Chapter 276 Chapter 275: The Arrival of the Red Earl

Mio is not in a hurry for Sabaody Archipelago.

He will continue to wait until Tiger leaves The fish men island, and when Tiger leaves The fish men island, then he can go to The fish men island.

At that time, it is also an opportunity to subdue The fish men island.

To this end, he may have to stay at Sabaody Archipelago for a few days.

this day.

When Mio was drinking with Rayleigh in Shakky’s bar, an unexpected guest pushed open the wooden door of the bar and walked in.

Miao looked up, suddenly showing a look of surprise. “You actually came here.”

“Come and meet an old friend, and see you by the way.” Count Red said, step by step, he came to sit down beside Mio, and shouted at Shakky. “A glass of whiskey and ice.”

“It’s really rare, but it looks like you have found what you want.” Rayleigh also said at this time, with surprise in his eyes.

Surprised at the arrival of the Red Earl, and even more surprised at the changes in the Red Earl.


That’s right, Earl Red has become younger.

“Is the legendary bat fruit phantom beast species?” Miao said, her eyes gleaming, this fruit is indeed very good, not to mention it helps to improve the strength, the most important thing is that it can be restored to youth, and it is also another. A kind of immortality.

“Ah, I have troubled a few old friends and finally found them.” Earl Red nodded and took a sip of the wine glass that Shakky handed over.

“Then what’s your next goal? With your strength, coupled with this Devil Fruit, will you continue to hide in the future?” Rayleigh asked.

“Aim? Maybe you can go to Radruf to see.” Red Earl said after thinking for a moment. His ambition is not so strong, but he wants to start an adventure on the sea like an adventurer.

“Oh? Do you want to be One Piece?” Miao couldn’t help but laugh.

“You can think about it, can’t you?” Red Earl chuckled lightly. One Piece, he did have an idea.

Hearing the answer from Earl Hong, Miao couldn’t help shaking his head and said calmly. “I didn’t expect that you would have thoughts about that kind of thing. There is no use for a name.”

“Don’t you want to visit Radruve?” Rayleigh asked. As Roger’s deputy captain, he knew Roger’s dream and hoped that someone could go to Radruve and uncover everything buried there.

And use this to overthrow the World government.

“I will check it out, but not now.” Mio shook his head and said. “After all, there is no d in my name, and I don’t care too much about those things.”

Rayleigh’s eyes flickered, even if Xuan didn’t say much.

The three people were drinking and talking about something.

A few hours later, the wooden door was pushed open again.

Erica stood at the door and nodded slightly towards Mio. Seeing this, Mio put down her wine glass and slowly stood up and said. “There is still something, let’s go first.”

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave.

But just as Mio was about to leave, Earl Hong turned his head to look at Mio, and said. “I still owe you a favor.”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget it, and it’s impossible to forget it. It’s just that the time has not come, and it will always be useful to you in the future.” Mio stopped looking and said as he walked out of the tavern.

There was a crunch.

Mio’s figure disappeared.

The wooden door of the bar was closed.

Rayleigh looked up at the Red Earl, his eyes a little surprised.

Red Earl knew what Rayleigh was surprised, but he didn’t explain much, he just smiled and said. “Do you think this guy is terrible?”

Rayleigh nodded, thinking. “It’s terrible, and it’s hidden deeply. Even I can’t see his hole cards, but I can feel it. He has great ambitions.”

“Yeah, at that point, ambition is nothing more than normal.” Red Earl said with a faint smile on his face. “That guy, I haven’t seen him in a few years, it’s really terrifying that his strength has improved, and his partners…”

At this time, Mio had returned to the Black Honor.

On the deck, Renee dressed in black was waiting for Mio. Seeing Mio’s arrival, her face suddenly showed a happy smile, as if she was pleased to see Mio.

“Sir, I have found the person you are looking for.” Renee stepped forward to report to Min, and at the same time took out a document and handed it to Min.

Mio took the file and looked at it.

Above is a person’s information.

Sky Island people.

He was very young. He was sixteen years old. He values ​​feelings. There is a mother in the family. His father has passed away. Besides, there is a young sister.

Kind heart.


Because of family reasons, the living conditions are average, even very difficult, but the family is the same as Bell-mère in the original book.

He is very talented in medicine.

After reading the information, Mio’s eyes flickered, and then he ordered. “Give him Op-Op Fruit, then grab his sister, and threaten him with his mother, and remember to let this person record all the development experience of Op-Op Fruit.”

“Yes.” Renee nodded, motioning clearly.

Miao’s words continued, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice. “Op-Op Fruit’s abilities are a little weird, and it is easy to cause people to escape. Isn’t this guy as written in the information still have a few relatives who care about? Also arrest him, if there is anything unusual about this guy, just take him. The relatives’ hands and feet were chopped off and sent over, so that Petunia would also stare at her. If necessary, she would directly interrupt her limbs.”

“Don’t worry, sir, Renee won’t let any accident happen.” With a smile on her face, Renee convinced herself.

She will not let her husband down.

And she also knows that her husband values ​​this fruit especially, and she also knows the power of this fruit.

To allow her husband to live forever, this kind of thing does not need to be ordered, and she absolutely does not allow any accidents to happen.

If there is, then all accidents will be resolved.

“Well, go.” Mio nodded, and handed Op-Op Fruit to Renee.

Although the possibility of accidents is very high, there is no alternative.

After all, only this kind of person can develop Op-Op Fruit’s taboo abilities the fastest. Under the two powers of hatred and hope, a person’s potential will be stimulated the fastest.

Soon, Renee left.

Sky Island.

Renee’s figure soon appeared in Apayado.

This island of gods.

It can be seen that the most central part of Apayado has been completely transformed into a huge open space, and high walls have been erected to cover it.

At the same time, within the high wall, there are thousands of shadow soldiers guarding here.

Among these Sombra soldiers, there are the Blade Corps, the Troll Corps, and other members of the Sombra Corps, monitoring everything inside the high wall.

Renee went all the way, and soon came to the most central position.

Here, there is a teenager who is being imprisoned.

Perhaps because of the sound of footsteps, the boy raised his head and looked at Renee, his eyes filled with doubts, as if he did not understand why he was caught here.

Renee looked calm, put the Op-Op Fruit in her hand in front of the boy’s eyes, and said coldly. “Eat this fruit, and then develop the ability of this fruit. When I am satisfied, you will be able to meet your mother and sister. And, don’t you always want to buy new clothes for your sister? You want your mother Do you have a good life? As long as you achieve my goal, you can, everything can satisfy you.”

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