Chapter 373 Chapter 372: Return, Preparation

The fish men island.

This time, because the Ark on Raven Island has been built, the Black Glory did not stay here, but left directly and continued towards New World.

It lasted until the next day, and Mio didn’t come out in the room.

It was just a little embarrassing to touch his nose when he came out.

“Sir, where’s Lilith?” Erica asked Chaomin over breakfast in the dining room.

“Resting.” Mio said indifferently, of course, she is actually embarrassed, after all, she is the first step, even if she is bold, she will inevitably be a little shy at this time.

Well, Lilith came in during a break last night, and she suddenly appeared in Mio’s arms quietly, and then rushed forward. The ability to replace the fruit was applied to Ultimate.

Then it lingered all night.

Hear the words.

Erica nodded thoughtfully, brought the breakfast to Mio, and then sat aside and ate.

Mio looked at Baifeng and asked. “Where are you now?”

“It should be three days before returning to Crow Island.” Baifeng Kaidō.

“Three days? Tell Heiyan and them, get ready, and when we go back, we will directly prepare to go to the boundless land.” Ming ordered.

“Yes.” Bai Feng nodded respectfully.

Mio also continued to eat breakfast, but then asked strangely. “Hancock and the others?”

“Fighting.” Robin Kaidō. “I just ran into a group of pirates. Erica told them to try if they could deal with the New World pirates. But don’t worry if you can’t deal with them. The fourth is there watching.”

“How is their strength improved?”

“It’s okay, it’s not worth mentioning in New World, but it’s possible to go to sea and mix in the four seas area.”

“It’s expected.”

Mio was eating and chatting. It was not until noon that Lilith walked out of the room, wearing denim pants and a white T-shirt, showing her beautiful figure.

“Sir.” Lilith yelled softly towards Mio, the affection in her eyes was no longer concealed than before.

Time passed without knowing it.

During these three times, the relationship between Mio and Lilith was revealed, which surprised several people and seemed to be expected. After all, both Robin and Hancock could see, Bai Feng and Lilith. People are only looking forward to the head of the horse, and they are the kind that never defy the hits of Miao, and basically do what Miao asks to do, and they have always been respectful.

In this case, if people like Lilith are not entrusted to Mio, other people won’t be able to see them, right?

Although many of these people are girls, they all belong to the New World powerhouse level.

Only Miao can be worthy of it.

The port of Raven Island.

Today the Black Glory has arrived.

The time to return is in the evening.

However, there are still many pirates at the port, knowing that Mio will be waiting here after coming back today.

When the Black Glory came back and docked in the port, some pirates immediately became excited, some screamed with newspapers in their hands.

“Long live the Black Crow, hahaha, actually killed Rocks Pirate’s Captain Silver Axe. That’s a powerhouse at the same level as Whitebeard.”

“As expected of Lord Black Crow, maybe Lord Black Crow is the next One Piece.”

“Yes, and it still has to surpass Roger’s One Piece.”

The pirates are extremely excited. The news that the Black Crow killed the Silver Axe newspaper has already swept the entire New World. Everyone who should know knows it. There are shocks and incredible. But for the pirates of the Black Crow Pirates In terms of the most exciting thing.

This incident undoubtedly made them see another possibility.

Black Crow may be able to become the One Piece.

If the black crows become the One Piece, what are they?

They are the subordinates of One Piece, and the existence of New World who has fought with One Piece together, how can they not feel excited for these people?

Mio gave a faint smile, his figure flickered and appeared at the port, looking at Shengyou Wu Liu and asked. “Where are the black crows?”

“All are waiting for you in the castle,” Wu Liu said with his head down quickly.

Hearing that, Mio nodded, and his figure disappeared. Then he appeared in the castle. Observation Haki spread out, covering the entire Crow Island, and in an instant it locked on a huge island guarded by the blacks. The Golden Ark, but not as big as Enel in the original book, but smaller.

Mio didn’t rush to look, but sat on his throne and looked down.

Heiyan and others are here except for the drought.

“How are you preparing?” Mi asked.

“All are ready, sir.” Hei Yan reported immediately. “Just wait for your instructions, and then we will go directly to the boundless land by taking the Ark.”

The so-called preparation is naturally some necessary materials.

Mio nodded slightly. “How is the situation in the Black Crow Sea area recently?”

“Very calm.” Hei Yan lowered his head and replied respectfully. “Except for the day when you killed Silver Axe, my lord, it was published in the newspaper. Several small pirate groups wanted to join us. The rest of the time was very peaceful. There were no spy ships or figures from Marine and World government. ”

“That’s fine.” Mio nodded in satisfaction, stroked his chin and thought for a moment, then stood up and smiled. “Let’s take a look at the Golden Ark first, and let other people gather there. Although there cannot be few people going there this time, they can’t all go. We still have to leave some people to guard Crow Island.”

After speaking, Mio’s figure disappeared in place.

Hei Yan exited the castle silently and went to complete Mino’s orders.

Raven Island.

The location of Hee.

The Golden Ark has been placed here since it was built. It is not small and gleaming. Around the Golden Ark is a large gathering of crows, covering the entire Golden Ark.

With the arrival of Mio, these black crows all left the Golden Ark, and Hee also flew over and landed on Mio’s shoulders.

At the cuffs of the neck, Xiao Liu Xiaoqi also got out.

Touching Hee’s head, Mio introduced them to them, and then he leaped gently on the Ark. Except for the energy and the ability to fly, the building of this Ark is no different from that of the ship. The rooms above are not the same. Few, there are some facilities, and some materials have been moved to the ark long ago.

After strolling on the Ark for a long time, Marcy and others arrived.

Mio got off the ark, looked at Noah and others in front of him, then looked up at the sky, and said. “This time, it is enough for me, Askar, Noah, Baifeng, Lilith, Erica, and Marcy to go together. The others stay and sit on Crow Island. Stay on Raven Island.”

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