Chapter 289 Chapter 288

“So what will happen next?” Miao’s eyes were curious.

What he was curious about was Otohime’s next choice, whether to maintain the compatriots of The fish men island, or to maintain Celestial Dragons? No matter how you choose, there is a huge sacrifice for Otohime, because maintaining the compatriots of The fish men island means that her dream of improving the status of The fish men island is impossible to achieve. After all, this time the relationship with Celestial Dragons Will deteriorate to the point of Ultimate. But maintaining Celestial Dragons, then the status of Dragon Palace in The fish men island will drop crazily.

Of course, no matter what choice they make, Otohime and Neptune will die today.

This is already arranged.

It must also be achieved.

Lilith took a bottle of whiskey and handed it to Mio, sitting next to Mio and watching the situation in the video.

Mio drank the wine and waited slowly.

In the video.

The people of The fish men island were undoubtedly extremely angry, and even rushed towards the ship where Celestial Dragons were, but they were stopped by the guards of the Dragon Palace.

“Otohime, let’s go over. These damn Celestial Dragons killed our compatriots. Do you want to let them go?”

“Yes, even if Celestial Dragons killed their compatriots, they would have to pay for their lives.”

“Let us go.”

The fish people shouted angrily.

Neptune’s face was gloomy and hesitated, not knowing what to do.

He looked at Otohime.

Otohime’s brows were also frowned at this time, her expression was complicated, and she didn’t know how to make a choice.

However, the Celestial Dragons shouted angrily at this time. “Damn, these untouchables, the king of The fish men island, I order you to kill all these untouchables immediately, or I will report to the World government what the fish men island has done in contempt of Celestial Dragons.”

Hearing this, Otohime spoke immediately. “These are the people of our The fish men island. I will not agree to your request, and I don’t think the World government will allow you to do this. In addition, Mr. Celestial Dragons, I think you should leave The fish immediately. Men island, otherwise there will only be greater danger.”

“Are you threatening me?” Celestial Dragons became angry, and immediately looked at the CP member beside him and ordered. “Kill me this pariah, and I want to see who dares to kill me, I’m Celestial Dragons, if you kill me, I will be chased by Marine Admiral!”

The corners of the cp organization members’ mouths twitched slightly and did not move.

He is only responsible for protecting the safety of Celestial Dragons, not Celestial Dragons’ thugs.

Celestial Dragons’ thugs, just leave them to Celestial Dragons’ slaves.

And at this critical moment, he didn’t dare to leave Celestial Dragons too far.

“Interesting.” Mio touched his chin and smiled. “Otohime is smart.”

“Yes.” Lilith nodded and said. “The attitude is not humbled because the other party is Celestial Dragons. This will give the people of The fish men island an impression. Their princess Otohime did not let them go because they are Celestial Dragons, although in the end they still let Celestial Dragons leave. But only after Celestial Dragons has left, using the identity of the other party and considering the safety of The fish men island as a reason, the people of The fish men island can be convinced that her actions are for the sake of The fish men island, in this way, she can still continue to improve the status of The fish men island.”

“It’s just that the relationship with Celestial Dragons has deteriorated, and it will be more difficult than it is now.”

“At least it’s a smart choice. This will make the people of The fish men island believe her more, won’t it?” Mio chuckled and said immediately. “Okay, the farce is over here, let Renee speed it up and get it done.”

“Okay.” Lilith smiled and nodded, and took out a phone bug to dial out.

After the phone worm was connected, Renee’s voice came directly. “I think Mr. shouldn’t be able to wait? I’m already ready here, Mr. wait a moment.”

On the phone worm, Renee obviously knew what Lilith meant by calling the phone worm.

Therefore, after speaking, the phone worm was hung up by Renee.

Mio was also happy to continue watching, wanting to see how Renee speeds up the end of the farce, and if he wants to end the farce, Ou Ji and Neptune are about to die, because the purpose of this’game’ is planned Let the ruler of The fish men island die.

But soon.

Mio knew Renee’s method.

At this moment, in the video.

A faint light flashed in Celestial Dragons’ eyes and quickly disappeared. Then, Celestial Dragons seemed to become even more angry for some reason. He raised his revolver and shouted at Otohime. “Untouchables, dare to disobey my orders, if that’s the case, then just die for me.”


Celestial Dragons pulled the trigger directly.

A bullet flew out immediately.

“Damn it.” Seeing this scene, the cp member next to him rushed out without any hesitation. They wanted to stop the bullet and killed an ordinary murloc, but they wanted to kill the princess of The fish men island. ?

He couldn’t help but want to curse, ‘Are you crazy, right? Do you want to leave The fish men island safe and sound? ’.

No matter what, Otohime has a certain status in the hearts of the residents of The fish men island. If you really kill, then absolutely don’t want to leave, the entire residents of The fish men island will want to kill them.

But at the moment he just rushed out, a dark purple energy that was difficult to detect suddenly appeared from a corner of the ship, suddenly wrapped around the CP member’s feet, and pulled it back.

Let the cp members not rush out at all.

“It’s over.”

Seeing the bullet that was getting closer and closer to Otohime, the CP members grew their eyes, and a look of despair appeared in their eyes.

He is not stupid, he thought in an instant that this incident was planned by someone, although he didn’t know who it was, but if it wasn’t planned by someone, how could someone on the Celestial Dragons ship hold him and stop him from stopping it? Bullet?

He looked back and found nothing.

But he felt a clear cold sensation on his ankles, something was entangled there just now, making him unable to leave at all.


A voice sounded.

A bullet pierced Otohime’s chest directly, and blood sputtered out immediately.

At this moment, Celestial Dragons’ eyes seemed to have recovered to their clarity, looking at the injured Otohime a little unclear. “Why is she hurt?”

The cp member next to him did not answer, but immediately wanted to take out a phone worm to report the situation to the World government. He knew that it would be very difficult if he wanted to leave next.

It must be supported.

But the moment the phone worm just came out.

A whip made of dark purple energy rushed out of the cabin, slapped it directly on the phone worm, and the phone worm smashed directly.

At the same time, the whip immediately disappeared.

In the cabin on the Celestial Dragons, a woman with a smile on her face at this time, her figure walked through the wall like an illusion, and quickly disappeared.

On the Glory.

Mio was surprised at this time. “Is Celestial Dragons controlled? Or was it affected? And that ability, unexpectedly, should be Penny? I didn’t expect that she would also go to The fish men island, but then it will be interesting.”

“The riot of The fish men island is finally coming.”

Can see.

After being shot, Otohime fell straight down, her face extremely pale.

And seeing Otohime fall, in just one or two minutes, the angry roar almost resounded throughout The fish men island.

Most fish people are angry to the point of losing their minds.

Some murlocs rushed past the interception of the Dragon Palace guards and rushed towards Celestial Dragons, with killing intent in their eyes…

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