Chapter 383 Chapter 382: Return to Crow Island


It can be described as extremely tragic at this time.

There were corpses everywhere, in addition to the fur tribe, there were also Talos’ subordinates. At this time, only a few dozen of those hundreds of subordinates were still standing.

Talos sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the cat viper and Inu Arashi who were struggling to get up from the ground in front of him, and threw a shriveled fur tribe aside, his injuries had already recovered a lot.

Talos grinned. “It seems that you have already recognized the reality.”


Cat Viper coughed up with blood in his mouth, clutching a scar filled with blood, glanced at Inu Lan, who was also seriously injured, and gritted his teeth with a sigh. “you win.”

Hearing this, the corners of Talos’ lips raised, and he said with a frantic smile. “Since I have won, then the entire fur clan should respect me as king, is there a problem?”

Before Cat Viper and Inu Lan could answer, Talos said again. “You should thank me, at least I gave you a chance, instead of directly suppressing and then ruling you. If it is someone else, such as Kaido or Charlotte, if you don’t even have a chance, you will either surrender or die. So I miss you I should be grateful, at least after surrendering to me, Zou no longer has to worry about being targeted by others or being attacked by pirates.”

Inu Lan curled his lips. Although Talos was telling the truth, he wanted them to be grateful?

Looking at the corpses of the fur tribe around them, you know that this is impossible.

But no matter what, at least…

Talos’ strength is terrifying.

It’s terrifying to despair.

It makes people tremble.

The fighting should not continue in order to avoid the death of more fur tribes.

Thinking in her mind, Dog Lan also sighed and said solemnly. “From today onwards, the furry principality belongs to your rule, and we… will also listen to you.”

“Hahaha, okay.” Hearing this, Talos couldn’t help laughing, his burly body slowly stood up, his fierce aura continued, his eyes looked around, and he looked at the surviving fur tribe. Grinned. “As long as you work for me, Laozi will not abuse you. After all, you are all good fighters. Of course, you better not have the idea of ​​rebellion.”

“Once there are any signs, hey…”

A cold light appeared in Talos’ eyes, exuding a cold killing intent. “At that time, there will be no need for Zuow to exist, and the Fur tribe will disappear in this world.”

“You should know that I have this strength.”

The voice fell.

Regardless of the fear and anger in the eyes of that famous fur clan, Talos waved his hand and laughed directly. “Little ones, light a bonfire, drink, eat meat, and celebrate today’s victory and harvest!!!”

“Hahaha, long live the boss!”

“His… it hurts after two shots, but don’t stop me, Laozi wants to drink.”

“Hahaha, long live!”

Behind him, Talos’ men reveled.

As a big pirate, Talos is not short of money in fact.

After all, Talos also plundered a lot of pirate groups and merchant ships along the way, and it can be regarded as accumulating a lot of treasures. Although there are not many people in the entire pirate group who are loyal to Talos, there are still others. Willing to play for Talos, even desperately.

Because as long as they don’t die, Talos will give them a generous amount of money, enough for them to revel.

This time, it was the same.

As for those who died?

I can only blame myself for lack of strength.


As the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, the bonfires lit in this area, the cheers of the pirates began to sound.

The fur tribes and the pirates looked at each other, dealing with their wounds, and the pirates were reveling, but among these fur tribes, there was an aura of sadness and helplessness.

Cat Viper and Inu Lan sat in front of Talos, and even if they were seriously injured, they were patient.

After all, they need to know how Talos will treat the fur tribes of Zou next.

After all, the value of the fur family is still great.

Not to mention other things, the price of a fur slave is actually about the same as the Murloc.The price of a male fur tribe is around 700,000 baileys on the black market, while the price of a male murloc is one million baileys.

Looking at the price, you may think it will be very cheap, but this is only for men, and women…

The price of a female mermaid is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, that of a male mermaid, reaching tens of millions of Baileys. Some beautiful ones, or those that meet the tastes of some people, can be even higher.

It can be said to be very scary.

The price of female furs is not as high as that of female mermaids, but there are tens of millions of Baileys. Of course, the premise is that the female cat furs and rabbit furs are cute or sexy in appearance.

The price is not high for horse fur tribes and the like.

But even so, it can bring huge benefits to some people.

Moreover, the characteristics of the fur tribes make them very suitable for fighting. After training and development, they may not be able to become strong. This is also the point that Cat Viper and Inu Lan worry about at this time.

Talos naturally knew what the cat viper and Inu Lan were worried about. After drinking a barrel of wine, he spoke slowly and sneered. “Don’t worry, Laozi’s vision is not that low, so I can sell it with you? How much can I sell?”

“It’s better to catch the giants if you sell it for money.”

The giants are more valuable, and even the mermaid can’t compare with the giants.

Especially the male giants, the price of a male giant slave is about 50 million, and the female giant is only 10 million. With the strength of Talos, if you want to engage in the slave trade, you will naturally choose the giants, even the giants. ‘S strength is not weak, but it is a bit more troublesome for Talos, not difficult.

Hear the words.

Cat Viper and Inu Lan were relieved.

“So, I don’t know what you want us to do for you?” Dog Lan took a deep breath, and then asked hurriedly. There were some injuries during the words, so he could not help covering the wound and staring nervously at Talos.

“Don’t worry, it’s just that you are required to fight for me sometimes.” Talos took a piece of barbecue and ate it at the same time. “In addition, let you guys practice. The strength is really weak. Although you are a natural fighting race, you have never developed your own strength. It is just that this level of strength is not what Laozi wants.”

“Is it just fighting?” Cat Viper asked in a deep voice.

“Of course.” Tarros grinned, playing with the taste. “If you are going to send a few women out of the fur clan to let me have fun, I don’t mind.”

“Humph.” Cat Viper suddenly snorted, but he didn’t say much on this topic, just said coldly. “If it’s just a fight, we will obey your instructions, but I hope you remember what you said today and don’t cause too much change to Zuow.”

After finishing speaking, the cat viper left directly and headed towards the fur clan in the distance.

Inu Lan didn’t stay long, and followed the cat and viper away.

“A bunch of guys who don’t know the so-called.” Looking at the backs of the two, Talos sneered, curled his lips, and then picked up a barrel of wine and continued to drink.

Anyway, these guys have already declared surrender, and he doesn’t worry much about the next thing. Although these guys are not willing to surrender, Talos doesn’t care.

As long as these guys work hard next.

What’s more, the time is still long, so he is not in a hurry.

And he didn’t worry that these guys would betray, if they really betrayed, then the fur tribe, like what he said before, really didn’t need to exist.

I don’t need a race that will betray.

Adults don’t need it either.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Talos’ eyes, but then he disappeared again.

“Don’t worry about the next thing. What that guy wants us to do is just help him fight.” After returning to the fur clan, Inu Lan said to the surviving fur clan.

Then he sat down quickly, clutched his wound and looked at a little girl, said. “Gallot, come and help me deal with the injury.”

“Ah, yes, Lord Inuarashi.” The girl fur tribe named Garrot nodded and walked over. This is a rabbit fur tribe with short blond hair and a pair of rabbit ears, which looks very cute.

Garlott asked worriedly while helping Inu Ran deal with the wound. “Then, that terrible enemy won’t sell us, right?”

“No.” Cat Viper said Kaidō in a deep voice. “If that guy really dared to do this, then there would be no need for us to surrender.”

They will surrender if they just help Tarros fight.

But let them become slaves to sell money?

Neither Cat Viper nor Inu Arashi would agree, and they would fight desperately at that time.

This is the end of the battle for Zou.

The sea gradually subsided.

But it was also surging in the dark.

The previous battle between the Black Crow Pirates and the two Admirals attracted the attention of many people, and many people once again saw the power of the black crow and the unfathomable depth of the black crow.

Some of the kings of the underground world are planning to start contacting the black crows again and firmly establish their alliance with the black crows.

The two huge institutions, Marine and World government, have also begun to operate rapidly in response to the power displayed by the Black Crow.

In this regard, Mio is naturally not aware of it.

Time passed slowly.

Two days later.

at night.

Above Crow Island, a golden ark flew quickly and landed directly in a dense forest on Crow Island.


As the Golden Ark landed.

Mio’s figure directly descended from the ark and landed on the ground. At the same time, figures came from a distance and appeared in front of Mio.

Naturally it was Warwick and others on the island, and the figure of Hee flew quickly in the air, stopped on Mio’s shoulder, and rubbed Mio’s cheek.

Touching Hei’s head, Miao looked at Heiyan and said. “Did something happen while I was away?”

“No.” Hei Yan shook his head and said immediately. “The sea is very calm, that is, Marine’s actions in New World have become very fast, and many pirates have been arrested.”

“Where is the emperor?”

“very quiet.”

“Well, let’s go back first, and then tell me about Zou.” Miao nodded slightly, and when Aska and others came down, he told Hee to say. “Hide this golden ark for a while.”

Although it can be smelted into gold, it is not necessary now because it will still be used in the future.

Hee nodded, screamed, and a harsh sound rang, and then a large number of crows flew from the horizon and landed on the golden ark, densely packed with tens of thousands of them, covering the golden ark.

If you don’t look closely, no one can find an ark made of gold hidden under these crows.

Mio directly lifted his foot and left.

Inside the castle.

Stepping into the castle, Mio stepped out and appeared on his throne. After sitting down, Mio beckoned.

Heiyan immediately reported.

“My lord, Zou has been ruled by Talos. Although Marine has ideas about Zou, he should give up in a short time and will not act. But Talos wants to make the fur tribe willing to do it for him. I’m afraid it will take some time to be effective.”

“Besides, the exposure of Xiaoqi and Xiaoliu before has caused some people to think a little bit. Those kings in the underground world in the past two days are planning to get closer, but because you are not here, I rejected them all. .”

“There is the revolutionary army…”

Just stop.

Hei Yan closed his mouth and said nothing more.

After a moment of silence, Mio spoke. “Let the Revolutionary Army come here. Although it’s a bit late, it’s a cooperation with the Revolutionary Army after all. This time is just right and won’t attract unnecessary attention.”


Hei Yan nodded respectfully, turned and left.

After that, Mio turned his gaze on the other people, raised a smile on his face, and said. “Everyone, go out for a long time, then go to rest.”

Hearing that, Lilith and others left without any hesitation, and they did miss life in Qinghai a little bit.


Only Mio and Aska remained in the hall.

Mio picked up a phone bug and dialed out.

Blue blue.

Blue blue.

The phone worm was quickly connected.

“My lord.” Tarros’ voice came from the phone worm.”What happened to Zuow?” Miao asked calmly.

“It’s all done.” Tarros laughed. “Those guys are not willing to play for me at the moment, but they have to fight for me in order to save their lives, and the time is still long. Sooner or later they will be willing, and I will not bring them tyranny.”

Hearing this, Miao’s index finger tapped lightly on the armrest, and then he said in a deep voice. “Since you have managed the Zuowu, then develop it. These people are indeed a good fighting race. They have the power of thunder and lightning. This should be developed carefully. In the future, the fur tribe can bring me a lot of money. s help.”

“Hey, yes, don’t worry, sir.” Tarros nodded respectfully, his tone of confidence in his voice. “I will train these guys well.”

“Well, that’s it.”

After Mio responded, the phone worm was hung up.

Then Mio closed her eyes slightly and began to ponder.

Zou, Wanokuni, Hydra Island.

Three islands, three countries.

And these three countries are all considered fighting nations or fighting races.

If they are well cultivated, the strength of the citizens will be very good, at least they can be stronger than ordinary cannon fodder, and they can also cultivate many backbone forces.

These people are still very important in Mio’s plan.

In the battle against the World government, basic strength is indispensable.

After all, World government is not just a force of Marine, and even so, the power of Marine alone is a very large number. Looking at the period when Marine was on the top of the war, there were only 100,000 elite personnel, and those cannon fodder were undoubtedly more.

Without sufficient basic personnel, it is naturally impossible to rely on black crows to deal with these people. Although in the eyes of the strong, these Marine soldiers are all ants, but they are always troublesome and will be consumed. Even if there are too many ants, they can be killed. elephant.

But now, both Hydra Island and Zou are in control.

There is only one Wanokuni left.

Wanokuni is considered Kaido’s territory, so the battle with Kaido is naturally unavoidable.

While thinking, Miao’s eyes flickered.

Winning Wanokuni is not too much trouble for the Black Crows. It’s just that Miao doesn’t want to expose too much power, and he doesn’t want to waste too much time. It just so happens that the cooperation with the Revolutionary Army before can come in handy, with the help of the Revolutionary Army. Power quickly suppressed Kaido.

Now, all Miao wants is to quickly take control of Wanokuni and then dormant.

Wait for the moment.

“But speaking of it, the son of Kaido… also pay attention.”

Now the black crow’s intelligence channels have been perfected, so he has an understanding of some characters that did not appear in the original work.

It’s like Kaido’s son. (God knows I got a lot of headaches after knowing that Kaido has a son!)

Kaido’s son is not a simple guy. Although he is young now, he has great potential. He will not be weaker than Kaido when he grows up. Even now, his strength is terrifying. Now, Kaido’s son is only about ten years old.

The reason is also because this son of Kaido inherited the blood of the two emperors.

Kaido, and Charlotte.

BIGMOM was very romantic when he was young. After all, he is a pirate. Just like a male pirate, he can enjoy nothing more than that, and the beauty of BIGMOM when he was young…

In fact, it’s okay.

In addition, he was on the same boat with Kaido, and then he gave birth to an heir to Kaido.

It is for this reason that Mio cares about Kaido’s son.

After all, both Kaido and BIGMOM are extraordinary people, whether it is their strength, influence, or themselves.

Especially BIGMOM, tough body, strange power, etc., all of which were inherited by Kaido’s son.

We must know that BIGMOM was able to injure a giant inadvertently at the age of five, relying on strength alone, one can imagine how terrible the potential of a child who inherited the talent and physique of Kaido and BIGMOM would be.

Thinking time.

The sound of footsteps sounded.

Heiyan stepped into the castle and said respectfully towards Mio. “My lord, the leader of the revolutionary army will arrive at Crow Island later.”


Min nodded and ordered. “Prepare food and drink.”

Hei Yan nodded and left.

Mio also waited quietly…

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