Chapter 388: Canary

“It looks like we are late here.”

The Wanokuni battle was over. Following Kaido’s orders, Kaido’s men were all preparing to leave, and the bloody Jhin was carried away.

At the port, Garp stepped onto the port, faced the vigilant gaze of the surrounding pirates, and looked directly at Mio with a grin.

“Since you know what to do if you are late? Have you finished eating?” Mio patted the dust on her body and said calmly, watching Garp.

“Then it depends on whether you entertain or not.”

Garp glanced at Wanokuni behind Mio, sighed, and said. “Wanokuni has changed the owner. It is just this opportunity that Marine wants to talk to you about the cooperation with seastone, how about it?”

Although it is shameful for Marine to cooperate with the pirates, there is no other way.

After all, there are not many places where seastone is produced, but the amount required is huge.

It just so happens that Wanokuni is where the largest seastone production is located, and Marine also needs the seastone here very much.

There are too many capable people on the sea, and the number of seastones required by Marine is also very large.

“Yes.” Mio nodded slightly, but didn’t care about Marine’s identity. Wanokuni’s affair was over, and Marine could not forcefully snatch it now, otherwise it would only be Marine who would suffer.


Mio stepped out and appeared directly in front of Garp, meanwhile Warwick threw it casually, Mio raised his hand to catch a bottle of wine and took a sip, said. “Naturally I don’t mind selling seastone to Marine, but you Marine should be aware of the price of seastone. Don’t think that if Wanokuni changes its owner, the price of seastone will be cheaper than before. I won’t do anything that I lose.”

“Hey.” Garp couldn’t help but curl his lips when he heard the words. “I don’t care about this kind of thing. Anyway, it’s not me who is discussing with you, it’s Sengoku.”

With that said, Garp directly took out a phone bug and threw it to Mio.

After receiving the call worm, Mio directly dialed out.

Soon, the phone worm was dialed.

“Black Crow.” Sengoku’s voice came from the phone worm, calmly said. “Tell me about your price.”

It seemed that this phone worm would be handed over to Black Crow for a long time, and Sengoku also asked straightforwardly.

“Talk about your price when Kaido ruled Wanokuni before, and I will consider it again.” Mio chuckled.

Seastone’s interests are great, and it is impossible for Miao to make a decision in a short time. This cake is so big that Miao cannot eat it alone, and it is impossible for a black crow to eat it. Various channels, contacts, etc. are needed. To maximize the benefits of this cake. Not only will he have to do business with Marine, but there will undoubtedly be the world government, kings of the underground world, killer organizations, gangs, and even the top pirates in the sea, and so on.

Now, just discuss it in advance.

What’s more, the revolutionary army is still hidden in the dark.

He also needs to discuss with the revolutionary army.

As soon as the battle ended, the revolutionary army was already hidden.

After talking for a while, Mio directly hung up the phone worm, and then looked at Garp. “Okay, you can leave Wanokuni, anyway, as pirates, it’s a bit uncomfortable to see you Marines.”

Garp curled his lips, not talking nonsense, and turned and left.

A fleet of warships also left quickly.

At the port.

Soon there are only the pirates of the Black Crow and some Kaido’s subordinates. These Kaido’s subordinates will help Kaido to convey to Mio how to deal with the military factories that have been built.

Nine miles.

This was originally an inaccessible area of ​​Wanokuni, but after Kozuki Oden’s reforms, it once became Wanokuni’s paradise.

Boluo Town.

At this time, in the town, Miao looked at the residents of Wanokuni in front of him and said in a calm tone. “Lilith, the next thing is left to you, let all the families and big names of Wanokuni come to Boluo Town.”

“If it doesn’t come, kill it.”

“Yes.”Standing behind Mio, Lilith nodded respectfully, smiled slightly, and disappeared in place after she stepped out.

Inside a pub in Boluo Town.

At this time, almost all outsiders were driven out.

Only some members of the Mio and the Revolutionary Army, including dragons, remained in the entire tavern.

“The Revolutionary Army has done everything that the Revolutionary Army promised you and should do. Next, I hope you will still count the things that you promised us.” Long looked at the Miao in front of him and said solemnly.

“Natural.” Min shrugged slightly and said. “Just wait for me to deal with some of Wanokuni’s trivial matters, and you can send people to Wanokuni after complete rule. At that time, seastone will be sold to the revolutionary army at a very low price.”


Hearing this, Long nodded, stood up and said. “Then see you next time.”

He didn’t have the idea of ​​staying here for a long time. Originally, many things in the Revolutionary Army were delayed because of the resolution of Wanokuni’s side. Now that the resolution has been completed, he naturally wants to leave to deal with other things.

Mio didn’t stop, just picked up a glass of wine and drank quietly.

Soon, he was the only one left in the tavern.

But after a while.


The door of the tavern was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in, holding something in his arms and placing it in front of Mio, grinning. “Black Crow, I brought you what you wanted.”

What was placed in front of Mio was something wrapped in black cloth.

The corner of Mio’s mouth raised, and he lifted the black cloth directly, and a long knife appeared in front of Mio’s eyes.

This is a sharp long knife with a black-purple blade and a red zigzag pattern. It is shining with cold light at this time, and it looks very extraordinary.

“Twenty-one jobs with a sharp knife, Qiushui with a black knife!”

Miao murmured, holding the black knife in his hand, feeling the weight from the autumn water and couldn’t help but look at the person in front of him, said. “Moria, good work, I can let you join the Black Crow, but the choice is yours, and I know you want to kill Kaido, but even if you join the Black Crow, I will not help you deal with Kaido, of course, I will not stop you from shooting Kaido, but don’t expect me to avenge you if you are killed.”

In front of Mio, naturally it was Gekko Moria.

One of Shichibukai in the future.

As a Paramecia shadow fruit ability person, to be honest, Gekko Moria’s potential is very good, but it is a pity that it was defeated by Kaido and all the partners died, which led to Gekko Moria’s decadence and neglected the development of the fruit. Even more immersed in the creation of a zombie army, a real waste of the ability of the shadow fruit.

“Hehehehe, of course I know you won’t help me.” Gekko Moria’s huge body sat on the opposite side of Mio, looking at Mio with a look of fear in his eyes, and said without hesitation. “But I chose to join Black Crow, at least you let me understand one thing…”

“A person is strong enough to suppress everything.”

“Originally I had another plan, but now I want to join Black Crow. With Black Crow’s strength and the strong people here, hehehehe, I want to increase my strength speed.”

“In the future, I will personally find Kaido to take revenge.”

Speaking of Kaido, Gekko Moria couldn’t help but a flash of hatred in his eyes.

He came to Wanokuni a long time ago. After all, he was in New World. After he came, he did not expose himself. After all, he knew that his strength could not be used in the battle between the two sides. Therefore, he witnessed the relationship between Miao and Kaido. The battle between.

That terrible strength.

Almost easily destroyed the hills.

The power that burst out was like a natural disaster.

Originally, Gekko Moria wanted to create an immortal army of zombies, but seeing the black crow and Kaido was just the aftermath of the eruption, and the scene of a large number of pirates flying away, let him understand even if it is immortal. The destroyed zombie army has no use at all in front of that level. Only if its own strength is strong can it have a chance to kill Kaido.

Therefore, he made the decision to join Black Crow.

“Good decision.” Mio’s mouth raised, feeling the aura exuding from Gekko Moria, and smiled lightly. “But I hope you won’t let me down. I am still very optimistic about your potential. Although you are considered a strong player in New World, your strength is extremely weak now. I will give you one year, one year If your strength hasn’t reached the point of admiring me in the time…”

Mio’s eyes flickered and said coldly. “I will end your life and take away your abilities.”

“After all, if you can’t exert the maximum power of the Shadow Fruit ability, I will help it change to a better owner, and the black crow does not need to be too wasteful.”

Hear the words.

Gekko Moria’s pupils shrank slightly, but then he couldn’t help grinning. “Hehehehe, I’m Gekko Moria!!”

A strong aura radiated from Gekko Moria, facing Mio, still without fear.

Just this courage makes Mio look different.


Although Wanokuni’s battle is over, there is still a lot to do for Miao.

While he needs the mighty power of the warriors like Wanokuni, he will not let go of the mining of seastone.

Therefore, he needs the residents of Wanokuni to surrender willingly to his rule.

After all, the power of the samurai like Wanokuni will be useful in the future.

It was for this reason that he needed the black sword Qiushui in the hands of Gekko Moria, the saber used to slay the dragon warrior Ryoma.

Ryoma is the hero of Wanokuni, and it is also the belief of most of Wanokuni’s samurai. The body of Ryoma was taken away by Gekko Moria, including the black sword Qiushui.

This incident was discovered by the people of Wanokuni before, which caused many Wanokuni warriors to anger, and even made the people of Wanokuni grief and indignation.

This shows Ryoma’s position in Wanokuni.

The black sword Qiushui is also a national treasure of Wanokuni because it is Ryoma’s saber.

A handful of autumn water may not make Wanokuni residents willingly surrender to the rule of the black crow, but at least these people will not be too resistant. As long as they are not too resistant, then sooner or later they will willingly surrender and be driven by themselves.

With the end of the battle.

The phone worm in Mio will ring almost from time to time.

There are kings from the dark world, as well as other forces.

They are all negotiating seastone transactions.

Then I waited quietly, waiting for the arrival of the families in Wanokuni. Although these families are not strong, they are also famous families in Wanokuni and possess a certain prestige.

But at this moment.

“My lord.” Warwick said as he stepped into the tavern, followed by two figures. “These two guys want to see you, saying they are the offspring of Kozuki Oden.”


Mio raised her eyebrows slightly, and when she turned her head to look around, there was an unexpected look in her eyes. “A descendant of Kozuki Oden?”

His gaze fell on that small figure in an instant, and his long emerald green hair made Mio immediately confirm that this was Kozuki Hiyori in the future, but what he didn’t expect was that it would be so easy to meet this one who can be beautiful with Hancock in the future. A woman of her name.

Noticing Mio’s gaze, Kozuki Hiyori flashed a look of fear in his eyes, and couldn’t help shrinking his neck, but in the end he mustered up the courage and gritted his teeth and walked to Mio’s front.

“Master Black Crow, I, I am Kozuki Hiyori.”

“I know you.” The corner of Mio’s mouth raised, and his eyes swept across the Kawamatsu who followed Kozuki Hiyori, and asked slightly curiously. “I’m more curious about your purpose, so let’s listen to it.”

Dare to come directly in front of oneself, indicating that Kozuki Hiyori must have his own purpose.

Mio didn’t mind listening to it.

Kozuki Hiyori took a deep breath and said solemnly. “You, you snatched Wanokuni from Kaido, should it be just for seastone?”

“So what?” The corners of Miao’s mouth rose slightly and smiled lightly. “What do you want to say? If you have any purpose, just say it.”

“I want to know your purpose for Wanokuni and hope you don’t cause too much harm to Wanokuni.” Kozuki Hiyori said helplessly. If Kaido ruled before, she would not go to Kaido so stupidly to die.

But now, Kaido is gone, and Wanokuni has a new ruler.

And this ruler is stronger than Kaido, and the power is more terrifying than Kaido.

Kozuki Hiyori was desperate, especially after seeing Mio and Kaido fighting, it made her suspicious of something.

My brother, Momanosuke and some of his retainers went to the future, can he really fight this black crow?

Absolute strength, she didn’t think her brother could find someone to deal with Black Crow.On the sea, there are not many strong people willing to take risks against the black crows, right?

Therefore, she chose to take the initiative to appear in front of the black crow, wanting to exchange some conditions.

After all, Black Crow is not Kaido.

Will not kill the Kozuki family.


Hearing this, Mio couldn’t help but shook his head a little funny, and said. “You are a little naive, Kozuki Hiyori.”

During the words, Mio stood up, looked down at the girl in front of her, her eyes flickering, and said. “To be honest, I originally planned to find your position because I am very interested in you, but I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send it to me because I was worried about the safety of this country. In that case, I will give you a trader with me. The opportunity is good, this transaction can make you the master of Wanokuni and let the entire Wanokuni be controlled by the Kozuki family again, how?”

“Really, really?” Kozuki Hiyori opened his eyes wide, showing an expression of disbelief.

Even He Song next to him was a little surprised.

The man in front of him is really willing to give up control of Wanokuni?

“Of course, you are not worth deceiving me.” Mio said with a calm expression. “It depends on whether you want to make this transaction.”

Kozuki Hiyori was excited, but hesitated.

After a long time, I couldn’t help but ask. “What deal?”

The corners of Mio’s mouth raised, and he reached out and provoked Kozuki Hiyori’s delicate chin.

Seeing this, He Song was thinking of making a move and interrupted Min’s movements, but the next moment a horrible aura broke out, directly making He Song feel as if a mountain was pressed against him, unable to move.

“This transaction is very simple. I have the black sword Qiushui. At the same time, I can also push you to the position of Wanokuni’s general, becoming the first female general in Wanokuni’s history. Let the entire Wanokuni be ruled by the Kozuki family again, but at the same time, you To be my canary.”

Kozuki Hiyori deserves to be known as Hancock in terms of beauty in the future, even if he is still young, it can make it clear that Nizi is definitely a beauty embryo when he grows up.

Of course, Mio will not give control of Wanokuni to Kozuki Hiyori.

Beauty is only secondary.

The real reason is that Kozuki Hiyori is a member of the Kozuki family anyway.

If you rule Wanokuni yourself, you will eventually encounter resistance.

But Kozuki Hiyori does not.

If this is the case, Mio naturally chose to let Kozuki Hiyori rule Wanokuni, and Mio herself only needs to rule Kozuki Hiyori, and let Kozuki Hiyori become her own canary, under her own control.

In this way, Wanokuni can still be controlled by him.

“No, miss.” He Song, who was pale on the side, hurriedly persuaded.


Wouldn’t it be necessary to let Rihe become the plaything of the black crow?

As Kozuki Oden’s retainer, he would never want to see this happen.

“You’d better think it through and tell me your choice. Although I am still in charge of Wanokuni after agreeing to me, at least any command I give to Wanokuni needs to be conveyed to the people of Wanokuni through you. In this way, even if I am in the future What do you think of ordinary people in Wanokuni, you can also take advantage of this to respond, can’t you?”

Although Kozuki Hiyori is only a girl, Kasatsu beside him is not a strong one.

But Mio did not choose to force.

Whether it is agreeing or refusing, it doesn’t matter to Mio.

But for Wanokuni as a whole, it is a different choice.

“Promise me that Wanokuni will not bleed.”

“If you refuse me, I can’t guarantee how many corpses will accumulate in various areas of Wanokuni tomorrow.”

Mio’s voice sounded again.

Kozuki Hiyori was pale and bit his lip. After hearing this, he barely hesitated and nodded. “I, I promise you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, sure, I promise your deal!”

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