The old man was so angry that he was so angry.


The golden lion Shiki witnessed the giant bear walk out of the culture tank and stand obediently behind Reddy. He couldn’t be more satisfied with Reddy.

When he escaped from the Impel Downs, he discovered the secret of the rare beast island and thought that this was the ideal biological weapon. So he recruited the king of rare beasts on the island, Skaredo, to join the group and asked Indigo to formulate the ferocious beast plan.

But now he has completely overturned his previous ideas.

The ferocious beast that cannot be effectively controlled is not a qualified biological weapon, but the obedient giant bear in front of him is.

“You are a genius.”

Golden Lion Shiki greedily stared at the giant bear standing behind Reddy, praising Reddy generously, and then asked impatiently: “Why is it not violent?”

A protective net was built around the castle with DaftGreen woods.

This plant unique to the floating island emits a smell that animals cannot stand.

So when Indigo invited him to appreciate his latest masterpiece, it was in the wild far away from the castle.

If the appearance of this giant bear satisfied him very much, then the fact that it was well-behaved and obedient made him even more satisfied.

Reddy looked at Golden Lion Shiki with a strange expression, and said uncertainly: “The ideal biological weapon in my cognition is the kind that can control its own emotions. I don’t know if the biological weapon in your cognition is like this.”

“A giant beast that has lost its wildness is not worthy of being called a biological weapon.” Indigo, who walked out of the laboratory at some point, was angry and found fault.

“Come with me, I will personally verify the strength of this biological weapon.” Golden Lion Shiki said, walked in front, and brought Reddy and others to the outside of the castle.

“Let it attack me!”

Golden Lion Shiki activated his ability and floated into the air, overlooking the people below.

Reddy whistled.

The giant bear, which had been quiet all the time, suddenly roared and rushed up like a heavy tank.


Golden Lion Shiki didn’t say any extra nonsense, laughed and slashed, hitting the giant bear’s chest.

The giant bear roared with pain, and its huge body flew backwards.

Indigo’s eyes lit up, and he cursed silently in his heart: Die, must die, must die!

But the next second, the sound of sucking in cold air came one after another.

The giant bear rolled a few meters on the ground, turned over directly, and continued to rush towards the golden lion in the distance.

Scaredo chuckled a few times and gave Reddy a thumbs up, saying that he admired this giant beast very much.

Bill was directly numb.

In his mind, the golden lion is a well-deserved invincible existence.

He had never thought that Reddy had created a biological weapon that could block a blow from the Golden Lion in just over a month.

After seeing that the giant bear could withstand a blow from him without dying, Golden Lion Shiki became more interested and stopped attacking. Instead, he swooped down and engaged in close combat with it.

Even without the ability of the fruit, he was a famous swordsman.

As soon as they fought, the giant bear, which was only LV8, was continuously repelled by Golden Lion Shiki. The scales covering its body could not withstand the blows from Golden Lion Shiki, and wounds appeared all over the place, with blood staining most of its body.

But it continued to rush forward and fight like a mad dog, and it was incredibly tenacious.

Reddy lost interest after watching for a short while.

The giant bear’s combat power was indeed not weak, but it was not good enough in Paradise or even the New World.

He was more interested in DaftGreen in the distance.

The smell of this tree is unbearable for animals, and inhaling a large amount of it can cause green spots on the skin, leading to the degeneration of human functions and death from organ failure.

While the golden lion was still interested in playing with the giant bear, and everyone else was attracted by the battle, Reddy walked over alone.

Before he really got close to the tree, Reddy saw the prompt.

[Special toxin collected, stored in the biochemical laboratory sample library]

Reddy called out the panel, entered the biochemical laboratory interface, and switched to the sample library.

There were not many samples in the sample library.

[DaftGreen Toxin] X1

Reddy hesitated and did not switch to the synthesis laboratory on the spot to use this toxin as a blueprint to synthesize a new toxin.

So he retreated and planned to find time to try to synthesize a new toxin in the future to enhance his self-protection ability.

After all, his original body was too weak before he got the ideal devil fruit.

When the giant bear came again

After being knocked away, the Golden Lion grinned and stopped the game: “Its defense is very good, and it can completely compete with a rear admiral in a short time.”

Bill took a breath and his eyes were as big as copper bells.

Is it really that strong?

At this moment, Reddy’s ability to turn decay into magic really fascinated him.

Since he can create such a powerful biological weapon, it must be able to make people stronger.

At the beginning, he chose to submit to the Golden Lion because he was shocked by its invincible strength. Now that he has the opportunity to make himself stronger, the object of his worship in his mind has unconsciously become Reddy.

Shi Ji shook his head and said: “But it is too weak, its strength is only a little stronger than that of a major admiral at most. If you can only do this, I am very disappointed.”

Reddy shrugged.

It is just a genetic war bear with a genetic rating of only lv8.

The physique of a sea beast plus hard scales is one of the most outstanding aspects of the genetic war bear.

Another outstanding feature is that it has venom that is enough to poison most life forms in the world.

Shiki couldn’t see its other advantage, and he wouldn’t explain it.

This genetic war bear was just created casually to create an excuse for the next target.

Reddy took the opportunity to complain: “The genes of the ferocious beast don’t meet my requirements. I need natural life, but I have too few natural life gene samples.”

“I will meet your requirements.”

Shiki didn’t care about it at all, and readily agreed to Reddy’s request, which made Indigo, who was standing next to him, look livid, and secretly vowed to create more trouble for Reddy.

“It has another greater advantage.” Reddy said, whistling.

The giant bear immediately became quiet and lay down on the spot, as docile as a sheep.

Golden Lion Shiki was very curious and asked quickly: “As long as you learn the whistle, anyone can control it?”

“I can also let it learn to obey only one person’s orders.” In order to gain the trust of Golden Lion Shiki, Reddy exaggerated the actual effect of the control chip.

The clone is absolutely obedient to him, and the priority cannot be replaced.

It was not difficult to make the clone do what he just said, he just needed to give the clone an order.

The Golden Lion laughed with satisfaction.

That’s right.

After a simple test, Shiki the Golden Lion was really attracted by the obedience of the giant bear, and asked impatiently: “If I can meet all your needs, how many can I make in a year?”

The strength of the Gene War Bear did not meet his ideal, but a Gene War Bear that was enough to compete with the Navy Rear Admiral in a short time was very satisfying to him.


Shiki the Golden Lion was stunned.

Seeing this, Indigo was immediately overjoyed and shouted: “You liar, I don’t know where you got this giant beast from, but if you take out another one now, I will admit defeat.”

Reddy smiled and shook his head: “I used the life design to create this biological weapon. It is like a blank sheet of paper and needs time to grow.”

“In order to show my research results, I used up the last bit of special culture medium to make it grow to this point in a month.”

“In addition, the equipment here did not meet my expectations.”

“So of course I can’t cultivate more biological weapons in a year.”

Indigo was squeezed speechless.

From a scientific point of view, this explanation is reasonable and convincing.

When Shiki, the Golden Lion, heard the previous words, his face looked a little ugly, but when he heard Reddy’s explanation, he laughed: “What do you need?”

Reddy shrugged and said: “I’ll make a list for you.”


The Golden Lion has an unpredictable personality and treats human life as worthless, but he is absolutely good at treating useful subordinates. He is an out-and-out hero.

Indigo saw that he was about to fall out of favor, but he had no way to reverse the situation. He bit his sleeve and glared at Reddy.

However, Reddy suddenly smiled and said with a mysterious expression: “In fact, this biological weapon is not the strongest biological weapon in my ideal. Are you interested in learning about the real strongest biological weapon?”

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