Chapter 401 12: It’s actually that adult

On the huge deck of the Barati restaurant, many people showed horror at this time, looking at the ship coming from a distance. Although the ship seemed to be full of traces of damage, the black panther There is an hourglass-shaped pirate flag on the prow of the shape and on the left and right sides, making these people feel terrified.

Because this is the ship of the Creek Pirates, the huge ship has three decks. This ship is the Dreadnought Battleship Sabre of the Creek Pirates.

This is the pirate group of Creek, and East Blue is a pirate that even some nobles are afraid of. In this East Blue, Creek, who is offering a reward of 17 million, can be described as a large pirate, in almost East Blue. In all the sea areas, the Creek Pirates have a huge reputation.

At this time, I didn’t expect the Creek Pirates to actually appear here.

“Damn it, let’s run, it will definitely be snatched by the Creek Pirates.”

“Say, maybe we will be killed then.”

“No, you can’t stay here, let’s run away quickly.”

Some people said in horror.

In the crowd, an orange-haired girl showed a hint of horror when she saw the pirate ship that was coming, but she immediately looked at the green short-haired man beside her with helplessness and said. “Hey, Zoro, where’s that guy Luffy? We quickly found him and we left. That’s the Crick Pirates. We will definitely suffer if we continue to stay.”

The man named Zoro is a swordsman with three Tai swords around his waist. At this time, he heard the woman’s words but he didn’t say anything, but looked at the pirate ship with solemn eyes.

No, or rather, a small boat behind the Dreadnought.

“It’s actually… that man!!” A look of excitement and disbelief flashed in Zoro’s eyes, and he made a whispering sound, and his body was even more inspired by a sense of war.

“What that man? What are you talking about?” Nami frowned and asked strangely, and then followed Zoro’s gaze into the distance.

Soon, I noticed the small boat.

On the boat, there was only one man sitting there, his legs cocked, his eyes were extremely sharp, but he also exuded a unique temperament, like a nobleman.

“Who is that?” Nami looked suspicious.

“The world’s strongest swordsman, Hawkeye!!” Zoro said in a deep voice, with his right hand resting on his waist saber at some point.

“The world’s strongest?” Nami had a look of horror in her eyes. Although she didn’t know who Hawkeye was, no matter who it was, there would be no simple existence as long as she was named the strongest in the world, right?


Some people want to escape.

Some knowledgeable people noticed the arrival of the eagle eye and froze in place.

Some people couldn’t leave, they could only stay on the deck with a look of horror.

But at this moment.The Dreadnought Battleship Sabre stopped when he was approaching Bharati.

On the deck, the Admiral Creek, whom many people knew, was very embarrassed at this time. Looking at the eagle eye riding in the boat, he roared in horror and anger. “You guy, damn bastard, what the hell are you going to do? We have been following us since we entered the Grand Line. Even the boats under Laozi have been ruined and clean for you. Why, why do you follow us?”

God knows what he encountered after entering the Grand Line. After entering the Grand Line, he was clearly ambitious and wanted to dominate the Grand Line. However, not long after entering the Grand Line, he ran into this guy in the boat.

One sword.

Just a sword.

That sword made Crick feel terrified now, and the power that the sword exploded had turned all his ships into the only one left of the Swish Dreadnought Battleship Sabre.

All other ships were turned into wreckage under that sword.

It was also because that sword frightened him out of his guts, and he quickly fled back to East Blue without the idea of ​​fighting Hawkeye.

“That is…”

On the other side of Bharati, Zhep looked at Hawkeye, his pupils suddenly tightened, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

“How can such a big person appear in a small place like East Blue?” Zhepu murmured, with a shocked look on his face and a little bit of disbelief. After all, he had been in the Grand Line and had been mixed for a while. It is much higher than many people, and I have seen it a lot. Naturally, I know the existence of Hawkeye and the horror of this level of strength.

As far as East Blue is concerned, the strength of such a person is like a natural disaster, which makes people desperate.

This kind of people, among the rumors that Zip heard in the past, only New World is their home field.

That is a chaotic sea area that only the real strong can go. How can such a strong come to the weak sea area of ​​East Blue?

“Boss, do you know that guy?” A chef next to him saw the shocked look on Zep’s face and couldn’t help but ask.

“Ah.” Zhepu said with a solemn expression. “That guy… but one of the top powerhouses in the world.”

The voice just fell.

Hawkeye slowly got up, and said calmly under everyone’s gaze. “It’s just boring to pass the time. Now, it’s time to end this boring thing.”

Accompanied by the sound, Hawkeye’s hand slowly touched the black knife handle behind him.

“Play, kill the time?” Crick didn’t seem to expect to hear such an answer, he couldn’t help but froze in place, but then he roared angrily. “What are you kidding about? It’s because you killed so many pirate boats under Laozi because you passed the time, and you will wipe out all of my men. All of this is actually just because of boredom?”

Crick faced Hawkeye with fear, but at this time he could no longer bear the anger in his heart and roared. “Then this guy who didn’t know where it came from, go to death for me!!”

After speaking, Crick immediately took out a revolver and shot at Hawkeye without hesitation. A bullet flew out and hit Hawkeye’s head.


Hawkeye spit out two words indifferently, then with one hand he pulled out the black knife with a light wave, and the bullet suddenly split into two and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Hawkeye swung the black knife again.

No words.

With just a slash, the next moment I could see a bright green slash burst into the sky, bursting out suddenly.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded with the explosion of the slash, with a harsh whistling sound.

Wherever the slash passed, there was a gap in the sea.

When the slash fell on the Dreadnought Battleship Sabre, the might of the ship was even more so that the ship did not even have the power to block it.

That huge ship, instantly turned into two halves, turned into a wreck.

“It’s really boring here.” Hawkeye murmured, retracted the black knife, and then lightly leaped onto the Bharati deck.

Afterwards, Zoro walked towards Hawkeye without hesitation, and said in a deep voice in front of Hawkeye. “Eagle Eye? The world’s largest swordsman, Roronoa, Zoro, please enlighten me.”


Zoro pulled out the three knives directly, separated his hands from his mouth, and stared at Hawkeye with excitement and determination.

“Zoro, what are you doing?!” Nami, who was not far behind, was so frightened that she was sweating at this scene, and shouted anxiously.

A young man with a long nose turned his eyes white in the distance, as if he was about to be fainted by a fright.

“Three-sword style?” Hawkeye cast a glance at Zoro, seemingly interested in seeing the three-sword style.

But then, he turned his head, looked at the sea behind him, and said calmly. “You came a bit late.”

“He, who is he talking to?” A chef saw this, with a look of confusion on his face.

Apart from the wreckage of the Dreadnought Battleship Sabre, there are only the corpses of the sea pirates drifting on the sea, and nothing else is empty.

There was also a puzzled expression on Zhepu’s face.

However, immediately after that, an unfamiliar voice rang out and reached everyone’s ears.

“No, I’ve been here long ago, but I was a little surprised that you would be bored to this degree.”

As the voice fell, two figures suddenly appeared in front of Hawkeye, a man and a woman.

The man has broken black hair and a handsome face.

The woman’s long sky blue hair was scattered behind her back, with a delicate face.

These two are naturally Min and Lilith.

And with the appearance of the two, a ship on the distant sea slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.

“New World is a long way from East Blue. Nobody drinks. You always need to find something to kill time.” Hawkeye said calmly.

“That’s right.” Mio smiled and nodded, then his eyes fell on Zoro behind Hawkeye, and said. “Don’t you go to the challenge?”

Upon hearing this, Hawkeye turned his head to look at Zoro who was still in a fighting pose, shook his head indifferently, and said. “Faced with my slash, I still dare to challenge, and the courage is commendable, then just agree to your challenge.”

As he said, Hawkeye took out the small knife hanging on his chest and neck like the original, and said calmly. “bring it on.”

“What do you mean?” Looking at the knife in Hawkeye’s hand, Zoro widened his eyes as if he felt shame. “what do you mean?”

“Your strength is too weak, not to mention that I don’t have a weapon smaller than this.” Hawkeye said calmly.

“Damn it, don’t look down on people.” Zoro roared, a look of anger flashed in his eyes, and then he stepped out without hesitation, and quickly rushed in. Three Taito swords were swung up and slashed fiercely.

The eagle-eyed expression was indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation, just holding the knife in his hand and stabbing it forward, directly blocking Zoro’s blow.

Then he waved it again, and a knife light flashed, and there was a wound on Zoro’s chest, and blood spewed out suddenly.

Mio watched this scene with interest, Observation Haki enveloped the entire Bharati restaurant, and suddenly he found a few very familiar guys in the original book.

He had arrived when Hawkeye had just arrived before, and had been watching silently, just to see what other butterfly effects would be triggered by his arrival.

However, it turns out that there is indeed, but it is not a big butterfly effect.

It’s like the original Sanguis giving Ajin food that didn’t happen at this time. Crick didn’t come here because of Zep’s identity, but was chased by Hawkeye.

“Nami, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, and… Usopp…”

It’s all here.

Mio also looked at Nami specifically, and did not find any tattoos on Nami’s arm, but Nami was still here at this time, which shows that even if there is no dragon waiting for the arrival of the murlocs, Nami still joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

“Then, that ship is so big!”

Suddenly, someone made a shocking sound.

Some people immediately followed their gazes and saw a huge black ship slowly approaching.

The ship is like a metal casting, exuding a sense of killing, which makes people feel a sense of inexplicable fear.

On the flagpole on the ship, a pirate flag moved with the wind.

“It’s actually that adult…”

Looking at the Pirate Banner, Zhepu opened his eyes wide and couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and murmured in shock, even a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

“Boss, do you know what pirate group that is?” The chef next to him asked curiously again, knowing that Jeep would not be like this in normal times.

Zhepu took a deep breath, then said solemnly. “Immediately prepare fine wine and food, and be your best, don’t mess it up, otherwise, if that adult feels unpleasant, no one can save us!!”

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