Chapter 411 Chapter 22: The upcoming war

“I’m not interested in hindering you, but as long as you don’t interfere with the plan I took, that would be great.” Kizaru pouted.

This time he was the only one who came to Sabaody Archipelago.

The purpose is for the next Ace execution plan, to remove some pirates going to New World.

Although it does not seem to have much connection, after this kind of war, regardless of winning or losing, it is often this newcomer and pirate who is the most daring.

In order to prevent these newcomers from causing unnecessary troubles, Sengoku specifically asked Kizaru to come over to clean up the supernova of this year.

Of course, there are also reasons why the number of supernovae in this year is slightly higher.

But the most important thing is to take this opportunity to check in Sabaody Archipelago to see if there is any Whitebeard Pirate Group.

After all, Naval Headquarters may fight the Whitebeard Pirates in the future.

Kizaru as Admiral knows this point naturally.

Although the pressure of the Whitebeard pirate group on Marine is not as great as the black crow, it should not be underestimated. Those who should be vigilant should still be vigilant, and the places that should be paid attention should still be paid attention to.

That’s why.

In the place of Sabaody Archipelago, Kizaru has a lot to do, and the black crow just appeared in Sabaody Archipelago, his pressure can be imagined.

He had no chance of winning against the Black Crow alone, let alone facing all the members of the Black Crow Pirates.

I feel a headache when I think about it.

The golden light flashed, and Kizaru’s figure disappeared.

Min curled his lips, looked at Aska, and whispered. “Go ahead, don’t let the straw hat boy die, but if one of the Shichibukai bears wants to deal with them, don’t worry.”


Aska nodded, her eyes flickered, and she disappeared in place after stepping out of the figure.

Observation Haki spreads, covering the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

A look of expectation flashed in Mio’s eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised. He picked up a phone bug and called out.

Soon, the phone worm was dialed.

Miao directly ordered. “Get ready to go.”

“Yes.” In the phone worm, a thick voice rang.

Mio hung up the phone worm, replaced it with another one, and dialed out again.

“Let those guys get ready, then set off and tell them that I have been waiting for this opportunity for more than ten years. If they have an accident for me now, huh…I will kill them myself!”

Mio’s tone was cold, exuding Ultimate killing intent.

In the phone bug, Renee’s sweet voice came. “I see, sir, then I will also stare at the d clan. Not surprisingly, I have found the lair of these poor bugs.”


After Mio responded, she hung up the phone worm.

After that, Mio stretched his lower body and said slowly. “Let’s go, find a tavern to sit down, let’s go have a drink, and wait for the news, hahahahahaha!”

With laughter, Mio followed a crew member of the Black Crow towards the center of Sabaody Archipelago.

The appearance of the black crow spread all over the Sabaody Archipelago in an instant.

“Huh? Black Crow? Why did that monster appear here? Are you going to return to New World? Don’t worry about Black Crow, we just avoid it a little bit. Kizaru is the main thing to watch out for. Please go down and be careful.” A certain restaurant Here, a girl with long pink hair, wearing suspenders and hot pants, who looks like a pretty girl, curled her lips and said, she was still eating meat in the middle of the words. Looking at the plates on both sides of the table, she obviously had eaten a lot before. food.

The girl is one of the supernovas and a rare female pirate.

Big Stomach Girl Jewelry Bonney, captain of the Bonney Pirates, is offering a reward of 140 million Baileys!

“Boss, it’s not good. I didn’t expect that not only Marine Admiral will come on Sabaody Archipelago, but also the legendary black crow. Let’s run quickly.”

“Yes, Marine Admiral is fine, but Black Crow… That’s a terrible monster that even Marine is afraid of.”

“Moreover, all members of the Black Crow Pirates have arrived. If that group of monsters want to, I am afraid that everyone on the entire Sabaody Archipelago can’t stop those monsters for half an hour, right?”

A famous pirate stood in front of a man with long blond hair and said in a hurry.

The man was tall and slender, with the iconic Six Paths vertical stripes on his forehead. At this time, he looked very calm after listening to the report. One is left.

Looking at the pattern on the card, the man raised his eyebrows slightly. “Ultimate danger.”

“Let’s go, leave Sabaody Archipelago!”

When the voice fell, the blond man stood up and walked out of the tavern where he was.

Just when I walked out, I was able to see that a large number of Marine soldiers had surrounded the place outside the tavern, and there was a pacifist.

“One of the supernovas, offers a reward of two to four thousand nine hundred to play, Basil Hawkins, captain of the Hawkins Pirates!”

“Catch it with your hands, you can’t run away anymore.”

A Marine sergeant looked at the blond man and shouted loudly. A Marine soldier aimed his gun at Basil Hawkins, with a slight nervous look on his face.

Man is one of the supernovae, and it is second only to Kid and Luffy among the supernovae.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Where a famous supernova is located, Marine appears to surround the supernova.

Area thirteen.

Outside Shakky’s tavern.

The golden light flashed, Kizaru’s figure appeared, looking at the straw hat and others who were about to leave, the corners of his mouth rose, and finally his eyes fell on Rayleigh with long silver hair, pouting. “Rayleigh… terrible. I didn’t expect to meet the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates. It gave me a headache.”

“As a senior, you can’t see the newcomer just die at Sabaody Archipelago.” Rayleigh said with a smile on his face, holding a big sword in his hand. “Next, let me be your opponent. For the sake of my age, you have to be merciful.”

“Well, I don’t have much confidence in dealing with the legendary big pirate.”

Kizaru stretched out his hands and said helplessly.

He knows the identity of the Straw Hat boy. He doesn’t want to do this kind of headache. Anyway, someone will deal with the Straw Hat boy. If you are with Rayleigh, paddling… Oh no, there is no other way to fight. Who made Rayleigh look like he was going to stop him?


It fell with Kizaru’s voice.

A slash burst out suddenly and slashed towards Kizaru.

Rayleigh looked at Luffy’s and said. “You should leave first, today’s Sabaody Archipelago is not peaceful.”

“Thank you.” Luffy looked at Rayleigh and said solemnly, clutching the straw hat on his head, without hesitation, turned around and ran in one direction with Zoro and others.

“Luffy, let’s quickly find a place to coat the boat, otherwise, if there is no coating, we can’t go to The fish men island.”

“Yes, for coating, Rayleigh gave me an address before, so I should be able to go there.”

“Let’s find a place to hide it from Marine and wait until the coating is completed.”

Nami and others shouted to Luffy.

It is almost impossible to leave as soon as they arrive at Sabaody Archipelago, unless they do not go to New World.

As long as you want to go to New World, you have to wait for the boat to finish coating.

Otherwise, it is impossible to dive.

Luffy nodded and said. “Ah, let’s go over at once.”


A tall figure appeared in front of Straw Hat Crew following Luffy’s words. “If you travel, where do you want to go?”

Bartholemew Kuma looked at the Straw Hat Crew in front of him calmly, his voice was gentle and a little flat. While holding the Bible, he slowly assumed a fighting pose…

The sound of shell bombing on the Sabaody Archipelago sounded from time to time.

Everywhere you can see pirates running away, and Marine running.

The screams sounded from time to time, and some pirates took the opportunity to make chaos, but it caused many nobles to lose their properties and their lives.

In a tavern, not long after Mio stepped into it, the pirates who had been drinking in the tavern all left one after another, and soon only the Black Crow Pirates were left in the tavern.

Mio took a bottle of wine, took a big sip, and then grinned. “Ace’s execution time is tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, it will be tomorrow.” Lilith nodded, took out a newspaper and handed it to Mio.

This is the newspaper where Ace was executed.

Looking at the contents of the newspaper, the corners of Miao’s mouth rose, and she muttered in her heart. “Mera-mera Fruit, Shock Fruit, tut, both are good fruits, but this time I have no chance to get them, I can only wait for the next time.”

Putting down the newspaper, a thoughtful look flashed in Mio’s eyes, and said calmly. “Let Renee tell me to go down, let those guys pay attention to me, don’t be discovered by the world government, the opening of the war on top is also the beginning of my war against the world government!!”

As he said, a big smile appeared on Mio’s face.

Thinking of the arrival of that moment.

In Mio’s body, blood was boiling, and she couldn’t wait to get up.

After all, for this moment, he waited more than ten years.

Also prepared for more than ten years.

And today’s Black Crow Pirates, world-class powerhouses, two.

Askar, located above Admiral, below the world class, belongs to the quasi world class.

Admiral class, there are even more digital, Bai Feng, Lilith, Noah, Hee, Xiao Qi three brothers and sisters, and Marcy and so on.

Over the years, their strength has improved a lot, and they have been improving every year. At the beginning, they were only at the Vice Admiral or Rear Admiral level, and now they have reached the Vice Admiral and even the Admiral level.

Plus some other guys, as well as the D clan, Kaido and others.

This is a terrible force.

Of course, even so, Mio still does not have absolute confidence to defeat the world government, after all, the world government’s background is unfathomable.

But he is willing to give it a try.

The time to hold Marine is only this time, if you miss it, there will be no next time.

This time, it is also the best time.

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