Chapter 399 10: Immortal Surgery

“How are you preparing?” Mio looked at Renee and asked, and at the same time looked at the central area of ​​Apayato, the island of Gods, where there were tall walls, and a famous shadow soldier could be seen at a glance. At the guard, watching the situation in all directions.

“It’s all ready.” Renee nodded and said. “You can start at any time, and Linglong newspaper has also ordered it to go down. After the operation, it will start searching for Op-Op Fruit near Sky Island.”

Regarding the rumors of Devil Fruit, it is said that after a Devil Fruit capable person dies, the fruit will re-grow near the place where the capable person died. Miao doesn’t know if this rumor is true, but he doesn’t mind trying it.

After all, the importance of Op-Op Fruit is self-evident.

“Well, let’s start.” Mio nodded and said.

“Yes, please follow me.” Renee nodded respectfully and immediately led the way.

With the help of the ghost fruit, Perona flies in the air, constantly surrounding Mio’s body, watching Mio secretly from time to time, and when she is discovered by Mio, she looks away embarrassedly. The cute appearance makes Mio shook his head and laughed.

Speaking of it, it’s worth mentioning that Perona, who has been growing up next to Renee and Petunia, has been receiving from Renee and Petunia the idea of ​​”Mr. is the greatest” from childhood to most, which has led to Perona now also Think so.

This is something that Mio had never thought of.

Along the way, Mio soon came to the center of the Island of Gods, surrounded by tall walls, and finally came to the outside of a fortress.

At the entrance of the fortress, a Sky Island man dressed as a doctor was waiting here with a dull expression. After seeing Mio’s arrival, he knew Mio’s identity, nodded and turned and stepped into the fortress.

Mio didn’t care either, just followed closely behind, Tao. “How will the operation be performed?”

“It’s very simple, you just need to take off your clothes and lie down, and leave the rest to me.” The man said calmly, and soon a platform appeared in his sight.

“What about the time?” Mio asked again.

“Three days at the latest.”

“Three days? It’s not too long.” After touching his chin for a moment, Mio looked at the man and said. “let’s start.”

After speaking, Mio directly took off his clothes and lay on the platform. Renee and others also slowly exited the fortress at this time and waited at the door.

The man took a deep breath. As early as more than ten years ago, he knew that his fate was doomed, he could not escape, and he was already prepared. Although his life was about to end, it might be considered to him. A relief.

With such thoughts…


A white halo suddenly condensed in the man’s hands, emerged, and instantly enveloped himself and Miao, and then, the operation began…

Op-Op Fruit, if used by a person with enough talent, can give humans “eternal life”. Once this operation is performed, the capable person himself will die. This is the legendary operation for immortality and the ultimate power of Op-Op Fruit. , And because of this ability, Op-Op Fruit is called the ultimate Devil Fruit.

From the moment the operation started, although Mio was conscious, her body had fallen into a ‘deep sleep’. He only felt that someone was moving on his body and was undergoing the operation.

Time passed quietly.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Mio seemed to fall into a deep sleep without knowing it.

As time passed, darkness fell into the fort.



A panic sensation swept through her body. Miao, who had fallen into deep sleep, suddenly sat up from the platform, frowning, and the blue veins protruding on his forehead. It is expected that this panic pain is very unbearable. Like.

The sharp pain, like starting from a node, constantly rushes to every corner of the body.

It seems that the skin is squirming.

Mio gritted her teeth and endured it, lowered her head and looked over her body. While frowning, she looked at the ground aside. A figure fell on the ground and lost its vitality for some time. Dead body.

That is the capable person of Op-Op Fruit.

“Is it over?” Miao frowned and murmured in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, his brows were frowned again, his own aura almost burst out subconsciously, sweeping the entire Sky Island.

The majestic aura makes all Sky Island people feel as if a natural disaster is coming, it is difficult to breathe, and the heavy pressure makes some people unable to move, as if a mountain is pressing on them.

In Mio’s body, the original sharp pain disappeared, and a warm current poured into the limbs instead.

At the same time, it is accompanied by an infinite vitality.

It lasted a full quarter of an hour.

Min’s frowning brows stretched out, and the majestic aura disappeared instantly.

Mio’s body was soaked with sweat at some point, slowly stepped off the platform, picked up the clothes on the side and put it on, said. “come in.”

The voice fell.

The door of the fort was pushed open, and Sister Renee and Perona walked in immediately.

“Sir, is it over?” Renee asked nervously. As for the corpse lying on the ground, she didn’t care at all.

“Yeah.” Min nodded, with a look of excitement flashing in his eyes, clenched fists with both hands, felt the changes in his body, and then exclaimed. “As expected of Op-Op Fruit, it is really powerful.”

He can fully feel the changes before and after the operation.

After the old-fashioned operation, he was able to feel every part of his body all the time, exuding powerful vitality.

It seems… he has already lived forever.

The most important thing is that there is not only longevity but also terrible recovery ability that accompanies the immortality surgery.


Mio’s right hand was raised, and a wind blade cut a deep hole in his right arm. Blood was leaking, but within one breath, the wound healed.


Mio let out a chuckle, his eyes flickered.

Surgery is not old, it’s really scary.

As a person who enjoys an ageless operation, he can also clearly feel his own changes.

The power of immortality, coupled with this terrible resilience, if this power is given to anyone, I am afraid that it can become a terrible monster, right?

Thinking about this, Miao couldn’t help but raised his head and looked at the place where Red Line was, with the corners of his mouth rising. “I have reached this level now, so what about the two guys on Mariejois?”

“And their abilities… are really curious.”

After a murmur.

Miao ordered. “Let’s bury this corpse. At any rate, it is considered to have sacrificed my life for me, and my family will be settled.”

“Yes.” Renee nodded and said. “I will send someone to bury the corpse immediately. As for his family, it has already been settled. In addition, the trace of Op-Op Fruit has been searched. Once found, you will be notified immediately.”

“Yeah.” Min nodded and asked again. “How long has it been since I finished the operation?”

“Three days.” Petunia quickly Kaidō.

“Three days?” Min muttered, looking at Renee’s delicate face, and ordered. “How is the cultivation of dead men?”

“Sir, don’t worry.” Renee reported with a smile on her face. “Already in training, but the age is still too young, those people have been learning medicine from five years ago to now.”

As he said, Renee turned his eyes to the corpse lying beside her, and said. “In addition, there are notes about Op-Op Fruit left by this guy. As long as you find Op-Op Fruit, the dead will quickly develop lifeless operations.”

Longevity alone is not Miao’s pursuit.

The power of longevity is easy to give people great ambition.

But among Mio’s subordinates, all Mio cultivated by himself maintains absolute loyalty to him, and there is no need to worry about betrayal, so he will continue to find Op-Op Fruit and let the Black Crow Pirates become the’Longevity Pirates’. group’.

In this way, as long as the next war is won.

Then this world will be engraved with the name “Black Crow” forever.

At that time, this world will belong to him forever.

Thinking of this, there was a flash of blazing heat in Mio’s eyes, and immediately said. “Leave it to you, let me know if you need anything, and then I will leave first.”

“Well, you won’t be disappointed.” Renee nodded seriously.

Mio chuckled, rubbed the heads of the three girls, stepped out, and disappeared. He had to go back to the Grand Line.

At this point in time, Luffy probably hasn’t left East Blue. Maybe you can go and see what kind of changes have been made to the protagonists in the original book because of his arrival.

After all, the arrival of oneself can’t help but affect the early birth of Luffy and Ace. The evil dragons have never traveled to East Blue, and Nami’s hometown has not been occupied by mermaids.

Even in this case, will Nami finally set foot on Luffy’s boat?

Mio was a little curious.

after an hour.

Grand Line.

Magic Valley Town.

On the black Glory deck at the port, Mio’s figure suddenly appeared.

“Sir.” As soon as Mio appeared, Xanadu came to Mio and shouted respectfully, with a smile on his face.

“Where are they? Are they on the island?” Mi asked.

“Well, I’m all walking around on the island.” Shanaido nodded. She likes to read books and is similar to Robin, so she didn’t go together.

“Go and notify them to come back, and then we will go directly to East Blue.” Mio ordered.


After Xanadu responded, he immediately walked towards Demon Valley Town.

At the same time.

East Blue.

A certain sea area.

“Hey, do you really want to invite me to be the navigator on your ship?” In a tavern on an island, a girl with orange hair looked at the guy with a straw hat in front of him and asked curiously.

“That’s right.” The boy wearing a straw hat nodded seriously and said happily. “I happen to be missing a navigator on my ship.”

The girl hesitated a little, and her heart moved a little…

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