Chapter 291 Chapter 290

All over the world are talking about The fish men island.

At this time, The fish men island was full of sadness.

After all, the death of the king and queen undoubtedly made the people of The fish men island grief. As a result, they also hated Celestial Dragons even more. If Celestial Dragons hadn’t started shooting Otohime, their king and queen would never die.

Today, it can be said that the entire The fish men island is helping to deal with the funeral of Neptune and Otohime, and intends to bury the two in Kaino Mori.

In the Dragon Palace.

The Minister is assisting the Grand Prince Shark.

Although the prince is young now, there is no other way. No one else on The fish men island can serve as the king. The ministers can only bite the bullet to assist the prince and help the prince manage the fish men island.

Otherwise, The fish men island will be wiped out under civil strife sooner or later.

Or it will be destroyed because of the pirates and the World government.

“His Royal Highness, from today, you are the king of The fish men island, and then you must learn how to deal with the various things in The fish men island.” The minister whispered.

“I, I know.” Shark nodded, his expression a bit hesitant. “But I don’t understand a lot of things.”

“It doesn’t matter, I will do my best to assist you.” The minister said quickly.

the next day.

Under the operation of the minister, Shark became the new king of The fish men island.

The people of The fish men island also cheered and expressed their expectations for the shark, but at the same time, most of the cheers also hide their worries.

Some pirates have already begun to appear on The fish men island.

Especially the slave group.

At this critical moment, the slave hunting group obviously will not miss this good opportunity to capture mermaid slaves.

In just one day, more than a dozen young female mermaid disappeared.

Obviously it was taken away by the arrested slave group.

Inside the Dragon Palace.

Shark obviously also knew about this, and said with frowning looking at the minister. “Let all the guards of Dragon Palace City take precautions, and do your best to retrieve our compatriots.”

“It’s already being done, Your Majesty.” The minister nodded and said helplessly. “It’s just that the ability is limited and it is difficult to get it back. Some slave traps left immediately after arresting our compatriots.”

“The fish men island is now closed, I hope it can be better.”

But at this moment.

A soldier from Dragon Palace walked in and watched the minister and the Shark Star Club report. “Reported that a pirate arrived outside Dragon Palace, saying that it was ordered by the Black Crow, and that the pirate seemed to be holding a group of slave traps in his hands.”

“What? People of Black Crow?” Upon hearing this, the minister suddenly showed a look of shock.

“What should I do now?” Shark looked at the minister, he didn’t understand a lot of things now, and he didn’t know how to make decisions about this kind of things.

The minister did not have much malice against the Black Crow Pirates. After all, after Renee had deliberately spread it over the years, the Black Crow’s prestige on The Fish Men Island was not low, and he said after a while of contemplation. “Bring people in.”


The soldier nodded and immediately turned and left.

It didn’t take long for him to come back again, but a group of people walked in behind him.

Behind the soldier is Araki, who has now offered 600 million rewards. At this moment, Araki was holding a man in his hand and dragging into the Dragon Palace City, looking at the minister and the shark above, grinning. “Your Majesty Shark, and the minister, I came on the order of the boss, because the boss knows that The fish men island may be in a difficult situation right now, so let me help The fish men island, no, just touch it when you come. I caught a group of slave hunters who wanted to escape, and I released all the murlocs they caught. Now this person is brought over and handed over to you.”


Araki threw the man in his hand to the ground.

The man had been seriously injured and was almost dying. He was obviously beaten by Araki.

“Delay it first, and immediately go to prison.” The minister said without hesitation, his eyes full of hatred.

The soldiers of Dragon Palace also spread hatred, and immediately took the men away.

Then, the minister looked at Araki and asked. “That, Mr. Araki, I don’t know what Mr. Black Crow is to The fish men island…”

“I don’t know either.” Araki shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “It was the boss who asked me to come over to guard The fish men island temporarily, get some guys who have ideas about The fish men island, and then said that he will return to New World soon, and then come back to The fish men island to stay temporarily.”

He was telling the truth, because only so much Miao told him.

“That’s it.” The minister nodded when he heard the words. He had some guesses about the black crow’s thoughts, but he was more pleased.

Maybe the black crow wants to occupy The fish men island as his own territory, but that’s fine.

After all, the minister knew that the current The fish men island was precarious, and if a powerful pirate used it as a site, it would be enough to deter most pirates and some criminals.

Coupled with the prestige that Black Crow has in The fish men island, it is sure that the compatriots of The fish men island will not be crowded out.

Will even be very willing.

As for Otohime’s goal…

Although the minister wanted to accomplish Otohime’s goal, he knew that the current The fish men island could not accomplish this at all, so he simply gave up everything, relying on the current Shark to make The fish men island a member of the World government. I am afraid that even if it succeeds, The fish men island will be swallowed clean by the World government.

However, the details will not be clear until the black crow arrives.

The minister exhaled, then said with a smile on his face. “Then Mr. Araki has a place to live? If not, I will arrange it.”

“There are places where I live. If I can, I would like to taste the drinks of The fish men island.” Araki said with a laugh.

“Okay, I’ll be sent to you immediately.” The minister said with a smile.

Not long after, Araki left.

Sabaody Archipelago.

at this time.

The Black Glory and the huge imitation Pluton arrived and stopped on the shore.

Min let King Kong and the others stay on the boat, and then he stepped out and landed on the harbor.

Behind him, Aska and others came and stood beside Mio.

“Baifeng, go find someone to coat the two boats, faster. After coating, we will set off to The fish men island,” Min ordered.

“Good lord.” Bai Feng nodded.

Mio didn’t talk nonsense, looked at Aska and others and asked. “Next I’m going to Shakky’s place, any of you want to be with me? Or go to the island to stroll around?”

“Robin and I will go shopping.” Lilith thought for a while and said.

“Me too.” Hei Yan also nodded.

Aska spoke directly. “I am with my husband.”

“Then go.”

Mio shrugged and walked towards the destination.

Along the way, Marine arrived, and stood vigilantly at a place far away from the black crow staring at Min, and did not move arbitrarily.

In other words, they came only to stare at Mio, not to fight, and they didn’t even have the idea of ​​fighting the Black Crow, unless two Admiral came.

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