusely. This kind of thing is more energy-consuming than fighting. If Mio’s physical fitness recovers fast enough, it may not be able to put this island here.

After all, this island has the ‘iq’ that Mio needs. If it is placed near Dian Dao Mountain, basically any pirate who enters the Grand Line will be able to find the island, which is somewhat unsafe.

It is for this reason that Mio will transport this island to this side.

After resting on the island for a while, the Black Honor also arrived.

Lilith and several people came to Miao, and Bai Feng held a document in his hand and handed it to Miaohui Report. “This is the information about iq in the hands of the scientist who helped Golden Lion study iq on this island.”

“Yeah.” Min took a look at the information, and then put it aside, ah, I don’t understand.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Bai Feng and ordered. “Remember the location of this island now, we will still come back here in the future.”

“Yes.” Bai Feng nodded respectfully.

And Mio herself walked towards the castle on the island.

There was the place where Golden Lion originally lived. The island did not sway much during the descent, so most of the things on the island are well preserved and have not been destroyed.

It’s just that a lot of corpses can be seen in the castle, all of them are under the hands of Golden Lion, who have been solved by Marcy and others before.

The hall in the castle is a red carpet-covered step, above the steps are the seats belonging to the Golden Lion.

“Old times…”

Mio sighed slightly, then the corners of her mouth raised, and she sat on the seat belonging to the Golden Lion, with her chin on her legs, thinking about it.

He is a person of the new era, and he doesn’t care so much about the old era. After all, the new era or the old era will end in the end, and the era created by him will end.

This is inevitable, but also his goal and ambition.

But now…

Golden Lion has died in his own hands. No surprise, the whole world will shake again tomorrow, right? Moreover, Lion Fruit’s abilities have already been obtained by himself, and then I will find a suitable object to train.

To be honest, this ability is very powerful.

Have a suitable goal, train it well, and in the future, you will have another ‘Golden Lion’ powerhouse in your hands.

Thinking time.

Mio took out a phone worm and dialed directly.

The phone worm ‘Blubru’ rang for a long time, and then the phone worm got through.

A gentle tone sounded and asked. “Is there anything to contact me?”

“Well, do you know iq?” Mio asked directly.

“Iq?” On the phone worm, Vegapunk’s puzzled voice couldn’t help. He didn’t seem to know this thing very well, but it was normal. After all, iq is a specialty of Vermejo, and Golden Lion is just an accident. discover.

Mio explained. “This is an ingredient contained in some plants on an island. It can make wild beasts violent and become stronger, but it will lose your mind, but I think this thing should be useful to you.”

“Nice thing, but you are wrong. It is not useful to me, but useful to you.” Vegapunk said with a chuckle.

In terms of what he is currently helping Mio develop, this thing is really useful, but it’s violent…

“It’s not easy to deal with a beast that is irrational,” Vegapunk said.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you help me develop that thing, I will take care of the rest.” Miao said in a deep voice.

“Yes, that’s fine. With iq, at the latest two years, you will be able to cultivate an entire island…what you need.”

Research takes a certain amount of time, and Mio still needs quantity, so for the two years Vegapunk talked about, Mio didn’t care about it. He could afford to wait, not to mention that he would return to New World after the next few things were dealt with.

At that time, in a short time, I will not leave New World again.

And two years…

In Mio’s plan, it can be regarded as a point in time. Two years later, he also has some plans to proceed.

“I will tell you the location of the iq later. You can get it yourself. In addition, there are some research materials here. I will also put it here. But it is best if you hurry up. The movement of the city may attract the attention and arrival of many people.” Min reminded.

In the phone bug, Vegapunk’s laughter rang, said. “Well, I will.”

In Vegapunk’s view, this so-called movement is probably caused by his friend.

The phone worm hangs up.

Vegapunk put away the phone bug, shook his head, then walked out of his laboratory with a narrow smile, looked at the man in black standing at the door, and said calmly. “Come out with me and move your body.”

“Yes, Mr. Vegapunk.” The man in black said respectfully.

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