Chapter 278 Chapter 277: Four Lottery Draws

Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago.

A port.

There is only one ship docked in this port at this time, and this ship is the Black Glory.

And at this time, on the deck of Honor.

Miao drank the wine, his eyes flickered, and his heart moved to open the lottery panel.

It was a Devil Fruit sent by Charlotte before. He is now able to draw eight times. This is still the most draw for Miao. To be honest, Miao’s heart is inexplicably looking forward to it.

After thinking about it, Miao’s heart moved, and all eight Devil Fruits were converted into lottery draws.

Many powerful genes can be seen on the lottery roulette.

“Draw a few times first.” After Miao murmured, he pressed down the lottery panel.

Pause time.

The roulette began to spin.

The pointer passed quickly.

Mio looked calmly and waited.

After about a while, the speed of the roulette wheel began to slow down, and finally the pointer pointed to a gene.

“Congratulations on your inclusion of the’King Kong’ gene through the lottery!”


Seeing the results of the extraction of this gene, I licked my mouth and felt a little helpless. How do I say this gene, it’s normal, not powerful, but not too bad.

【King Kong Gene: Gene of a giant orangutan from the world of King Kong, with a huge size and great strength, but still agile. 】

That’s right, this gene is the gene of the orangutan in the’King Kong’ movie, which is barely okay.

Although this gene is not very strong, it can be used for many cultivation goals, and most cultivated organisms can use this gene.

Shaking his head, Mio pressed the ‘lottery’ button again to continue the lottery.

Soon, several lottery draws went on.

It is considered to be the extraction of the ‘King Kong’ gene this time, Mio has drawn a total of four prizes, and the remaining four times did not draw, but intends to keep it for the next time.

And these four lucky draws, the genes that King Kong won in the first time are:

[King Kong Gene! 】

[Three baby genes! 】

[Medalicana Gene! 】

[Knight beast gene! 】

Needless to say, the King Kong gene, and the third baby gene…well, have you seen the gourd baby? This is the gene of the invulnerable third baby inside.

The Medalicana gene, this gene comes from the world of’Fairy Tail’. It belongs to the iron dragon in that world. It is an extremely powerful creature with the iron dragon’s dragon-killing magic.

The last knight beast came from the world of ‘Digimon’. It was a complete Digimon in this world. It was a very good Digimon in terms of power and other aspects.

All in all, four draws are not good but they are definitely not bad.

The extracted genes can be very useful.

With a thought, Mio closed the lottery panel.

Let’s wait for the remaining four draws.

Picking up the wine, Mio drank again, but after a while, Mio shook his head, got up a little bored and shouted at Baifeng, and there was a collision on the deck.

Fighting is a good way to pass the time.

After fighting for half an hour, it stopped.

Robin held a towel and handed it to Mio, and said with a smile. “Captain, if you are really bored, you can go on vacation. I heard that the Grand Line has some island scenery that is very good.”

“Forget it, it’s too far and waste time.” Mio shook his head and refused without hesitation, and said. “It’s the same when the matter is resolved this time and I go back to New World. Compared with the scenery in the first half of the Grand Line, the scenery of some islands in New World is more spectacular and beautiful.”

Just finished.

Brubru’s phone bug rang.

Mio picked up the phone worm and asked, raising her eyebrows slightly in surprise. “You contact me at this time, is it done?”

There is only one person who can contact him through this phone worm, and that is Vegapunk.

At this moment, Vegapunk’s voice came from the phone worm, smiling. “You can listen carefully.”

Hearing this, Mio stopped speaking, and turned to sound.

Soon, his ears were shaking slightly, and he heard a roar from the phone bug, and every voice was full of wildness and irritability.

Hearing this voice, Mio couldn’t help but a flash of excitement in his eyes.

“It looks like you really got it done, what’s the quantity?” Mi asked.

“Three thousand heads, each of them is a raging giant orangutan created using iq, and every orangutan has a giant gene added to it. They are currently on this island, but because of iq, these orangutans are too irritable. Without reason, if you want to take it away, you’d better come here quickly. If you continue, I can’t guarantee that these orangutans will kill each other.”

“Because of being too irritable, it is impossible to continue training. Only after these three thousand orangutans are taken away can other orangutans continue to be cultivated on this island.”

Vegapunk’s voice sounded, explaining while answering.

Mio nodded slightly, frowned and asked. “Is the CP organization not on your side recently?”

“This island, I am ready to leave, and they will naturally follow me to leave when the time comes. Then the island will also be abandoned, but I will stay on this island for the specific training materials, and you will arrange for someone to take over. That’s it.”

“Yes, I will go there in half a month at the latest.”

“In half a month, I should have already left by then. You can come here with peace of mind.”

“Okay.” Min nodded, and immediately asked another question. “How is the blood factor?”

“It will take some time, but there are some clues at the moment. It shouldn’t be long. The World government has been urging this aspect. Are you interested in this technology?” Vegapunk asked.

“I’m not interested in this thing, but you can consider using it for some benefits. After you have studied to a higher level, just give me some unnecessary research materials.” Miao said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Vegapunk responded without paying attention.

Soon, the phone worm hung up.

Mio put away the phone worm, looked at Bai Feng and said directly. “Mark the nearby island with a large number of giant beasts, a trip in the past.”

“Yes.” Bai Feng nodded and acted immediately.

Robin asked immediately. “Captain, is there any action?”

“Well, I need to collect something.” Mio grinned and nodded. Three thousand giant orangutans with giant genes are undoubtedly a good goal for cultivating a powerful army, isn’t it?

Therefore, Mio naturally needs a lot of genes from other beasts to enhance the strength of the other side when cultivating these orangutans, so that these orangutans can be more comprehensive after training.





Wait, all aspects.

He wants to build a powerful army, and this army will fight everything for himself in the future.

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