Chapter 376 Chapter 376

“Oh, interesting.”

Mio’s eyes flickered, and a smile of excitement rose from the corner of her mouth.

“If it is really a round, it would be really scary…”

If it is really a game, from 800 years ago to the present, the whole world is in a game, isn’t it scary enough?

Joey Boye, this woman, at this time Mio even wanted to see with her own eyes what kind of existence this woman was like.

“All the secrets are on the final island… It seems that after I go back, the red history text will be on the agenda.” Miao murmured, and then shook his head, not thinking about it anymore.

What happened eight hundred years ago was too long.

In any case, even if it is a round, then just break this round.

“Let’s go, go and take a look at a nearby ruin.” Miao said in a deep voice, walking in one direction first, and the others hurriedly followed.

The surface of the moon here is basically the same as the moon before the crossing. As he moved forward, Mio was also thinking about some things.

The more I think about it, the more Miao feels that the world situation 800 years ago was somewhat complicated.

Soon, Miao and others came to the nearest ruin, and what they saw was a huge pothole, which looked deep.

But vaguely, some buildings below can be seen.

Min, Robin and others entered the deep hole. When they came to the bottom, they could see the existence of some buildings, some totems and murals, but the main thing was that these buildings looked very special.

With the breath of technology.

“These murals…”

Miao’s eyes showed the color of thinking. He didn’t understand the patterns on the murals very well, but he could see that the figures on the murals had wings behind them, and they looked a bit like Sky Island people.

“So, Sky Island people are immigrants from the moon?” Mio murmured.

Shaking his head, he still looked at Robin and waited for Robin’s translation.

This mural or something is really not his specialty. Apart from being able to see what these people look like, he doesn’t know anything else.

While Robin was translating the mural, Mio went to the building next to him to take a look, and then he was surprised again.

“Sir, there are a lot of dwarfs sleeping in these buildings, it looks like they are technological beings, not real creatures.” Erica said, these dwarfs wearing military uniforms can easily detect whether they are real creatures. .

“Well, I know.” Mio nodded. These dwarves look like the mechanical soldiers activated by Enel in the original work, but they don’t seem to be powerful, and they don’t know the specific role.

After shopping for a long time, the underground ruins are basically some machinery factories. Apart from the mural paintings, there are basically no other places that can be studied.

After a few minutes.

Robin has finished reading these murals and said to Xiang Miao. “Sir, what these murals describe seems to be another civilization.”

“Huh? Come and listen.” Mio said, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Robin nodded, then translated. “It is recorded in the mural that this is another civilized city. The city’s name is Piluka. The city’s technology is very advanced. However, due to insufficient resources, they emigrated to another planet, which is the world we live in. They also brought a lot of high-tech with them when they emigrated. In these technologies, it seems…like to include Pluton.”

“Pluton?” Mio looked surprised.

“Yes, when this civilization migrated, it was a huge ship. This ship is very powerful, similar to our rumored Pluton.” Robin explained.

Hearing this, Min nodded, so it seemed that it was indeed very similar.

“Pluton was originally created by a group of shipbuilders in the capital of the seven waters. If Pluton is the technology of this civilization, or an improved version of technology, it means that when this civilization immigrated to our world, they did this Civilized people may be separated, some stay on Sky Island, some go to Qinghai, and maybe some are now Celestial Dragons.”

“If this is the case, then some people in this civilization have been assimilated by the local culture because they went to the Capital of Seven Waters, and then they improved the ship they used to travel from the moon to Qinghai to create Pluton.”

“And if a part of the people of this civilization become Celestial Dragons, then this part of the people may be the master of making Uranus, or the method of controlling Uranus.”

Miao frowned slightly, thinking again. “If Pluton and Uranus appeared at the same time, then Uranus may have appeared to overthrow the great kingdom 800 years ago, and Pluton, together with Uranus, overthrew the great kingdom? Or is it to help the great kingdom suppress today? Celestial Dragons? Or is it purely for self-preservation?”

“But… is this a war between alien civilization and local civilization? If it is, then the entire One Piece original work, I am afraid it is not a history of resistance to the rise of local civilization that overthrew the rule of outer civilization?”

“There is also Noah. Noah’s method of creation is mysterious. Perhaps it was created by people from the’Piluka’ civilization. It’s just that Noah is the promise between Joey Boy and The fish men island. It symbolizes that Joey Boye should belong to Qinghai people, not the Piluca civilization. If Noah was created by the Piluca civilization, what kind of identity does Joey Boye have in it?”

Rubbing his head, Miao couldn’t help but think of the red-haired guy.

He was clearly a pirate, but he was able to negotiate with Five Elders.

That guy, maybe he had learned something with Roger when he reached the final island.

Or maybe, Roger told him something, after all, Roger once gave him the straw hat, and it was normal to tell him anything.

“Erica, let Marcy come over.” Mio ordered.

In any case, he may be sure that the resurrection of the great kingdom may have something to do with the people of the Piluka civilization.

Any civilization basically has a ruling class, and those who overthrew a great kingdom in the first place may have come from the ruling class of the Piluka civilization.

What is revealed in this ruin is enough, there are a few more ruins in the future, and you may know more when you go there.

But for now, let Marcy use the power of lightning as an energy source to activate these dwarf robots.


Erica nodded and immediately turned and left.

Robin came to Mio and asked curiously. “Captain, do you know anything? It feels like you have been thinking before and now.”

“Well, I don’t know anything, it’s just a guess.” Miao said with a faint smile, but he felt helpless. If he didn’t know that he couldn’t go directly to the final island, he really wanted to go there to see the secrets of this world directly. What is it.

Guessing on your own, searching slowly, to be honest, it’s too brainstorming.

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