Chapter 293 Chapter 292: Meeting the Dragon Again

“It’s okay.” Mio’s eyes flickered, and his tone was calm.

Although New World belongs to pirates, neither the Marine nor the World government have much room to intervene, but there are many undercover spies for Marine and the World government. This kind of thing is still very clear.

But there are not many undercover agents who can reach the status of Stussy.

If one appears, Miao will kill one.

They are also very clear about what they want to investigate, but they want a successful investigation, but it is not that easy. When the time comes, the World government will only steal chickens and fail to counterbalance the rice.

“It looks like you are very confident.” Shakky chuckled lightly.

“Where’s Rayleigh?” Mio smiled slightly without answering, and changed the subject.

“That guy, don’t you know where to go to earn money for buying wine?” Shakky said, Rayleigh only has this hobby after retiring, drinking by the way as a coater, and occasionally thinking of himself as The slaves were sold for a little money.

Mio shook his head and chuckled, then when he was about to say something, his eyes flickered, and he gently put down the wine glass.

Shakky looked at the figure at the entrance of the bar, then looked at Miao again and said. “It looks like I’m here to find you.”

“Ah, that’s right.” Mio nodded and grinned. “It’s just that you didn’t expect you to meet with me here, Monkeyd Dragon, did you deliberately let the World government discover that you are in contact with me to cause speculation?”

With that, Mio turned her head slightly to look behind her.

At the entrance of the bar, a dragon in a dark green robe came slowly, and said solemnly. “No, I don’t have this idea. Please don’t get me wrong. The surrounding Marines and the CP spies who came to this island to go to The fish men island are all turned away by my people. My meeting with you will not be the world. The government and Marine know about it, so please rest assured.”

“Then what’s the purpose of your coming to me?” Mixiao asked.

After the bar, Shakky poured a glass of wine for Monkeyd Dragon and left consciously. The following conversation is undoubtedly the content that cannot be let outsiders know.

After Shakky left, Monkeyd dragon said solemnly. “It’s just seeking one cooperation.”

“Cooperation?” Mio said calmly. “Does the current revolutionary army have this qualification?”

“In two years, the black crow is getting stronger, and the revolutionary army will naturally not fall behind too much. I think it should be qualified.” Long said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Min stopped talking nonsense, and directly looked at Long and asked. “What do you want to work with?”

“The fish men island!”

Long Shen said. “The fish men island now has no leader. Our revolutionary army can help restore stability there quickly, but we need the help of your black crows.”

“Heh.” Hearing this, Mio sneered suddenly. “You have a good fortune. You occupy The fish men island. The Revolutionary Army can be considered invincible in some respects, but unfortunately I refuse.”

“Why?” Long said with doubts.

The fish men island is indeed the purpose for him to find Miao, because as long as the fish men island is in his hands, the revolutionary army does not have to worry about the hiding place. The fish men island is located in the deep sea, as long as the dragon is there. Sitting there, even if Marine Admiral arrives, it is not afraid, and it can even be said that if the other party is completely unable to land on The fish men island, he will be able to destroy his ship.

“Why?” Mio said calmly. “Because it will belong to the Black Crow in the future.”

Hearing this, Long was silent for a moment, and an unexpected color flashed in his eyes.

“Then, we can change our cooperation again.” After pondering for a while, Long said again.

Since the black crow wants The fish men island, he has no idea to fight for The fish men island. The current revolutionary army is not weak, but it is not very powerful, and he also sees the current strength of the black crow. well.

Being an enemy is not what he wants to see, so he has been pursuing to become a partner with Black Crow.

There may be a lot of cooperation in the future.

“Let’s take a look.” Miao said while drinking.

“Wanokuni!” Long said calmly. “Wanokuni is rich in seastone, which represents a huge profit. Among the top pirates in New World, except Whitebeard, I don’t think anyone will be interested in it. It’s just that Wanokuni is first occupied by Kaido. Others I am afraid of Kaido’s strength and dare not take action, or worry about the alliance between Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, but I think you should not be afraid of these two points, so we can cooperate. What do you think?”

“Wanokuni…” Mio’s eyes flickered.

There is indeed a huge benefit. The production site of seastone is Wanokuni.

Seastone, as an indispensable material for those with abilities, whether it is pirates or major forces, especially including World government and Naval Headquarters, requires a large amount of purchases. In addition, Wanokuni has sufficient force. Now Kaido is in charge, even if it is. Both the World government and Marine want seastone, they need to go to Wanokuni to buy it, which costs a lot of Bailey. At the same time, it is also a good place to build a weapon arsenal.

Mio looked at it and asked, turning his head to look at Long. “What do you revolutionary army want?”

“Two o’clock.” Long Shen said. “First, our revolutionary army can help you get Wanokuni, but in the future seastone will need to be sold to the revolutionary army at a very low price.”

“What about the second point?” Mio asked calmly.

“Doflamingo should have something to do with you?” Long didn’t say in a hurry, but asked about something.

Mio nodded gently. “Yes, that guy is my person.”

“Then the second thing, I hope you can let go of the Kingdom of Dongtata.” Long husky voice spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Mio’s eyes flashed with surprise and surprise, but Xuan was suddenly stunned.

He was not surprised for the first thing. Even if the Revolutionary Army wanted to acquire Wanokuni, they did not have the guts to occupy it. The reason is simple. Once Wanokuni is a place rich in seastone, once it is acquired by the Revolutionary Army, the World Government and Marine will definitely not. Those who want to get seastone from there, coupled with the threat of the revolutionary army, if Wanokuni is occupied by the revolutionary army, both the World government and Marine will regard it as a huge threat.

It will inevitably take action against the revolutionary army, even at the cost of heavy losses.

So, Wanokuni is not something that revolutionaries can get.

Their status is destined to be unable to occupy this special country.

What’s more, the citizens of Wanokuni are powerful and occupied by the revolutionary army. That is to say, they are sending a strong army to the revolutionary army.

As for the second point, this is the unexpected place. I didn’t expect Long to pay attention to the Kingdom of Dongtata, but it is precisely because of his attention to the Kingdom of Dongtata that he will notice the relationship between Doflamingo and himself, right?

Maybe he thought he was going to deal with the kingdom of Dongtata?

The corner of Miao’s mouth raised a faint smile, and then grinned. “Your revolutionary army is really courageous. At this time when the World government is watching closely, you still want to take action against Wanokuni.”

“If you have been developing cautiously, how can you overthrow a world government with a history of 800 years?” Long Jingping said.

“That’s what I said.” Mio chuckled lightly, without talking nonsense, and said directly. “I can promise you, but the princess of the Dongtata Kingdom must be in my hands, consider it for yourself!”

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