Chapter 416 27: ​​Fruits of Faith, Rocks

Mio just asked a little curiously.

I didn’t expect Eim to answer.

But to his surprise, Eim raised his slender hand and placed it in front of him, and said softly. “Is my power? This is… the power of God, it’s okay to tell you, the fruit of faith, the first Devil Fruit on this sea, the power of this fruit can bind other people through power, Others only need to believe in me, and I can draw the power of faith from these people. You may not understand how terrible this power is.”

“Those who believe in me can imagine my imagination perfect and powerful, as long as they have enough faith, I can have everything they imagine.”

“It’s like this thunder…”


In Yim’s hands, thunder began to entangle.

“Have you seen? This is how a believer imagines me controlling Thunder-kun Linworld, and firmly believes that I have the power to control Thunder, so I have this power.”

Im’s tone was indifferent.

But Mio couldn’t help but show a shocking look in her ears.

“Actually…have this ability?!”

Bind others, let others generate beliefs, and get the abilities that others imagine for themselves?

This ability actually exists in this world? !

Even Miao couldn’t help but flash a look of disbelief in his eyes, and it was obvious that the nearly one hundred Celestial Dragons who had arrived at the very beginning were the existence bound by Yim, and they could also be called her believers.

Mio keenly noticed that these people were full of enthusiasm as they looked at Yim.

“So, you have bound a hundred believers?” Mi said in a deep voice.

“Not bad.” Eim nodded slightly and said. “Of course, I don’t have a hundred powers. The stronger a power, the greater the piety and fanaticism required, and it is even enough to make a believer become a lunatic and lose the qualifications to become a believer. But even so, I am a Master. The power of is also unimaginable, powerful enough to solve anyone in the world who dares to overthrow the world government, including you!”

“That’s not necessarily!”

A coldness flashed in Mio’s eyes, and her body was surging. “At least, you didn’t solve Rocks, did you?”

The voice fell.

Mio’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Yim and blasted out a punch.

The powerful force carries Armament Haki, the power of the devil and the power of the dragon, and the superposition of layers of power, so that the power of this punch of Mio has reached the point of Ultimate.

Yim reacted quickly, making a fist with his right hand, golden light and thunder entwined, and greeted him.

But the next moment, Yim’s body was directly blown away.

It wasn’t until he flew out for a certain distance that he was able to stabilize his figure and stopped.


There was a wave of fluctuations in Eam’s eyes, and he shook his head slightly, said. “In fact, it’s not that he can’t be solved, but the things he took from the World government need him to return.”

“Otherwise, he should have bid farewell to this world long ago.”


The golden holy light broke out again on Yim’s body, and immediately afterwards, Yim’s whole person directly incarnates as a huge angel with twelve Shiratori wings behind him, and the whole body is entangled with thunder and flames.





There is also the holy light.

They were all entangled together, converged into a violent and destructive beam, and bombarded towards Mio.

“Something from World government?”

Mio’s eyes flickered, and after taking a deep breath, a violent wind swelled all over her body, and the power of the devil and the dragon entangled and rose on Mio’s body.

However, in one breath, one could see a huge skeleton warrior emerge from Mio’s body, wrapping Mio in his body.

The power of the demon formed its body, the gale condensed into the armor of the skeleton warrior, and the flames condensed into the flame glove on the skeleton warrior’s fists.

Controlling the skeleton warrior, Mio blasted out with a punch.

The powerful destructive power burst out and rushed to the light beam.


A shock erupted, accompanied by a loud noise, causing some people fighting around the two to be shaken out, and the violent vibration caused the ground to shake slightly.

Just Yu Wei caused some people to faint to death.

Observation Haki continued to envelop the entire Red Line. Under Mio’s Observation Haki, almost all the powers of the World government were detected. At this time, all of them appeared, with the revolutionary army, Wanokuni, Zuo, and even Nine Snake Island and Black Crow Sea. The soldiers of the thieves fought against each other.

Afterwards, he had some guesses in his heart, and couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

“I see.”

“Uranus, is that what Rocks took away from the world government?!”

With an excited smile on Mio’s face, he grinned. “Uranus must be the Master in the hands of the World government, but it hasn’t appeared yet at this level. I think it should no longer be in the World government Master, right?”

A flash of surprise flashed in Eam’s eyes, and then he said calmly. “You are very smart. As you said, Uranus is indeed no longer under the control of the World government. He is in Rocks’ belly and merges with Rocks. If Rocks doesn’t want it, no one can take Uranus out of his belly.”

Hearing this, Miao frowned.


In Rocks’ belly?

How is this kind of thing possible?

However, although it is very unimaginable, since Eim said so, Mio didn’t think Eim would deceive herself.

After all, this is no longer necessary.

However, if Uranus is in Rocks’ belly, maybe it has something to do with Rocks’ ability, Dark Fruit?

Not too possible.

On this issue, Mio didn’t delve into it, just grinned. “Then this predecessor of the loser really helped me a lot. At least in this way, I don’t have to worry about the unknown Uranus. I was prepared to make a lot of sacrifices because of it.”

“Don’t be happy too early.”

Yimu, who was transformed into an angel, waved his hand again, and another attack of various forces gathered towards Miao, and at the same time said calmly. “The World government lost Uranus, but if you want to overthrow the World government, you also have a powerful enemy. He has the same ambitions as you, and he won’t let you be the one to overthrow the World government.”

Yim’s gaze fell on a figure, calmly said. “Let him out.”

“Master Yim, do you really want to let him out?” This figure is obviously a member of cp0, very strong, at least at the Admiral level, and also seems to be a Zoan fruit capable person, has developed to the point of awakening, with Powerful destructive power, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus on the battlefield, whoever is close to die, at this time, after hearing Eam’s words, he obviously hesitated.

“Go,” Eim said calmly.

Hear the words.

The man gritted his teeth, nodded, turned and left quickly.

Mio’s eyes flickered.

Immediately, he grinned. “Rocks…”

“It doesn’t matter, so why not have another enemy? Even if it’s a world-class one?”


A terrifying aura suddenly broke out from Mio, and Mio stepped out with a step, and the figure instantly appeared on top of Yim’s head, controlling the huge skeleton warrior and blasting out with a punch.

“No matter who it is, as long as you dare to stand in front of the black crow…”

“I will be pinched to death by myself!!”

Facing Mio’s punch, Eim greeted him without hesitation.

But at this time, as Mio’s voice fell, a terrifying force burst out. This was a pure force. The burst of instant burst caused Im, who was an angel, to be blown into the air.

Obviously, in terms of strength, she is not Mio’s opponent.

However, even if Yim was blown into the air, he stabilized his figure within a few breaths, glanced at Yashan who could be called a massacre, and said coldly. “On a pirate ship, there are two world-class existences. You do have the capital to overthrow the World government, but you only have this capital. If you want to overthrow the World government, it’s uncertain whether you can succeed.”


The voice fell.

Yim’s body suddenly split, like a clone, from one to three in an instant.

And the three Yimu possessed a powerful aura.

Even if the two avatars that were separated were not as powerful as Yim himself, they seemed to possess the terrifying power of the Admiral class.

At this time, they both attacked towards Mio.

An Eim had lightsabers condensed in both hands, and the swing of the two swords suddenly burst out a slash that was clearly at the level of a great swordsman, which was extremely powerful.


Mio blasted out with a punch, entangled in layers of strength, and rushed away, instantly stalemate with this slash.

At the same time, on the left and right sides of Mio, the other two Imams appeared impressively, and at the same time, a terrifying beam burst out and hit Mio’s head without hesitation.


With a loud shout, Mio’s power exploded, and the slash directly shattered.

At the same time, the figure disappeared directly, avoiding the bombardment of the beam.

Then the figure appeared behind an Eim clone, with one hand sticking out, grabbing the Eim’s neck, and punching out with the other hand without hesitation.

Carrying powerful destructive power, the head of this clone was shattered under Miao’s punch.

The clone is also dissipated.


As the headquarters of the World government, in order to demonstrate the rights of the World government, the area here is extremely huge.

But at this time, anywhere here, you can see the battle taking place.

Everywhere, there are hundreds or even thousands of people fighting fiercely.

However, no one knows everything here except those on Mariejois.

Because no one will spread the things here.

Even people from the World government are no exception, because they do not allow this taint to appear on the World government.

The battle has just begun not long, but it has already reached a fever pitch.

There was blood flowing everywhere on the ground, and the smell of blood was permeated in the air.

One body after another fell to the ground.

Many people are obviously red eyes.

And this time.

Deep in the sacred place of Mariejois, outside a strong cell, a man arrived and opened the door of the cell, watching the inside of the cell being imprisoned layer by layer, even his limbs were chained through, imprisoned short and imposingly. The terrible man said solemnly. “Im-sama’s order, let you out.”

Clang Clang.

The sound of chain collision suddenly sounded.

The man turned his head slowly, eyes full of ambition fell on the man, and the mere gaze put a lot of pressure on him.

The man’s mouth cracked slightly, showing a haughty smile.

“Ahahahahaha, I heard it!”

“I smell it too!”

“The sound of fighting… and the smell of blood, hahahaha.”

“Someone is fighting against the World government!”


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