Chapter 369 Chapter 369

Eight divergent snakes.

As the powerful Devil Fruit ability in the Eudemons, the eight heads of the Eight-Different Big Snake each have different abilities.


There is flame.

There is ice.

There is a strong wind.

There are sound waves.

There is power.

There is defense.

There is speed.

Most importantly, the abilities of these eight heads can be exchanged at any time, and they can even be used together on one head at the same time.

At this time, eight snake heads, some of them spit out energy, and some of them directly impacted and gathered together.

“What’s this?” Looking at Xiao Qi who suddenly appeared, Silver Axe was undoubtedly a little surprised, and even caught off guard. He didn’t expect a little snake to appear suddenly, not to mention it, and at this time it also exploded with a very powerful aura.

Without any hesitation, Silver Axe swung his axe and suddenly changed the attack route, heading towards Xiao Qi’s attack.


Attack collision.

It seemed to be evenly matched, but the next moment, Silver Axe raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not hesitate to pull back and move away. After a distance from Mio, the axe blade could see the frost appearing on it at this time.

If it weren’t for pulling away quickly, perhaps he would be frozen directly by the ice next, even for a moment, it would be enough for him to withstand Mio’s full blow.

At that time, this battle will also mean the end.

“Xiao Qi, continue to sleep with you.” Miao looked at Xiao Qi and ordered.


Hearing the sound, Xiao Qi’s eight heads suddenly recovered into one again, revealing that the snake letter was wrapped around Mio’s neck, and finally retracted into the placket. Since Mio had ordered, Xiao Qi naturally took the command.

Afterwards, Mio looked up at Silver Axe again, grinning and raising a smile. “Relax, although sometimes I don’t mind more people and less bullies, but now I just want to see your strength.”

“But I hope you don’t let me down, and use your strongest strength, otherwise you will soon become a corpse.”

The voice fell.


The flames on Mio’s body blended with the power of the devil, and Armament Haki instantly covered it.

Soon after, Mio’s figure disappeared.

Silver Axe has been vigilant, and at the moment Mio just disappeared, she turned her head and slammed down with an axe without any hesitation. The fierce aura burst out and slashed towards Mio who suddenly appeared behind him.

Facing this blow, Mio’s face was calm and there was no panic, but her thoughts disappeared again, and she appeared on the right side of Silver Axe instead, with a punch.


The powerful force erupted instantly, and Silver Axe’s figure was directly blasted out. When the body was in mid-air, blood spurted out of his mouth, and it stopped after rolling on the ground for a few laps.

“Damn, this ability…”

Silver Axe got up embarrassedly, and after wiping the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, he patted the dust on his body again, staring at Mi with solemn eyes, once again felt the pressure, not only the strength he thought was a rookie in front of him, but also That weird ability just now.

Recklessly appear anywhere at any time.

And there is no hunch.

This kind of ability like space teleportation is very strange and sudden. He can only defend once, and at most he can only defend twice, but no matter how much he can block this strange way of attack.

For a time, he was in a dilemma.

Continue to fight, with that weird ability he will obviously fail.

But if it doesn’t go on, it seems it’s no longer enough.

As Silver Axe thought about it, the corners of Mio’s mouth raised and laughed mockingly. “What? Do you want to retreat?”

“Huh.” Silver Axe snorted coldly, and did not answer, just holding the giant axe in one hand, posing a forward position with tight muscles.


The next moment, Silver Axe suddenly waved the giant axe in his hand, and the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

It seemed that there was an invisible air blade bursting out and slashed towards Min.

With a sound of ‘clang’, Mio raised his right hand to block him, Armament Haki wrapped his fist, sparks splattered everywhere, as if something had struck the fist.

“Qijian? This method has no effect.” Mio said calmly.

“That’s not necessarily.”

Silver Axe responded with a cold voice, and then shook the giant axe again, ‘swish’. At this moment, a violent slash was swept over by the naked eye, and the trees where it passed were shattered by the air blade carried.

This slashing power is very powerful, at least in terms of power alone, it is not much weaker than some powerful swordsman slashing.

His right hand clenched a fist slightly, and the power gathered in an instant.

When the slash came in front of him, Mio slammed a punch, the scarlet demon’s power surged, turned into a huge scarlet fist, and was covered in armed color to meet him.

The powerful destructive power exploded at this moment, and the slash was directly shattered with a punch of Mio.

And just now.

The eyes of Silver Axe, who had been waiting, flickered, seemed to have found an opportunity, stepped out, and the ground under his feet was directly cracked and shattered, and his body quickly ejected like a cannonball.

His speed was very fast, as if he had been prepared for a long time. At this time, he broke out at full speed, and in an instant he came to Mio’s body, holding the giant axe in both hands, and suddenly chopped down.

“Suzano’s cut!!”

With a low growl, accompanied by a roar, if someone faces this slash, even if it has not been slashed, just the aura that erupts will be able to cut him, which shows the power of this slash.

And Silver Axe, which once burst out with all its power, can split a small island abruptly with a single blow.

Feeling this momentum, the corners of Miao’s mouth rose, and a faint smile appeared. “Interesting, but nothing more.”

The voice fell.

Mio didn’t choose to dodge, but rushed away.

“Strength limit, burst!”

With a low cry in the heart, the layers of strength on Mio’s body were superimposed, and the huge scarlet giant emerged in an instant. The giant clenched his fist, Armament Haki wrapped the huge body, and fisted towards the chopping.

The two attacks collided in mid-air in an instant, and the aftertaste almost swept many surrounding areas, even the sea surface was affected, and the waves became turbulent.

But the next moment.

“Get out!” Mio yelled coldly, and his strength exploded.

At this moment, Mio’s strength increased again, and even stronger power broke out.

Silver Axe, who was still in a stalemate with Mio, suddenly widened his eyes, and was bombed out immediately.

Mio sneered, and controlled the Scarlet Giant to step out, his figure disappeared instantly, and then he appeared in the direction where Silver Axe flew out.

The huge fist of the Scarlet Giant was clenched and waved, and he blasted a punch directly, and fell mercilessly on the Silver Axe who flew out in the air, causing Silver Axe’s body to fall straight and hit the ground deeply.

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