What factors are needed for the success of scientific research?

Reddy believes that only two factors are needed for a useful scientific research result.

One is the correct research direction, and the other is to burn money for trial and error.

He has a golden finger, so he doesn’t need to consider whether the research direction is correct. He just rushes in without thinking.

After a free afternoon, the energy reserve also exceeded 100,000 points.

Reddy opened the freezer.

The cold white mist rushed towards him, and after it dissipated, test tubes filled with blood appeared in front of him.

These samples all came from the ferocious beasts on the island.

Reddy took out a test tube at random and put it into the gene bank, and then extracted a sample and sent it to the gene analysis laboratory.

One hundred points of energy consumption, the analysis results appeared.

[Gene (unstable) rating: LV5]

The word “unstable” appeared in the analysis results for the first time. Reddy became cautious and chose not to embed any foreign gene fragments. He simply used this gene as a blueprint to create a clone.

The gene sample was sent directly to the cloning factory.

After consuming 1,700 energy points and four hours, the clone was completed.

Reddy hesitated at this time, switched to the chip laboratory, and spent another two hours to make a control chip.

Without gene editing, all indicators of the clone are exactly the same as the original body.

Chip implantation.

A total of 1,900 energy points were consumed. Reddy is now very rich and does not care about this necessary loss.

“Let’s see the effect now.”

Reddy took a deep breath and released the clone from the finished product warehouse.

A huge monster suddenly appeared in the laboratory.

This is a giant tiger with a shoulder height of more than two meters and a half and a body length of six meters including head and tail.

Golden Lion can be considered a tyrant. The laboratory provided to Reddy is spacious enough. Even a giant tiger with a body length of six meters does not seem crowded when standing in the laboratory.

“At present, this unstable gene does not have fatal hidden dangers.”

Reddy hugged his chest with one hand, supported his right elbow on his left hand, and held his chin with his palm. He carefully looked at the clone for a while, then took the clone back to the finished product library and remade a new clone.

This time he still used the giant tiger gene as a blueprint. The difference is that he randomly picked a LV2 gene sample from the gene samples accumulated in the past, extracted the gene fragment from it, and edited it with the giant tiger gene.

[It takes 3200 energy points to fuse this gene fragment]

Reddy’s pupils shrank slightly.

It actually takes 3200 energy points to fuse the LV5 gene with the LV2 gene fragment?

Then the new gene rating is not…Reddy decisively chose to continue.

The new gene was born and was immediately sent to the gene analysis laboratory by Reddy.

The analysis results surprised Reddy.

[Gene (unstable) rating: LV5]

“It didn’t reach LV6?”

Reddy couldn’t believe his eyes, and rubbed his eyes to look again.

The result was still the same.

Reddy sent the gene sample to the gene analysis laboratory for analysis again, and the result made him frown and ponder: “The ferocious beasts on the floating island will be manic, which should be caused by unstable genes. This unstable gene actually swallowed the embedded gene fragments. It seems that these samples are not suitable as blueprints for making clones.”

The structure of this gene is not significantly different from the original sample, and the embedded gene fragments are almost completely unavailable.

After getting the gold finger for so long, Reddy knows that the greatest role of the gold finger is to use low-level genes for editing and create higher-level genes, rather than simply cloning a target.

There is no point in doing that.

However, the gene samples of these ferocious beasts can be used to extract useful gene fragments.

Reddy pondered for a long time and wrote a plan in the notebook.

The highest-level natural gene sample in the gene bank is only the LV4 giant bear that was hunted before.

[Energy reserve: 96482 points]

Reddy glanced at the energy reserve and began to create the next clone.

He sent the giant tiger gene to the gene analysis laboratory and extracted specific gene fragments from it.

He also extracted the pangolin gene, sea beast gene and snake gene from the gene library and extracted specific gene fragments from each.

Finally, using the giant bear gene as a blueprint, the extracted specific gene fragments were edited.

[It takes 12,800 energy points to fuse all the gene fragments.


Reddy remained calm and chose to continue.

Soon a new gene sample was born.

Then the new gene sample was sent to the gene analysis laboratory for analysis, and the analysis results cheered Reddy up.

[Gene rating: LV8]

This is the gene sample with the highest potential he has synthesized so far.

According to his calculations, the LV8 clone should be equivalent to the level of a major in the Navy Headquarters after being trained to the limit.

“If I can get the gene of the elephant master…”

Reddy thought to himself and sent the new gene to the cloning factory to start manufacturing.

[It takes 100 energy points to manufacture this clone, and it is expected to be completed in 4 hours]

Manufacture control chips.


After consuming 12,900 energy points and four hours, Reddy got a clone.

“I hope the consumption is not too big.”

To create two clones, a total of nearly 20,000 energy points were used up. Reddy was deceiving himself if he said he didn’t feel sorry.

However, a complete body is more than that.

Reddy took a deep breath, extracted the clone from the finished product warehouse of the cloning factory, and sent it to the strengthening workshop.

[It takes 12,800 energy points to strengthen the clone to the limit, and it is expected to be completed in 1 hour]

Another 12,800 energy points are consumed.

While waiting for the strengthening to be completed, Reddy sighed as he saw that there were only more than 60,000 energy points left.

Scientific research really burns money.

An hour later, Reddy released the clone.

The clone is still a giant bear.

It is taller and stronger than the original body, nearly four meters tall, which is a specific gene fragment from a certain sea beast.

The body is covered with black and shiny scales, which is a specific gene fragment from a pangolin.

What Reddy is most concerned about is its canine teeth.

Its canine teeth are about one centimeter longer than the original body, which is a gene fragment from a giant tiger.

The canine teeth are hollow inside, with a small hole at the end, connected to the venom gland.

Yes, this is a specific gene fragment from a snake.

The other fangs are also extremely sharp, and with the stronger masseter muscles, the bite force has reached an astonishing level.

The clone has the physique of a sea beast, the venom glands and fangs of a snake, the bite force of a tiger, and the strength of a bear.

“Stronger physique, stronger bite force, plus venom glands and fangs… a perfect work.” Reddy admired the powerful biological weapon he created with his own hands and gave a heartfelt praise.

These are basically the factors that determine the combat power of beasts.

This creative idea is the limit of what he can do at present.

Reddy took back the clone and pressed a button.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door.

Reddy walked over to open the door, but he didn’t expect that the person standing outside the door was actually an acquaintance.

Grizzly Bill laughed dryly and explained with a smile: “Lord Shiki arranged for me to follow your orders.”

“Go and help me collect the blood of sea kings, the more the better…”

Reddy didn’t care who Golden Lion Shiki arranged to serve him. Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered the noble who still owed him 100 million Baileys, and added: “That noble still owes me 100 million Baileys, don’t let him die.”

“Instead of honestly researching and developing your own work, you actually care about a hostage?”

The door opposite opened, Indigo teased in a yin-yang manner, and at the same time intentionally or unintentionally looked over Bill and Reddy, trying to see the situation in the other party’s laboratory clearly.


The door closed, blocking Indigo’s sight.

“You wait!”

Indigo jumped and yelled, but he was very happy in his heart.

He arranged that laboratory himself, and the furnishings inside were clear.

Although he only had a cursory glance just now, and his vision was mostly blocked by Reddy and the other two, he still saw a lot of things.

The laboratory is not messy at all, what can you use to beat me?

This is the intuition of a scientist.

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