Chapter 355 Chapter 355

The strength of red hair lies in physical fitness, swordsmanship and Haki.

But these three aspects are far from reaching the peak period, and Qiongqi’s strength can be said to be very strong, coupled with a lot of ability, it can be said that it is still very difficult for Hongfa to defeat Qiongqi.

Maybe it will be defeated by Qiongqi.

When the time comes, the one who will be on the throne will not be red-haired, but Qiongqi.

Hear the words.

Redhead knows that what Saya is saying is not necessarily a lie. He has visited Whitebeard once before coming here.

Originally, he wanted to ask Whitebeard for help, because he knew that Whitebeard knew where he could become his emperor. After all, in Whitebeard’s era, there were many strong players, but now many people are hiding.

Because the people of that era, the strong people of that era, basically knew some of the secrets of the world government, some of them felt the huge power of the world government to retreat, and some had other ideas.

But when he went to find Whitebeard, he got Whitebeard’s advice and asked him to find Miao.

Now, he still remembers what Whitebeard said.

“Don’t underestimate the black crow. The power of the black crow is far more terrifying than you think. It makes the old man feel jealous, and what the old man can know may not be the full power of the black crow. Although the guy is young, he is very ambitious. huge.”

Whitebeard’s jealousy, he saw clearly.

There is no joke.

And because of this, he will come to look for Black Crow.

Whitebeard had no need to lie to him.

“If I lose, it’s just that I don’t know what I can do.” The red hair said indifferently, without the slightest fear. If you are afraid of failure, then there is no need to think about becoming the emperor.

“Oh, that’s what I said, but why should I help you?” Miao said with calm eyes. “Whitebeard also asked me to help, but you still have to give me enough, otherwise, why should I help you in vain? This is not a trivial matter, you should know.”

Hearing that, the red hair was not accidental, but said in a deep voice. “what do you want?”

However, after just finished speaking, the redhead couldn’t help taking a sip of wine and shrugging helplessly. “I hope you don’t speak loudly from the lion. After all, you know, I am very poor, and the price is too high, but I can’t get it out of emptying my family.”

Hearing this, Miao couldn’t help but shook his head and burst into laughter.

This is also true.

This guy with red hair is deeply influenced by Roger. He really doesn’t care about things like wealth. If the Lions speak loudly, he probably won’t be able to take them out. After all, Red Hair Pirates will hold banquets from time to time. Drinking will cost a lot of money.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you when I think about it. Anyway, you’re not in a hurry to board that seat now, are you?” Min shrugged and said.

What the redhead said before made him a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Hong found out that he was planning to go to the Grand Line in the first half of the tour. Although he will not meet Luffy so soon, but he wants to come soon. I am afraid that it will be just a few years later. After this time, Red Hair Pirates may also need a certain amount of time. Time to return to New World.

At that time, it is estimated that he will return to New World with a broken arm.

Thinking of this, Saya is also a little funny.

Who could have imagined that a strong redhead went to East Blue and broke his arm there. No wonder Whitebeard in the original book would be surprised.

If you don’t know the original work, Mio will be surprised.

“Yes, I just hope that for our pirate group to be so poor, don’t ask too much.” Hongfa shrugged and said helplessly.

“Don’t worry.” Mio nodded gently, drinking.

Almost a few hours later, the red hair left.

Watching the departure of Red Force, Mio’s expression was calm, and after dipping out the drink in her hand, she ordered Lilith next to her. “Let Marcy go on, and get ready. Let’s also go to the Boeing Islands on the Grand Line.”

“Yes.” Lilith nodded.

When he was about to leave, Mio patted his head and said. “Bring Hancock and the others, it’s okay to find a chance for them to see blood.”

“Nice attention.” Erica nodded, agreeing to the move.

Blindly training, it is difficult to learn to master without experiencing combat.

After almost half an hour.

It is ready.

This time Mio didn’t plan to take everyone away. After all, Marcy was going to make a golden ark on the island. Although Hear was there, she couldn’t be careless. So this time, only Mio, Erica, Lilith, The three sisters of Baifeng, Robin and Hancock.

As for the others, they stay on the island.

“My lord, do we really want to go too?” Hancock was wearing a comfortable and easy-to-fight clothes on Hancock’s body at the port, and Hancock asked Miao nervously at this time.

Eating sweet fruits made Hancock’s temperament more obvious.

The whole person is getting more and more beautiful, even if he is still young, he can see that he is a beautiful embryo.

Mio nodded and said. “The battle will be experienced sooner or later. You probably haven’t experienced the battle very much. This time I just took you to try it. If you encounter some weak existence along the way, you will be handed over to the three sisters to deal with it. In short Get ready.”

Hear the words.

Hancock nodded. Although her heart was nervous, since Mio said that, she could only obey her orders.

But inwardly, Hancock still has some expectations for the battle.

She also wanted to see her current strength, whether she could kill the pirates in the sea.


A group of people set foot on the boat and headed directly towards The fish men island.

At the same time.

Sky Island.

Renee looked at the boy in front of her with a calm expression. “How is it?”


The boy’s face was cold, he was developing his own power while speaking, and he could see a large number of books beside him, all related to medicine. There was a notebook in front of the boy. He followed Renee’s requirements every day. Record your own development experience on it.

“I can already feel it, I’m about to touch that layer of power.” The boy said seriously.

“Very good.” Renee nodded in satisfaction, and said with her arms around her. “Continue to speed up the progress, the sooner the better.”

“I know.” A look of hatred flashed in the boy’s eyes, but it turned into helplessness in the end. “I just hope that you will believe your words and will not hurt my family.”

That Devil Fruit gave him great power.

But it is of no use.

Because this will not bring him the strength to escape and save his family.

Imprisoned here, no one will come to help him.

Even more than five Sombra ninjas stared at him in different directions at all times, leaving him no chance to escape.

And even if he escapes, his family will be killed immediately, which is the price of escape.

So he didn’t dare to flee.

He could only continue to follow Renee’s orders and develop the power of fruit in his body.

Until I can master the taboo operation.

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